Along the road leading into the club, little glimpse of the golf course is exposed to the outside over the fence. As we got closer to the entrance of the Colonial Country Club, less people, but more history was seen. As we entered through the double door, we were immediately greeted by affable employee after first door. She welcomed our visit, she generously gave us an oral guidance to full fill out visit. Every associates we met during our short visit were willing and proud to introduce the club to us. The first impression of the place was historical and almost unassociated- able, but after interacting with couple of representatives, history appeared valuable and honor to the members became
The New England and Chesapeake colonists settled in the new world for different reasons like religious freedoms in the North and quick profits in the South.
In the 1700s, the New England and Chesapeake regions were settled mostly by people from similar English origin; however, by the 18th century, both developed into two distinct societies. This was due to the different reasons for founding, different societal ideas and expectations, and the vastly different economies that were set up because of the climate.
The economic, political and religion were only some of the differences between the two regions that I believe to be some of the biggest growth and downfall between the two.
Beginning in the 16th century, the Atlantic world had a profound effect throughout the world bringing unimaginable wealth to countries who took risks seeking for reward. England being a large competitor had made its mark through the establishment of colonies on the east coast of the North America and the West Indies, these colonies served as military outposts and more importantly means of extracting raw materials from untouched lands. These colonies did not come easily they faced massive obstacles unknown to the English, disease, drought, and harsh winters. By the middle of the 18th century the Chesapeake colony (Virginia and Maryland) matured into a venture of unheard of profits.
Since water in the Chesapeake colonies was unhealthy, everyone was forced to rely on alcohol. From the 1690's onward, females initially made alcoholic beverages at home, as their husbands were focused on tobacco production. However, important changes would soon come to affect the availability and quality of alcohol substantially. During these changes, alcohol consumption was increased by male colonists’ advancements and was later decreased by laborers’ drunkenness.
A community is a group of people who work together towards a common goal and share a common interest. Lack of such a quality can and most likely will cause a struggling town or city to fall into the extremes of poverty and wealth. The New England community was so strong and so supportive in comparison to that of the Chesapeake Bay, that it is no wonder they developed into two distinctly different cultures before the year 1700. The Chesapeake region developed into a land of plantations and money-driven owners, with the elite wealthy, almost no middle class, and those in poverty creating the population. New England, on the other hand, had developed into a religion and family based society comprised of mostly middle class families by 1700.
European nations vigorously began to take over the newly discovered Americas throughout most of the 16th century leading into the 17th century. England was very forceful in pushing out multiple groups of people to the eastern coast of what is now known as North America. At that time there were only two prominent regions in North America, they were known then as the New England and the Chesapeake colonies. These two colonies would eventually band together to stand as one nation, but that was toward the end of the 17th century. The beginning tells a completely different story, both colonies had very different beliefs on what the exact reason may have been for the settlers to come to the New World. They lived very different lives because of this. A lot of these differences affected them politically in who they followed, socially in who they spoke with, and economically in who they would do business with.
In 1419, Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal began the period of time known as the “Age of Exploration”. Europe’s leading superpowers, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, and England, all competed for colonization in unknown territories. Samuel de Champlain colonized along the St. Lawrence River in 1608, Henry Hudson of Holland established Albany in 1609, and Spain established colonies in Mexico and Mesoamerica. In 1607, England established its first colony in North America around the Chesapeake Bay, and nearly a decade later established a second colony in present-day New England. Both New England and the Chesapeake were founded by the British around the same time; however, both colonies developed a different economy, government, and many
It’s been a long day, so hopefully writing some things down will help to clear my mind. This morning we arrived at Epps plantation, I hoped it would be an improvement in comparison to the cruelty of Tibeats. However he proved to be even more inhumane, he provided us all with sack for the cotton picking season and told us about his principles of behaviour. If we don’t obey him, we will be beaten with many stripes. This thought of starting every day with fear makes me wonder what will happen with my dignity for all humanity.
Beginning 1625, the first colonies in America was established in the Chesapeake, New England, and Carolina region. More than 250,000 European settlers came over to the colonies, along with 300,000 West African slaves. The colonial societies would become the area for gold, god, and glory. Some of the colonies flourished while some struggled to survive.
The day I believed was the beginning of a new opportunity in becoming the man I’ve always wanted to become was really the begging of failure, starvation, and depression. I decided to leave England because of my economic problems I was facing due to the population boost, their was a lot more people and fewer jobs to go around. Even though I was still working to make a profit for the Virginia Company of London I had hope of raising a family here. Our Caption Christopher Newport had us explore the coast of Virginia before landing in Jamestown. On May 13, after two weeks of exploration, the ships arrived at a site on the James River selected for its deep water anchorage and good defensive position. The passengers came ashore the next day, and work
One year ago this morning on April 11/2016 I arrived to Charlotte, North Carolina after four day trip on Amtrack train. From San Jose, California to Charlotte, North Carolina.
Strengths * Public Course and Members * One of the largest golf courses in Northeastern, OH * PGA recognized accreditation * Private Equity Company * Club House and Amenities
Our town is notable for having several interesting golf courses. For those residents whose interests lie in other pursuits, those courses are a waste of large quantities of otherwise useful space that could be better used to construct another mall or store. For the golf enthusiasts among us, however, the preponderance of courses is a delightful benefit of living in this otherwise uninteresting locale, where the only saving grace is the plentiful supply of interesting people.
The Colonial period is abundant in its source of influential people who help shape present society through questioning past beliefs. Martin Luther leads the Protestant Reformation. John Calvin expands on the idea of predestination. The Puritans live strictly by the word of the Bible, and the Quakers inspire many people to join them in their friendly lifestyle. All of these people contribute to our society today and brave the face of adversity.