Time Machine in the extra room in my house. The Time Machine looked like a telephone booth. When I walked in I started thinking to myself “ What will the people be like?” Will they be rich or poor?” Do they have medicine to make them live longer?” I will find all of that out when I walk through the door. I stepped out of my Time Machine and looked around. Everything looked the same, but then I saw someone. She was in the air. I thought she was on a hoverboard that actually hovered.But when I looked down I saw someone with a hoverboard, but that person’s hoverboard didn’t hover it just stayed on the ground. I also noticed that about half of the people had a hoverboard that actually hovered and the other half didn’t. Some people were rich and
The biggest failure I experienced was back during my Sophomore year. The hardest class in the high school was AP World History in which the requirements were hours of homework a night. Many people tried to convince me not to take the course due to the fact that it is considered the hardest class in the high school. My mom tried her hardest to try and persuade me to take a different class but I felt that it was a requirement for me to take it to prove to the colleges that I was up for the task and that I was prepared to do the work necessary to succeed in college. The course required reading a whole chapter in the text book in three days and take a quiz to prove that we read and understood the topics. This is where I struggled the most because memorizing the chapters and the major topics was very difficult unlike others who could recited the
My whole life I’ve felt like an outsider. When I was younger dealing with a learning disability, I have had a hard time making and keeping friends even to this day. I struggle with being a follower instead of a leader. My own adoptive father verbally abused me growing up and I also had kids in fifth-sixth grade who constantly bullied me. I still am reminded of an instance when the first day of fifth grade approached: I got on the bus and these older girls started making fun of my pants saying, “She’s wearing high-waters.” I was humiliated in front of my peers every day since than during those two years. After being bullied for so long I made a vow to myself to never forget the pain inflicted upon me on a daily basis.
I'VE BEEN SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS TO COME OUT!!! For those who don't know this is one of my anticipated of the year (you can check out my list if you haven't already, I posted it in September). But since this is the last book of the series I don't feel the need to write a very long non-spoiler review. I won't write the reasons why I love this series so much in my Top Ten list if you would like to check that. The series starts out in this futuristic world where a young girl named Cinder catches the eye of Prince Kai, the future empire of the Common Wealth. The only problem is that she's a cyborg, part-human part-robot. For this book, I would give it about a 4/5 stars. I was definitely a great read but it wasn't my favorite book in the series, I honestly felt that Cress was the best book, then
One gloomy day in 1931, I was frantically trying to get all money from my vault so that my clients wouldn't tear me to shreds. I’m a very good bank owner; however, since the market crashed people have gone insane trying to get their money out of my bank but frankly I don't have any of it. I’ve kinda spent their money on my essentials. Now, with the line outside of Time Watch Bank is all the way down the hill, and only have 2,000 dollars left to give! But then, something even worse happened on May 22.
My 20time is on running. In sixth grade I tried out for track, hoping I will be fast enough and would make it. But it didn't turn out that way. It was at lunch with all my friends when I checked the track website and didn't see the name, Carly Jakob, on the list. I was so shocked i started bawling my eyes out. After this traumatizing day I made a goal that I will make the track team when i'm in eighth grade. To do this I knew I had to make many drastic changes. I changed my diet to proper eating habits, and learned facts about form and technique that would help me get through the horrifying try outs and right onto the team.
Client reported decrease in appetite starting three years ago around the same time she started seeing a therapist for her traumatic experience. Client reported that she has an "interesting relationship" with her ex-husband. She reported that she feels overwhelmed, angry, irritated, and annoyed by her ex-husband. She mentioned experiences of insomnia due to her ex-husband (she would keep thinking about how to deal him). Client reported that this has been an ongoing situation since their divorce. Client reported prior Hx of SI.
P: Timothy will recognize existing feelings of anger, discover the origins of such feelings, and find alternative ways to ease, express, and resolve such feelings.
It was near the end of my 8th grade school year, about 2 month away from graduation, when something I never expected to happen actually happened. This event really changed my life forever and shaped me into who I am as a person today. I had just arrived at my house after school when my parents received a call that my grandma was ill and that we should come down to check on her. As we rushed down to my grandparents house, my family was deeply concerned about what may have happened because my grandma had never really had many health issues before this. As we arrived at their house and walked through the door, we were greeted with the sight of my grandma sitting in a chair with a blanket around her while she was sleeping. My family’s first reaction
Due to recent restructuring, my responsibilities at Navigate (a micro-lending agency) were diffuse. In general, however, I implemented strategies for long-term growth.
Leaving for basic training was the most nerve racking thing I have ever been through. I already knew about the physical and emotional difficulties I would encounter going off to boot camp, but there was one thing that no one really informed me about that worried me, the food. Everyone I spoke to had their own stories about what I would or would not be eating, but no two stories seemed to add up. Needless to say, walking into that dining hall I expected to see, or at least smell, manure on a plate. However, to my pleasant surprise, all of the different but amazing aromas in there gave me joy. When I actually saw what was on the menu, my day got that much better. In basic training those were
I woke up. Feeling groggy, I went to take my pills. Being the way my brain was, I needed pills to function. I see things, but others don’t see them. These things, they are right in front of my face, but they are not visible to other people. I could not find my pills, I looked everywhere, even in my drug stash. They were not there. Wait, I sold them to Angelo. Well, remembering this, I need to go to the drug store.
I sat in the gondola speeding up the mountain. I could hear the buzzing and clicking of the gondola. I was anxious. No, I was more than anxious, I was terrified. The gondola vibrated putting me in a uncomfortable state. I heard people talking but it sounded like a constant buzz. I could feel my heart beating through my chest. Thump..thump...thump. I knew it was time. The gondola passed the final pole holding it up. I was just 20 feet away from were the gondola would turn around. This was my last chance to go back. I heard a loud sound. I was jolted forward and the gondola door opened. I stood up, only to notice my legs were jello. My whole body felt asleep. I painfully staggered forward. As soon as the door opened, I felt a cold rush of
This is my junior year and on a linear scale of time I’m 16 years old, mentally I don’t know how to measure my age but I think I’d start from the night I was enlightened and time stopped flowing evenly. I’ve made a lot of mistakes mostly expecting people to do the right thing and not doing the right thing for myself. I remember feeling out of control and being told I have no choice or say because I was 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15 but now I see that I am in control, just not of other people’s actions. I can say confidently now that it’s not my fault and so what if they “beat me to the punch.” because there punch wasn’t the right thing. I stand up for myself now to my mom, to my dad, to my siblings and my life will be better for it. I wasn’t happy
Passion: it’s what drives the human spirit. It’s a fierce desire of determination that persists strongly through all adversity. It’s the underlying tone in every success story, and the silent background to every screaming headline. It’s more than a moment of impulse, or an insouciant word scribbled on a scrap of paper. Every hope, aspiration, and dream that a heart craves, stems from this blazing fire of passion. Goals are what makes it possible to follow these dreams. I believe that setting goals is essential to keep on the right mental track to chase passions whether it involves a single class, academics, or life in general.
In the first telling of my personal narrative, I did not consider including what had led me to a point where I began to embrace my identities and become proud of my heritage as Korean. There were many factors that led me to be who I am today. The reason for leaving out the information was because there were so many people and occurrences that led me to the point where I am now. For example, moving to different elementary school where there were more diverse body of students, annually performing at the Mosaic in the Korean pavilion, my parents being a positive role model, and becoming a volunteer teacher at the Korean Language School are some of the reasons which have led me to be who I am today. As I was surrounded by people who were interested