
Personal Narrative: My Work

Satisfactory Essays

I would be an outstanding student in Spelman College's faculty classes because I am hard worker. My work has always came first even when I had experienced a big transition in my life I didn't allow that to stop me from doing my work. My work was always a outlet for me to express myself and to show my teachers how I really think. For instance, in my English Composition Class we read a poem called "I Want A Wife by Judy Brady" then we read a book named "Fences by August Wilson", and one day we were in class discussing the poem in the book and it shocked my teacher when I made the connection between the two. I thought my teacher made us read "I want a wife" because in the book "Fences" the main character named Troy expected everything in that …show more content…

My college experience thus far has helped me realized that it is okay to stand out in class and ask for help when I need …show more content…

I then realize that I couldn't depend on them to help me when my math midterm was a take home and they weren't able to help me because they didn't understand the mathematical modeling and they really didn't try to help me. I really didn't understand that since they were graduates, but I really loved the writing center because they helped me understand writing from a different perspective. I also loved how in college I was able to volunteer more I went to visit group homes and retirement homes and I just felt connected to the people I was talking to. The reason why I want to transfer to Spelman College is because I want to be closer to home, my mom who has chronic congestive heart failure and I want to be able to help her. I also want to transfer because I want to major in psychology and at the college I attend now they have behavioral analysis which is kind of like that, but it is not psychology. I also found out that I will have to transfer anyway so I can attend graduate school. I also want to transfer because I want to be in the classroom learning how to do the work than outside the class trying to work with classmates to figure it

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