
Personal Narrative: My Writing

Decent Essays

Seated in my petunia pink room at my tan desk an excruciating voice rang through my eardrum. “Again!” the voice bellowed. I hurried to rewrite my work. I started at the beginning with printed letters. A,a,B,b,C,c… I wrote every letter of the alphabet capitalized and lower cased. “Now cursive!” snapped the voice sharply. Again, I wrote all the letters but in cursive this time. At the age of five, I already somewhat knew how to write letters, though not very legibly. My sister thought it was fun to show me how to make my writing legible. Being two years older than me, Steph thought she was much better and almost a professional. “You write so nasty,” she remarked so fiercely. “You won’t go very far in school, nobody can read that slop of yours. You should write like I do.” …show more content…

A humongous pile of lined paper towered on the desk in front of me. “You must write all the letters in print and cursive, capital and lowercase, 5 times each.” My sister stated in her most professional voice. “I will be sitting at my desk when you finish.” Day after day when I came home, my sister made me practice my handwriting. I absolutely dreaded it. I saw no point in doing it, the teachers would decipher my letters. All I did in school was traced the letters on my paper, and most definitely not in

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