
Personal Narrative On Chocabole

Satisfactory Essays

I have noticed that there is a knothole in front of my house, where Jem and Scout pass by every day after school. I figured that I should put some objects in there, I thought it was a smart idea to try and interact with them and plus it was a good deed I could do. I scavenged around the house trying to find anything that I could put into that knothole, most of the things were either creepy or too old and dirty so I figured that it was not a bright thing to put any of those objects in there. A flash of light just came to me, I remembered that my brother gave me a packet of chewing gum and I had two left, I was contemplating if I should eat it or give it to the kids. I decided to be nice and place it inside the knot-hole for them to consume although

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