The next day in school everyone was talking about how I had won the game and everything and how cool I was with it. What I was waiting for was my new streak to begin. So I’m walking down the hall and who’s coming down the hall with her two girlfriends but none other than Celia Evora, her loveliness. “H-Hey C-Celia,” I manage to spit out of my quivering mouth. The suavity I usually had was nonexistent around Celia. “D-Did you see the game last night?” She raises an eyebrow and looks at me with a face either expressing disgust, or confusion. She gives her hair a quick swish and continues walking. The two wannabes trailing her giggled as I looked down in shame. I quickly looked up and kept walking, acting like it hadn’t happened, but the deed had already been done. Every kid in the hallway was whispering and gossiping about the …show more content…
Except, I wasn’t really alone. There was a girl a few lockers down, who had managed to get her hair stuck in her jacket zipper. She had long golden brown hair, with pretty green eyes. To me, she looked just as pretty as Celia, and I wondered how I’d never seen her around. “Hey, need some help?” She looked up startled as I walked over to her. “Um, thanks, It’s been a rough day so far.” She smiled shyly while I helped her with her zipper. “You new?” “Yes, it’s my first day, and it hasn’t been great so far.” “What’s your name?” “Katie.” “Well Katie, I’m already late, so I might as well help you to your class. Who do you have?” “Mrs. Reed.” “That’s who I have.” She pulled her hair behind her ears and started walking to her class and I trailed behind. “So,” “So?” “Did you hear about the dance tonight?’ I looked down and realized my hands had gone clammy and my sweatshirt was really hot all the sudden. “Yeah, I don’t think I’m gonna go, I don’t want to go
For the most part, Representative Accardo, what your Nightingale colleagues have brought me is an actual relic that once belonged to my family,” Hannelore Elvira Bauer, otherwise known best as Germania, informed Action Andy of her findings regarding the artifact the Nightingales had found during the morning hours of the 31st of May.
Celia Hernandez had a rough start in life, she moved from school to school during her elementary years. Celia went to a whopping 7 elementary schools, but managed fairly well. She grew up on the east side of the Coachella Valley in California, the side that’s only talked about when referring to music festivals, agriculture, or lower education. The east side of the Coachella Valley is majority Hispanic or Latino population, despite her Latino background, Celia wasn’t taught Spanish therefore it was problematic when she started attending a Latino school. She found difficulty with relating to them as there was a vast language barrier between them, furthermore, through the years she broke it and found a place with them. Money was scarce throughout
On 05/07/2018 at about 2255 hours, I was dispatched to 113 Frad Ave in reference to a battery that had occurred.
Celia Cruz born Ursula Hilaria Celia Caridad Cruz Alfonso, a female Cuban singer born October 21, 1925 in Havana Cuba was one of the most influential figures in Latin music. She started her musical career in her native country in the late 1940’s early 1950’s performing for various Cuban radio shows and traveling with the orchestra accompanying the dancing group “Las Mulatas del Fuego.” Her big break came in 1950 when she joined “La Sonora Matancera” the most famous orchestra in Cuba at the time. Celia traveled all over Latin America in the 1950’s with “La Sonora” gaining great success in countries like Venezuela and Mexico. She recorded various albums with the orchestra and gained great popularity during that time with songs like “Caramelo”, “Burundanga”, and
“We tried. But she seems to know an awful lot about you. Says her name it Tabitha Couture.”
The eldest daughter of Celia and Hector Sanchez, Emilia Sanchez, is twenty-eight years old. As an addict Emilia has to face fighting ways to remain sober, fight for custody of her son and handle the lack of support she has from her family. Emily is facing many encounters as she battles with addiction issues and struggles to remain sober. In order to address the client’s addiction issue, a social worker has to assess the client’s needs, be able to come up with intervention and treatment techniques, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
Celia, A Slave was written by a man named Melton A. McLaurin in 1999. Melton has written many books about his lifelong interests of racism. In fact he even received the Lillian Smith award for his book Separate Pasts: Growing Up in the Segregated South and a notable book selection award from the New York Times for Celia, A Slave. Melton says “The case of Celia A slave reminds us that the personal and the political are never totally separate entities” (xiv). Celia, A Slave is about fourteen year old girl who became the property of a man named Robert Newsom. Robert was a Missouri farmer who repeatedly molested Celia. Regardless of her horrible experience with men, Celia still fell in love with a man named George, who was also a slave of
Dr evelina lopez antonetty was a very important leader in Puerto Rico. She helped get women rights in Puerto Rico , like equal rights , rights to vote, women go to school and equal pay.
What I’ve observed from Celia’s case and all the readings for this paper is that being a woman is difficult no matter what your status or colour were, in the Antebellum period of the South. Gender dictates how you’ll live, disregarding your position in society. While our society has changed from a rigid patriarchal system of the 19th century, even today, the remnants of patriarchy persists through the way people think. Celia, like most Black slaves of her time, experienced tremendous hardships and finally seek justice through her own hands. There are many examples of female slaves being sexually abused by slave owners and documented instances where the slaves reported it and asked for help. Most often when they do, they asked for women slave owners help. Maybe they thought that these people, as women themselves would understand what they’re experiencing and be sympathetic and empathise because they are bounded by their gender and suffering. A different kind of suffering but still, something they can bond on.
Celia Cruz was one of the most famous Cuban salsa singers. She was nicknamed the Queen of Salsa, with more than thirty-six albums, recorded with some other leading singers in Latin music. Celia worked as a singer for more than forty years, and during that time, she became well known for her vigorous work, great personality, and her emotional way of singing. During her performances, she was well known for being able to improvise lyrics. She was an artist with over six decades of success making her an inspiration to the Latin community as well as the rest of the world.
Thirdly, I choose to write about her because the day she died on is my birthday. When I began my research about Celia Cruz the number of awards, Grammys, and titles she earned amazed me. The more I continued to learn, I learned she was a hard worker and never gave up her dreams. If I were endeavoring to become a well-known celebrity she would be my role model. Not only did was she successful in her dreams, but she also pursued her Father’s.
In the book Celia, A Slave by Melton A. McLaurin, a slave woman all alone has to cope with a master who is always making her have sex with him. Newson, the master, fathered two children with her. When Celia kills her master, the man she loved turned against her, and she went on trial for Newson’s murder.
I started to walk away from the tournament, I wanted to get away, to think. No one ever seems to care how I felt. I walk to the barn slowly so Curly wouldn't notice I was leaving when I saw Lennie. I needed to talk to someone, to actually have a really conversation with someone. I kept to my slow pace til he looked up at me. Then, he covered something up in the hay.
"I recall. Sorry I didn't speak to you, I had quite an anxious day." Her eyes traveled down my body. Was she... checking me out? Judging me? I didn't know how to react or what to think, so I suppressed a smirk and shifted my weight to my left leg. I kept asking myself the same question: why was I so smitten with a girl? All my life, I had silly crushes on attractive boys who'd never notice me. I didn't even know Demeri, but I felt like I could know her very well. "I moved here a little late in the year."
My streak was running out. I’m on the bench and were down by two. Our best player gets injured and i’m in. Ten seconds left! Everyone is standing, it is getting very intense. The ball gets passed in to me. I get a great pass in with four seconds left. He goes for the layup, and missed. The other team is cheering and we are disappointed because we lost another game by missing the last second layup. But i’m not all that upset, my streak wasn’t over, I still had a chance to ask Celia to the dance.