
Personal Narrative: My Vacation To Florida

Decent Essays

Once I was a boy, I know crazy right! When I was a boy I went on vacation. I know no one else does that right it’s crazy! So I went on vacation to Florida, a strange place to go on vacation I know but we did it! When we arrived my grandparents were at the airport and they drove us to where we were staying, a place… called Club med. When we arrived, we meaning me my Mom my brother Robert and my grandparents, took a tour of the complex, now prepare yourself for a lot of words. There were four swimming pools, three tennis courts, a trapeze swing a club, a smoothie bar a restaurant, an all-day buffet house, four hotels a guests only beach with almost albino white sand and water so clear you could see the bottom, and boats and paddle boards that …show more content…

I sure did anyway. I steered around for a little while and then I started to feel bored, but then I had an idea I grabbed the rope that tightened the sail and yanked as hard as I could, remember how earlier I said that makes the boat go faster? Yeah well it did that, there was a humungous BOOM! which I thought was a sonic boom at the time because I was a little kid but I later figured out it was just the sail being pulled tight… and then in that one single inexplicable moment, I lost control. The boat started going in in random directions my mom was up at front and the boat was going so fast and tipping so much that she couldn’t come up to the front to help me I grabbed the steering rope closed my eyes and struggled to keep the boat going one direction but this only brought on more problems. When I had gotten the boat to go straight I had made the boat do a full 180 at first I thought this was a good thing because we had bean about to crash in a bank so when we turned around that stopped us from crashing but it Started another problem because there was a manatee safety zone were you weren’t allowed to go because you might crash into a manatee and kill it now I did not want that to happen so grabbed the rope that loosened the rope that tightened the sail and let it go out enough that I could go at a reasonable speed and turn around I then steered us to the

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