
Personal Narrative: Nijo Home

Satisfactory Essays

My grandma and grandpa went to Japan for their 30th Anniversary. They told me about all the different places they could visit. They described about temples,cuisine, and how they explored Japan. I thought it sounded like a pretty cool place so I decided that one day I would travel to Japan to see temples, eat real Japanese food, and explore Japan. To start, when I go to Japan I would like to try some authentic Japanese food. I have tried the Japanese restaurants around where I live. But I have never tried the real food. When my grandparents went they told me that you could see and taste the difference in the food. I hope to try some sushi. My grandma told me that she absolutely loved it. My grandpa doesn't like fish but he loved the sushi. I would also like …show more content…

He told me the exploring was his favorite part of the whole trip. They went to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Yokohama and many more. Their favorite place in Yokohama was the Sankei-en Garden and all the different Museums. In Tokyo their favorite place was the Imperial Palace. Then finally in Tokyo their favorite place was Nijo Castle.
All of the places they talked about sounded like a interesting places to visit. If I would have to pick one I would Kyoto because I want to go see the Nijo Castle. When I explore Japan I want to learn how they got the names for Japan. I would also want to know who was the first leader. I want to also see the different types of plants and animals. Im sure they have a huge difference in the plants and animals from where I am from. Overall, I want to visit Japan because I want to try some authentic Japanese food, Explore all over Japan, and go to some temples. Although I want to go to Japan I know that it will be hard because I don’t I like airplanes. If I ever get over my fear of flying then I will go. Maybe one day I will go to the beautiful Japan to see all the places my grandparents went to on their 30th

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