“But grandma i've already read it twice!” i groaned in protest, i had just read the same sentence for the third time. My five year old self was more concerned about the bugs outside and flowers i could pick. However my grandma was not, every time i visited we would sit in the living room me right next to her and go page by page of the book Dick and Jane. I would stumble upon each word and rush to get through. i anticipated each turn of a page because i was one step closer to the book being set down and getting to play. At the time i didn't realize that the turn of the page meant i was actually one step closer to learning how to read. It took several times to get one page down but when i did i was proud, a couple of sentences slowly made me
My writing has improved greatly over the years. Now, I am able to write much longer papers, my writing is more detailed, my writing is straight, I am able to write in different styles, and my letters aren't shaped weirdly anymore. All and all, my writing has improved a good amount. I still do not enjoy writing that much. I am really enjoying math and science right now. The writing that I do like, is writing about a subject that I choose with no guidelines. My past writing pieces that I have done, have been the personal narrative (in 6th grade), and the researched based writing project (also in 6th grade). Both of those projects I did not enjoy that much, because we worked on those two projects for a long time. Even thought I do not enjoy writing
As a writer, I have improved tremendously. Over the course of the 2015 fall semester, English 015 has helped me grow as a writer in all ways possible. From hearing Dr. Duffy’s wise words regarding writing throughout class, to participating in peer review sessions, writing has become a skill that I have flourished in. As a child, I would constantly write stories and poems to express my feelings and emotions. Sadly enough, I can admit that as a lonely child, writing was my only companion and confidant. As an eight year old child, I found myself writing stories about the individuals in or around my life. After creating a satire about my mother’s workplace and the employee’s who worked there, I knew I had a gift regarding writing. I watched my
At the moment, there are only 5 articles available for a 3-star rating, which isn't much. I was wondering, can I apply to any teams at this stage? Are there other ways to find additional work?
In my first “Who I am as a Writer” paper I stated how one of the areas that I needed to improve was writing. I went into more depth talking about how my writing is not descriptive enough and how I cannot grab the reader's attention. Even though I still need to continue making improvements, I have gotten better in both of these aspects. Compared to my papers in high school my introduction paragraphs have improved.
My writing process starts when I am given an assignment. I’m not one to just write for fun, so this is usually the only way I can make myself write. Don’t let that fool you though, because once I start writing something and my ideas start flowing, it’s hard for me to stop. Personally, I love to be able to choose what I’m writing about. I don’t like getting assigned a topic, because that means everybody else has to write about the same topic and that ends up with everybody asking what I wrote in my paper and comparing it to theirs. I HATE when my writing gets compared to other peoples’, because we are all unique and different writers and we shouldn’t be so concerned about who stated certain facts better or got a higher grade.
I'm not the best when it comes do to writing well. I guess i feel like my writing doesn't sound “smart” it's not full of big words that the reader has to look up and learn more about.
When I start my writing process, the topic is key. The decision of what I'm going to write about is based on how I feel about the topic. If I have some baseline knowledge about a particular subject and it relates to my life somehow, then it becomes a bit easier for me. For example, if I had to write about Army life, I can easily relate to this subject and can lean on my experience to help guide me in the right direction. Another tool is research, using proper citations in my work to support the opinions or ideas.
What I have learned throughout the year about writing is that it is important to know how to write because you will need to use it for your everyday life, whether it is at school or at your work. My writing process I think that I have changed a little bit on it but I think I need to practice more so I can get better. What I have changed on my writing was that I need to make my writing sound good and that it makes sense. Why I made those changes because I want it to sound good and make sure that it makes sense to what I am being asked to write. My opinion on writing has not changed. My opinion hasn’t changed because I just don’t like to write and I find it boring.
I always start my writing process by reading the directions. I read the directions three or four times to fully analyze what is required and what is being asked. For instance, in most assignments are not simply questions. There are usually more than one factor in the question. After understanding the directions, I start following the five steps of the writing process. First, I pre-write/ draft a outline to get my ideas into answering all the parts of the question and to establish. Next, I start writing to establish flow of my paper. Then, I submit it to paperrater.com to check for grammar, punctuation, and spell check. Then, I edit my paper from the suggestions paperrater.com suggested. Lastly, I submit my work for a grade.
My current writing process for the past few years has consisted of me being a 2:00 a.m writer. In all honesty, though, I can't recall a time where I chose to put a paper off; I couldn't get to it because I've been a busy bee. I am still going to be a busy bee, but I will have a set plan for papers and set my own deadlines apart from yours. I used to not be able to focus at home considering there are loud children here, but the perks of having a night class include doing homework in the morning when the kids are at school. I bought a desk in my room to remain in a more "school-zone feel" which aids me in concentrating better. As much as I would love to write until my paper is complete, I have to take a break every half an hour or else I will
My growth as a writer has been going uphill since the very first mini paper. I came to Heartland Community College thinking, I was an okay writer. They told me when I took the placement test I wrote a college level but I didn’t see it myself. I would look at other classmates work and be kind of upset with myself for not making the same choices they did. Maybe I could have changed a word or maybe talked about a different subject and try to not go off topic so much. Well if it wasn’t a Gladwell paper because he tends to go off topic in his papers. The break up letter took me so long to do, I was so nervous because I didn’t want to sound like a high school kid and get a bad great for not pushing myself to the next level.
This past month has taught me so much about myself as a writer. The areas I struggle with along with the areas I have improved in. Although my writing process has changed, there are still areas that need improvement. I have a better understanding of a sentence structure. Being able to make a complete sentence and have the correct verb, noun and punctuation makes all the difference with your writing. Your ideas need to be complete thoughts. This is one of the areas that I often struggled with as I had fragment sentences, comma splice errors and punctuation issues. The improvements come from the type of assignments we had this class. Our blog writings, discussions with videos and essay writing has helped me tremendously. The assignments I felt,
In the class the thing that I least enjoyed the most was figuring out my writing process. This is because we had to do a auto-ethnography by completing a writing assignment while at the same time speak out loud everything that we thought. After this we had to type everything that we stated in our recording and code thoughts that we wrote down. Despite the fact I did not like the part of the auto-ethnography I did enjoy seeing what my writing process was. Originally, in the beginning of this writing process I thought that I had a structured writing process. I thought my writing process started with me first planning out what I wanted to write then I spent the rest of my time writing my paper and my final step was revising my paper. After doing
Writing, when given a prompt or focus point, comes more naturally to me than some other things. I find writing and composing soothing and meditative, therefore I enjoy to write in a quiet environment such as my room, a classroom, or library. The room must be somewhat calm in order for me to process my thoughts in an effective, orderly manner that I can then write down. I do little writing outside of school and class work, so the majority of my writing is for academic purposes. Whenever I formally sit down to write an essay or prompt, I must have soft music or some type of noise playing because if the room is too quiet, I tend to become distracted. On the opposite side of the spectrum, if the room is too loud, it is impossible for me to focus
Writing is a key in everyday life, whether it is going unrecognized or not communication is largely dependent on writing rater then face to face relations. Growing up writing an essay or a story wasn’t always as important as sending that one text out to a friend. Many times instead of working on an assignment people tend to text, and write on social media instead. Although by doing this in the end, you are still writing, although for some it doesn’t count as that text maybe something they are passionate about unlike their assignment. The concept of writing then goes unacknowledged and isn’t looked at as a fun activity for many. This tends to happen after submitting assignments and not receiving the grade you may