The last week of my life in california the state that i grew up in all my friend all my family stayed in california.The last week that i was there all my friends came to visit me and then we went to the movies.The last two days in california i spent with my family and my best friend.The last day in california was probably the worst day of my life having the thought of leaving my family and my friends to go live a new life in a different state without anything.The day i left was new year's day and instead of celebrating it with my family i was stuck in a car for 18 hours when i got to the apartment in washington i was sad and tried to forget by setting up my room.I think two days passed then I started to
It was April of 1999. My family was at home. Children were running outside. The asphalt was burning. Cars rolled up to the entrance of the apartments and BANG. I grew up in Stockton, California. Surprisingly, as a minority, I wasn’t really a minority. There were, in fact, a large and diverse population of Asian-Americans. But, Stockton is not the ideal place to live. It was hot and dry, almost to the point of a drought. Stockton was also ranked as the one of the top 5 most dangerous cities in California. So, having a nice and safe family is kind of difficult. Eventually, my family decided to move to Crescent City, California when my dad retired. It was a world of difference. There were trees, plentiful water, and a nice cool temperature. This
I live in San Diego. My major is interior design and I am attending San Diego Miramar College I also have some courses in Mesa College. I am taking Political Science 102 to fulfill my general education. Moreover, I am married and have two children and English is my second language so I am nervous about understanding the material of this course, but I try to do my best. I have never protested or have attended any protests. To create a sign defending I would like to say “peaceful life for
I'm an established freelance writer based in San Diego covering environmental issues in the Southland and beyond. Although it's hard for me to
Growing up in Southern California, I was surrounded by coastal culture, which has influenced me in many ways. No matter whether I lived in San Diego or Ventura county, I was never more than ten minutes away from the beach. Every weekend, it seemed, my dad would take us to the beach as family so we could play in the water, build sandcastles, catch hermit crabs, see the tide pools, and most of all, spend time together. I was enchanted by all the beach had to offer. Every sandcastle built was a palace for a hermit crab and every tide pool a thriving community. Whenever I stepped into the water, my imagination would run wild. Despite how often we went, I always enjoyed our days at the beach.
Public participation is an important aspect of any community and benefits realized from inculcating it in the system of any public setup treats any possible problem. Some of the core merits any public institution produces is enabling the community to participate in decision-making and planning. For this reason, they are more likely to interact with established mechanisms. Moreover, apart from helping bring about a sense of community, public participation enables institutions to set goals and objectives that suit that long-term service delivery. San Diego Unified district school is among the many educational centers in the United States that have embraced this useful method to warrant continuous progress. Therefore, they recently organized a school board meeting on 27th September 2016 to provide an update on what was going on in the institution as well give the public an opportunity to discuss their concerns and contributions. This paper analyzes the nature and role of public participation in uniting the community and institutions that serve its members. Evidently, although the meeting had some hitches in terms of short notices and low ethnic representation, it was successful because the community and the institution discussed agenda and non-agenda matters and settled for proposals to increase engagement in the future.
When I was in the 12th grade I got the opportunity of a life time to go all the way to San Diego California with my FCCLA student organization. Coming all the way from hot a humid city filled Atlanta Ga, to beautiful sunny, beach covered California sounded like a dream.
Oakland, California, the city that people consider as one of the top five most dangerous cities in the United States. Growing up in the city next to it and having family there, I developed strong bonds to Oakland. I have always seen Oakland in the light for being outrageously diverse and being resilient. My first thoughts of Oakland never consisted of them of the city being dangerous or a bad place to live in. I knew that Oakland is dangerous but I have never experienced anything that made my outlook change. Despite a handful of my family living there and have experienced muggings, robbery and dealing of drugs, I still could not take in how unsafe Oakland is. However, just one incident changed my view of this city, 18 years of my life Oakland
I hate California, I said I would never live there. I wanted to live in the country with a farm and lots of animals, it’s been my dream for my whole life. I wanted to achieve this so badly in college I got a job and rented an apartment, in California. It felt like the only option I had, I needed the money very badly. Luckily, not everything in California sucked as much as I thought it would, some of my close friends also decided to live there and I got the cat I always wanted. My job as a plant pathologist was occasionally boring, but everyone was very friendly and I was earning good money. I took the bus every day to work because I couldn’t afford a car. It was smelly and sometimes dangerous, but at least I wasn’t in debt. I didn’t have a
Waking up at midnight on a cloudy monday night, I walked outside and looked at the moon. Look at how far I have come. Living in hillbilly hick Iowa, to traveling all over the world. Listening to my mother has been one of the greatest things I have ever done. Without her I would have stayed in Iowa and probably married a ugly overweight farmer. Graduating from highschool I decided that I was going to go straight to college and get my masters in Biological Anthropology. Since I already had 20 credits completed at Iowa Central, I decided to stay for one more year. The money I would save would go into my traveling “fund”. Planning on living with my mother still, to me was not a bad decision. She fed me, clothed me, and loved me even though I can
Hot summer day in southern California I was born at 1:17p.m. on August 13, 1996 in San Diego. My father was a marine and my mom was a stay at home mom like most of the wife’s of marines. I have three older sisters and one older brother and two younger brothers my older siblings are my half-sisters and brother. My two younger brothers both have a disability Carlos (Ricky) was born in Patterson, New Jersey he was immediately rushed into surgery because he has a heart condition when they had to cut him open and preform open heart surgery. My other little brother Gabriel Jr (Gabe) was diagnosed with autism when he was two or three he still has yet to talk to this day. My little brothers are a big part of my life I love them so much. If I lost one
Don’t let my title mislead you, as this isn't a tale about booze and hook-ups as you might think when you come across this famous quote. Let's start off by clarifying that I mean this in the most negative connotation that what happens in Las Vegas should seriously stay there. Everything about my first trip to the “ fabulous” city I’ve been fantasizing my whole life about was a disaster from start to finish, and I was counting down the minutes until my Monday morning check out so I could get the hell out of there. Picture me, New year’s eve, standing alone with on the Vegas strip with over 300,000 people cramming into a drunken block party of shoulder thuds and baby strollers. I
My position is Case Manager Nurse, organize long-term care for their patients. Their goal is to treat their patients at ideal times to keep them healthy and out of the hospital. This type of nurse would be working with a specific group of patients which can be from different age groups and different illnesses that required long term for example, Cancer or HIV. Anything that a patient needs when it comes to their health, medical insurance, or any resources that they may need like housing, support group, etc. I will develop a plan that will help improve or stabilized a patient’s health.
If I were to go on a road trip from Maine to California I would bring my grandpa with me. The reason being, as we drive across the country, he could provide me with the history of wherever it is we are driving through. My grandfather loves to share childhood stories about his growing up in the United States and his adventures traveling the country. He has really shared some great stories of driving from Louisiana back to his home state of New York. He has told me the crazy stories ranging from getting pulled over by the police to the scenery as he drove from state to state. Grandpa always loves to tell a good story, with his passion for history, his navigation experience and his positive outlook on life, there is no doubt in my mind he would
As Robert Orben once said “ A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it”. Taking the vacation to Nevada was a great get away from school. Going back to visit the state I once lived in, brought back many amazing memories. First, being able to see the lights on the Las Vegas strip was mesmerizing. Also, hearing all the different sounds from different street performers was a lot different than the little town of Sebewaing. Lastly, Swimming in the heat of a Las Vegas winter was a lot of fun.
We live in a universe of complexity and uncertainty. The global connectedness of the twenty first century means that everything in this world is interrelated and connected. Within the Australian context, due to globalisation and mass migration, Australia is ethnically and culturally diverse. Australia is also enriched with Indigenous Australian culture. A unique and multicultural community, Australia is therefore dynamic, diverse and constantly growing. This means that our schools are also dynamic, complex and culturally diverse. Students attending schools in Australia will come from diverse cultural backgrounds and will consequently have diverse needs. Using critical theory and post-colonialism, this paper will focus upon how teachers’ intercultural sensitivities about difference and diversity (more specifically, cultural diversity) might impact upon students learning.