In rural North America, in present day Billing, Montana, over 600 years ago, there once live a tribe that was fierce as a bear and yet stayed together like a pack of wolves and trickery as a fox. Altogether, it builds an ultimate warrior of pure ferociousness and blunt force. Other tribes tended to more soft than the tribe I was in . While most tribes were farmers and gathers, our tribe was mainly hunters, we raided other tribes of their goods. Until one winter morning that day was gonna change my worldview and how I saw things. My worldview before was the world is yours do what you wish, believe what you want, do what you want, and just live how you want. Anyway, I woke up earlier than most people and decided to go for a long walk until sunrise. I was about a mile away from my camp when I happen to see a smoke off in the distance. So I wanted to check it out so I pursued on until I was close enough to see a glimpse of the camp. When I first saw it, I thought it was going to be a whole tribe, instead it was just a one teepee alongside a clean running stream of water. It was a very beautiful and secluded campground with blooming trees in winter. He also had a beautiful horse that was brown and painted with a brilliant color of blue tied up outside, it was very …show more content…
I couldn’t attack and steal a horse from an elderly, it would bring great shame to me and my tribe if word got out about it. So I decided to put my weapon away so that he didn’t see me as hostile and then slowly got closer to the teepee. I yelled and told him “I come with peace and don’t want trouble, I just want to talk.” No reply back so I decided to proceed on into the teepee. As I entered I saw a buffalo pelt laying across the floor and beautiful painting on the insides of the teepee, and that’s when I saw him sitting there praying. He was very nice and welcoming elderly, he offered me soup he had made the previous
Throughout my life, I have struggled with accepting my cultural identity. My parents were born and raised in India, but I was born here, in the United States, and hence, born an American citizen.
Before moving to Saint Paul, Minnesota, two and a half years ago, I lived in Storm Lake, a small rural town located in northwest Iowa. There was no big Hmong population there, only a few family friends. I was very hesitant to share my culture at school because I did not know how to explain the elaborate traditions and its purposes. For example, sacrificing animals to ancestors is an outdated practice and not understood by many people. Traditions like this only exist in historical textbooks. I was scared of being judged and looked on as weird. I did not know the purpose of dressing up in traditional clothing for new years, or what was the purpose of celebrating Hmong new year. I envied other cultures, for they had a history that was widely known and written down in text. I had no appreciation for my culture.
Surviving The Trail of Tears would be hard. I would need to consider the food deprivation, sleep and physical aspects, and the mental state I would go through. All of those things would support that I wouldn't survive on the Trail of Tears.
I am Waynoka, and I am from the Cheyenne Tribe. Waynoka in my language means sweet water. Just like the water that runs through the rivers that surround and cross through the Plains, my home. Cheyenne means the “relatives of the Cree” but we call ourselves the “Tsitsistas” which means the people. My tribe lives in the plains of Northern America, we lived in the states now known as Montana and Wyoming, but we just called it home. My family was like all the others in the Cheyenne tribe, me being one of two children, living in earthen lodges, the women farming, the men hunting. I was like all the other girls, idolising Roman Nose and his righteous victories against our enemies, learning my roles in our community that I will later have to fulfil,
An american story is a story revolving around his or her lifestyle, culture and everyday habits. This is about past experiences, accomplishments, and biggest downfalls. I will be discussing not only my biggest accomplishments, but also my biggest failures that I have occurred in life. What will my american story be? Keep reading to find out.
Native Americans maintained a relatively stable life until colonists arrived and held superiority over the Native Americans through weaponry and susceptibility to disease. Around 90% of Native Americans lost their lives to the diseases brought over by the colonists (The Story Of Smallpox – and other Deadly Eurasian Germs). Manifest destiny followed the Louisiana purchase; A time when Americans migrated west and Native Americans moved into harsh landscapes killing thousands more. From the harsh and unfair treatment towards the Native Americans came the American-Indian Wars. The purpose? To achieve self-actualization against the harsh and unfair treatment of the Native Americans. Additionally, Native Americans needed to re-establish a specific
I am a Native American born and raised in Jamestown, Virginia. It was always just my father and I, my mother passed away when I was an infant, so my father raised me to be an independent woman. My father is the head commander of the tribe. He only allowed me to go to the village near our tents. I never went further than the village, till this one day that I was feeling so curious about what was out there, so I decided to walk beyond the village to see what there is to explore.
My family’s Native American heritage has influenced me by encouraging me to assist the poverty-stricken Lumbee community that I grew up in, whether that be by volunteering my time, energy, or resources. Growing up as a member of the Lumbee community, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles that many Native American families face, including living paycheck to paycheck, being ridiculed for our heritage, and alcohol abuse in many households. My culture has instilled in me the desire to educate the youth to be proud of their heritage despite the derogatory stereotypes that people associate Native Americans with. Unlike many children I was raised with, I have the opportunity to go to college and become only the second person in my family to do
People had already been living in the Americas for thousands of years before the Europeans “discovered” the Americas. When the Europeans invaded this land they brought with them diseases such as smallpox, malaria, yellow fever, plague, typhus, and influenza contagions that repeatedly spread through the Native American peoples, killing them in high numbers. At the time the United States was settled by Europeans, it was abundantly populated by dozens of separate nations with diverse civilizations and cultures. Despite their initial confusion to their situation after the arrival of Europeans, the Native Americans did not take their disenfranchisement from their own land lying down. Native Americans have a long history of "fighting
When I think of the American Identity I think of who we are as a country. From day one we have been fighters and just trying to make this a better place than we found it. Still today we are fighting, not only trying to help our country but to also help our neighbors in need. If you are being kicked out of your own home, out of your country America will bring you in, If you are hungry America will feed you, If you want a future America will educate you. This is the land that will give you a chance in life, to do or be something amazing.If you can’t see that then open your eyes because it is all right in front of you.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be Native American during the European invasion? In American history Native Americans were treated unfairly. The American government mistreated the Natives by lying to them and treating them as foreigners. After years of fighting for freedom the Natives did not achieve their goal for freedom. The Trail of Tears, being the most tragic event in American history, was due to the Removal Act in the 1830s, the misguidance of President Andrew Jackson, the discovery of gold, and the false promises made to the Native Americans.
One day I was sitting in English class doing my work. Then a flying whale flew into the wall and destroyed it. It flew over to me and swallowed me whole. It then just flew back to the ocean. While in the whale's stomach I saw some interesting things like a dead person, a needle with steroids in it, a few soccer balls, a rabbit, and a roll of duct tape. After I had been in the whale's stomach for about 3 hours, it started to shake violently. Then something was squeezing the life out of the whale. All of the sudden i was flying through the air along with everything else. I landed on some sort of island.
Studying in a foreign country is an interesting experience of an individual lifetime. One tends to learn a number of things relating to ways of life in a foreign land. Social, political and economic values and aspects are usually different from one region to another. Therefore, through studying abroad one is able to learn different issues about another society such as gender and sexuality issues, social class and race/ethnicity issues. Having come from a developing country studying in the U.S.A has been a great experience personally. This paper will attempt to provide a reflection of my personal experience on studying in the U.S by comparing the history of Angola and the U.S.
What is culture? Culture is the idea of what is wrong or right, the concept of what is acceptable within our society. Culture serves us as a guide, taking us to the "right way" and helping us to make sense of things that surrounds us. There are many different cultures around the world. A lot of them are similar in specific ways and others are just completely different, this difference explains why we think that people from different backgrounds are "weird".
They are divided into seven tribes; the Fire, Air, Snow, Wind, Water, Lightning, and Snake Tribes. In all of these tribes, there are many forest, mountain, and ground villages. It is in one of these villages where our story is set…