I would be an outstanding student in Spelman College's faculty classes because I am hard worker. My work has always came first even when I had experienced a big transition in my life I didn't allow that to stop me from doing my work. My work was always a outlet for me to express myself and to show my teachers how I really think. For instance, in my English Composition Class we read a poem called "I Want A Wife by Judy Brady" then we read a book named "Fences by August Wilson", and one day we were in class discussing the poem in the book and it shocked my teacher when I made the connection between the two. I thought my teacher made us read "I want a wife" because in the book "Fences" the main character named Troy expected everything in that …show more content…
My college experience thus far has helped me realized that it is okay to stand out in class and ask for help when I need …show more content…
I then realize that I couldn't depend on them to help me when my math midterm was a take home and they weren't able to help me because they didn't understand the mathematical modeling and they really didn't try to help me. I really didn't understand that since they were graduates, but I really loved the writing center because they helped me understand writing from a different perspective. I also loved how in college I was able to volunteer more I went to visit group homes and retirement homes and I just felt connected to the people I was talking to. The reason why I want to transfer to Spelman College is because I want to be closer to home, my mom who has chronic congestive heart failure and I want to be able to help her. I also want to transfer because I want to major in psychology and at the college I attend now they have behavioral analysis which is kind of like that, but it is not psychology. I also found out that I will have to transfer anyway so I can attend graduate school. I also want to transfer because I want to be in the classroom learning how to do the work than outside the class trying to work with classmates to figure it
My legacy began when my family taught me to read. My mom and grandma took turns teaching me different letters and sounds out of an early reader. By the time I reached kindergarten, I read well enough to strengthen my skills on my own. My favorite author from kindergarten was Eric Carle. I brought home Brown Bear Brown Bear so many times that my mother told me I was not allowed to read it again.
Choosing to attend Spelman College as one of many decisions I have to make as a student was an easy task. Ever since I can remember, one of my biggest aspirations was to be accepted to and attend Spelman College. Through the years, Spelman women in my life have demonstrated their commitment to uplifting children, families and the community. Considering that Spelman is a liberal arts college that provides an intimate and nurturing environment, I have no doubt that it will provide the tools I need to be successful.
Coming into Spelman College, I had this idea about the type of Spelman woman that I wanted to become. I wanted to be an afro wearing, free spirited Spelman sister with a bullhorn in my right hand and my left hand held high over my head in a fist, but while being here, my idea of who I want to become has changed. I have been in college for a little over a month and I can proudly say that I have settled into my new home and that I love it here. I am confident in the fact that Spelman College will make me into the woman that I want to be by developing the woman that I am today.
My aunt was the first influence in my decision to attend Sam Houston State University. She attended Sam Houston State University when I was a child. I remember going to her graduation, the only person in my family to have graduated from a university, and thinking “I want to do that too!”. I will be the second person in all of my family to graduate from college and I wanted to do so at Sam Houston State University because of the prestigious reputation that stems from the College of Criminal Justice. SHSU is a nationally known university, and the College of Criminal Justice is admired by many. When I finished high school I originally thought I would major in psychology, but as I continued my collegiate career I discovered I was passionate about
Being here at Spelman has taught me so much. I am responsible now than I have ever been. I do not have to wait on people to tell me to do anything because I know that I can do it on my own. At first I could only imagine what the future holds for me, but now I can see it because it is getting brighter and brighter. Spelman College is my choice and I will chose to change the world with the education that it has bestowed in
Al, Alde, de, shon, deshon, and Al’Deshon my name takes on many forms. Kind of like my writing in a sense. I have never been a strong writing also being the reason, I took this class first semester I think. If I get it out of the way maybe I’ll have an easier chance of reaching the finish line happening to be graduation.
Thinking about our first writing assignment, one of the suggestions focuses on the comparison of writing to running, it became apparent to me that this is something I would enjoy writing about. I am a long time running advocate, competing in marathons, and a neophyte writing student, and I find many similarities in both endeavors.
My name is Yris Guzman and I’m a senior at Perry High School. I’ve always struggled writing essays. The things I struggle the most with is grammar, spelling, coming up with a thesis, and organizing my thoughts onto paper. I hope by the end of this semester I become a better writer. We all have strengths and weaknesses.
These are just a few tips that help maximize academic success. The hardest part about college is adjusting from High School teachers to college professors because they expect more from you. They expect you to take responsibility for your actions and manage your time to turn in their assignments.
Many people have left legacies from when they were alive. Some are good, and some are bad. Those people may not agree with what they have left behind, and some may be perfectly okay with theirs. For me, I would like to leave behind a legacy that shows my family that I was a good person. I would want them to know that I had good intentions for my life and that I wanted to do good for myself and others. In this essay, I will explain what I would like my legacy to be like.
I have a love-hate relationship with writing. I can write well according to some of my peers; though this could just be from the fact that I seem like the quiet, studious, type who has spent most of her time with the straight "A" nerds who went on to top tier schools such as Stanford. Sometimes I am not too sure of my own writing abilities. On most essays, I get a little bit above average grades and every once in a while I get a few more points than usual. I have noticed that my writing is better when I have to write about a topic I am passionate or know a lot about. The more I have to work with the better. Otherwise, my writing seems poor, forced, and somewhat bland. It usually follows a poor or basic thesis statement and lazy paragraphs. I believe motivation helps me to write better,
We human beings are all works of art. Every experience that we have is a new stroke of paint to our canvas. The things that influence us do the same. I am not a completed work of art, but I can show my progress of what makes me. I am influenced by the media, my teachers, and the neighborhoods I lived in. Now here is the showing of my work.
Challenges are everywhere especially when you are going to school and with each challenge you become mature. I remember when I entered first grade I was having difficulties with reading and writing, so my teacher discussed this issue with my parents so they can work on helping me improve my reading and writing skills. When my teacher saw that I really wanted to change and I was willing to work hard for it, she helped me tremendously to achieve my goal. I remember spending eight hours a day studying and my dad would always bring something new that would help me learn better. Additionally, I remember that sometimes I would spend lunch breaks with my teacher reading books. The thing that mostly made me want to work this hard was to regain my confidence in front of the other students.
As a writer, there are many challenges I face, requiring strength in different areas in order to overcome them. My greatest challenges would be momentum, writer’s block, and confidence. When a writer understands their challenges they can become their greatest strengths. When I am writing it is important to have the adequate momentum to get from notes to final draft. I often find myself losing steam and have difficulty getting my momentum back. Allowing myself to get distracted, taking too many breaks, or starting my writing when I know I will not have time to complete it all, contributes to my failed momentum. Writer’s block can easily be considered the Achilles heel for all authors. When I can’t form a thought worth writing down, I
In the past, my experiences with writing have been basic. Other than when I took an advanced English class my junior year of high school, I have taken the common English classes for those of my age. My English course during my senior year of high school was heavily weighted on our ability to write, even though the teacher never taught us how. He expected us to know how to write perfectly, and demolished us when we could not live up to his standards. In a way, this helped me become a stronger writer, but it definitely made me more self-conscious about my writing. With that being said, I would have to go on to say that my biggest weakness as a writer is the fact that I am extremely self-conscious about my writing. I do not like others to read