When I began Ontrack I was very fearful of feedback, I saw it as judgement. I am now excited when I get feedback, I now see it as a platform to fix issues or have a greater understanding of what I am doing right. Granted, I have been exceeding my expectations of myself, so I am aware that if this changes will have to deal with the previous issues of feeling judged. Albeit I am now prepared for this instance which is important to me. The comfort zone I had created was very scary to give up, the fear of what I thought was ‘failure’ was somewhat crippling. Luckily for me with the help of my tutor and peers I realized that a growth mindset was pivotal and to obtain it I would have to succumb. The shift from a fixed to a growth mindset has made …show more content…
Google and Google Scholar are my best friends, we have a very good relationship whereby I can ask as many questions as I like and they don’t get frustrated with me. I have found that being self-reliant in my learning has really paid off, by questioning, I have improved in my submissions. I am getting a lot better at everything I have tried throughout Ontrack but, I very much look forward to things becoming second nature. My tutor has been the reason I am at the point that I am, in providing tools and not necessarily answers, I have had no choice but to understand in order to improve. I am a very structured person and have always felt comfortable getting complete direction so I knew what was expected. I feel this has not necessarily made me learn much but given me a step by step map to get through things. I my last portfolio reflection I said that I thought I was ready for University. If I am honest with myself I would say that I was trying to talk myself into it. As of this portfolio I truly believe in myself, I truly believe I am
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
When I started track and middle I never knew what track was or how it even worked but I needed a sport that I could do. Even though I would have people from my middle school who would try to discourage me from running and even call me slow and the process but I continue to go through with track. But those people that talk and say they were going stay and track but didn't and I stayed and continue running and learn how to use the words they called to me to discourage to fuel my running to where I was winning medals and showing it in school. Then between eight grade to tenth grade I begin to have problem with my hip and which cause me to slow my time down but I still stayed in the sport. Even switching from different high school was tiring
I woke up and took one bite out of my pop tart but that one bite was all I could eat. My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding. My dad told me, “It is a true honor to even make it this far so go out there and have some fun.” Once I heard this statement, I knew I was ready to go. I arrived at school and boarded the bus. The car ride was an hour and fifteen minutes of hearing the squeaking of the wheel on the bus. My teammates were getting their heads ready for the big game.
Today is the day for State track, the day I been working the whole season. When we pulled up to the stadium there were lot’s of people. I was so nervous, because I never been to a track meet like this before. We got everything unloaded from the suburban, walked into the stadium and was suprised how many people was there. When it was time to walk over to the discus ring, I saw girls throwing far. I was nervous. It was time for me to warm up and I had three practice throws. The first one was close to the hundreds, second one past hundred, and third past hundred and five. I looked over at my grandpa and he smiled. He said, no more practice throws, I was happy but nervous at the sometime. When it was my turn I went up to the ring and threw around the hundreds. After I got done
When I was in seventh grade I fell in love. Not with a person, but a sport. I fell in love with track. I enjoyed the workouts, the races, the team, the events, the meets, but most of all I had found a passion for sprinting. I worked everyday during practice to prepare for the meets. I pushed myself as hard as I could and never gave up. I couldn’t get enough of it. I was mad for the feeling of your lungs bursting for air and your legs burning with pain. The long, exhausting workouts, the freezing practices, and the crazy memories you can make. There was nothing about it that I found unlikeable. Track was consuming my thoughts, I couldn’t stop. I was in love with it in every single way.
Hi iam Edgardo Flores i was born in casa grande, az not that far away from our state capital,Phoenix, Az.theres nothing better to do in a hot summer than going out with the friends to a lake and have a blast riding jet skis boats and my favorite, swimming!My activites of the day are shooting,riding horses,and my favorite one is quad riding.Thats right! ive been doing these fun exciting hobbies since i was 9 years old.pretty young huh?
“Hey you want to drive”, my step-dad yelled over the loud engine of blue grizzly 4x4 quad I yelled “yes!!”, so as I got one the quad I put on my helmet and fased the strap on the same color helmet.
When you parents tell you not to do something do you just do it anyways. Well I do and this time I think I learnt my lesson. It all started on a normal Saturday and we were gonna go on a hike, but none of us wanted to go somewhere so we just did it at home. We got our bags and water ready and busted for the trail. I thought it was gonna be a normal day and we would all have fun, but I got proved wrong. The trail itself is about three miles and a couple of extra steps,but with the surprise we only walked a mile of it.
Although I have not thought about how I would stage a play I will give myself a chance to thinking thoroughly about how I would want an audience to receive a piece of work written by the four playwrights we have read this semester. Drawing on Wilson’s famous speech, I have an idea about what I would want. The Ground on Which I Stand is one that acknowledges the amazing playwrights we were able to read this semester. I appreciate what they have given to the world through the stage and in print. There have been plays that I resonated with me and some that were harder to grasp. Many of these playwrights talk about connections and family which is a way that I have connected with the characters. I wouldn't use many of the playwrights as influences
I remember a September morning at the peak of cross country season. At 5:30am my body dragged itself out of bed against my brain's will and I was pulling up to the track soon after. As we had all anticipated, today would be the track long run, in which all of our miles would be run in laps around the track. That came out to about 32 laps, an intimidating number for any of us. To the average person, such a workout seems challenging at best; although no one complained. In fact, our coach seemed to have an inspirational glow in his eyes as we made our way to the track. The moon and stars were still shining brightly as stadium lights flooded the field in blue light. We began our laps in a close pack determined to stay together until no longer
There are a lot of things that shape a person, A loss, A gain, or maybe a quest they undertook. Now I’m not talking about a quest to save the world like you might read in books, or watch in a movie. I’m talking about a goal you might strive to achieve or something you want to accomplish to learn more about not only yourself, but the people who surround you or the community you might live in. This is my quest, a quest that took me years to understand, but one that defines me as a person. A quest that showed me how to express my opinions, and to let others do the same.
When I got fired from my job over the summer I realized there wasn't a lot to do. I was bored. This led to me exploring the woods around my house.I found lots of things, old oil cans, empty budweisers, and coyote traps, but the biggest thing I found was a trailer.
Every burdensome step strains my tender muscles; sweat drips into my eyes, stinging them with salt. I gulp for breath, but receive no air. I hear voices, but I can never articulate any response. I ignore all my senses and lunge forward. The only question that rings through my mind is why do I put myself through so much pain? The moment I participated in my first track event, freshman year I realized how much I enjoy running. Also how one moment has taught me the importance of family within a team, commitment, and encouragement.
As we took our first steps on the trail we had know idea that we would have walked ten miles total. It was all uphill and made of dirt. We had to cross rivers and watch out for rattlesnakes and buffalo. This would be one of the hardest hikes we did. It was tiring and hot. The heat waves in the distance seemed to make it feel hotter. As we kept going we arrived to our first obstacle.
With this said, this is the way I look at my education. As soon as you are able to complete a task, your job to master the skill has only began. And although I am quite good at most of what I do, I sometimes lack the confidence to speak up in certain situations to prove that I do understand and retain what has been taught to me. For example, in class discussions, teachers would ask questions of us to resolve an issue. I could come up with several viable solutions within a matter of seconds. But I never spoke up or said a word because I was too shy and afraid of negative feedback. However, I aim to change this part of myself so that I may be of more use in public discussion in the future. As well as this fact, I also need to work on my review habits, as they will be of more use to me as I transition into this next year.