Ever seen your bone without using an X-ray? Guess what? I have when I when I was little. It was in the hot Summer when I was getting ready for camp. I was all ready to go with my sparkly shoes on, and my Ariel shirt on. My mom told Madison and I to go outside and wait, so my sister casually ran out. I was really little, about 3 and my sister was 8. I always like opening and closing car doors, which is a really weird thing to like, but I was practicing for when I was older, or I just thought it was fascinating to see that there was a handle that could magically open a car door. I was a strange child, as you can already see.
During our first run Taylor and I noticed that the car was turning way to the left. So in order to fix this we started our car as far to the right of the track as possible. After our first trials we realized that we needed to fix our string. We needed to cut the string we had attached off of our car and make a new one. When we made a new one me made it a little bit longer than the car and only hot glued it to the hook, not to the frame. Our new string had a loop in the end of it so we could put that on the toothpick. So now we understood that the toothpick did have a real purpose and we couldn’t glue the string to the mousetrap. After we made these changes we ran our car three more times.
I responded to the above location in response to an entering auto. Upon my arrival Miss Kayley Bannister advised that between the hours of 2 p.m. and 07:30 AM that an unknown individual entered her vehicle and stole her wallet that was inside the center console. A CD book containing over 50 CDs. Was also found to be missing.
I can remember how excited I was when I bought my very own first car. I spent hours and hours fixing up my car exactly how I wanted it. I waited a very long time to buy my own car. I worked for hours and hours, saving money to buy a good running car. I did not want to buy a cheap car. I wanted to buy one I know would last and didn’t have anything more than minor mechanical problems, if any. I knew if I bought one of the streets it was bound to come with something needing to be repaired or replaced. Having proper maintenance done to the car was also my way of guaranteeing my car would at least run okay for a little while. My first car was a 2002 Hyundai Sonata featured with 19’ black rims, with clean interior and dark tinted windows. The sound system was in great condition and for it to be stock, had a really nice bang to it. I absolutely loved my car, It felt so nice and I
“How may I help you”said someone at the drive through window.”I would like an extra large fry ,and a large sprite please and that will be all” said the customer.Okay,that would be $3.38,please pull up to the next window”.Over the sound of screaming children, burning grease, and giants speaking I heard extra large fry ”omg that's me” I thought “No i never went before so i'm probably not today”but boy was I wrong.As I am taken out of the freezer I began to panic.I am pored into a net kind of basket and dipped into hot yellow lava.Two minutes later im am taken ot of the net and pored in to an red and yellow box along with my friends.”My mother always warned me about this day,and it finally came.I am picked up by and giant and place into an
I think I was about 11 years of age. It was a warm September evening. Our family was getting ready for another cookout. For those of you who don’t know, cookouts are when my family invites other family and/or friends over to cook hot dogs and toast marshmallows over a fire pit in our backyard. Usually after that my dad and I will usually play backyard baseball.
Cue the opening scene: A young girl sitting too close to the television set staring at a fuzzy VHS copy of Rear Window in a room full of vintage videos tapes and outdated floral wallpaper. The little girl is eight year old me, and the room is my grandparents’ home movie theater. I admit I was slightly romanticized by the grainy picture quality in a way that was indescribable; hypnotic would be the closest description of the unearthly feeling that submersed me.
I approached the vehicle and asked MD why she was driving without someone 21 years of age in the vehicle and she informed me that she just wanted to hang out with friends and watch the fireworks. I asked MD if anyone in the vehicle had consumed alcohol and she told me no.
I was about 8 or 9, lets all understand that now i'm 13 and i don't do stupid things life this anymore. So, I was in the bathroom in my moms room and i was hyper. I was dancing around doing gymnastics in the bathroom. I thought I could do the thing were cheerleaders kick their legs up really high. I asked my big sister to come in the bathroom and watch me because I thought it was pretty freaking cool. In the bathroom there was a iron board and a iron on that iron board.
It was a brisk foggy afternoon that was soon to turn to night. John had just waved by to all his friends at the party. It was a thirty minute drive home down some back roads in the country. Five minutes down the road it got dark and foggy, John was trying to get home as fast as he could safely. He was surrounded by open fields and corn fields on all sides. Then before he knew it his truck started to stall for an unexplainable reason. John immediately started to panic but tried to stay calm the best that he could. His truck came to a complete stop and there he was on a back road in the middle of nowhere. The only thing that he could see in front of him was a mailbox with a long drive with cornfields on both sides. John had no other option in the world
It's Friday, March 25 in the morning at about 7:00 am when my mom wakes all of us up to get ready to leave. On the way to Minnesota we were driving, but still in suamico, we stopped at a Kwik Trip gas station to fill up the tank. We all were thirsty so we got a water from the cooler in the back of the truck, but my brother Roy spilled his all over himself and on the seats.”Good thing it's just water.” My mom said. As we drove across the imaginary line splitting Wisconsin with Minnesota there was a big rock carved into the shape of Minnesota that said, “Welcome To Minnesota.” When we were on the highway we almost got into two major accidents, the first one was when we had an open lane ahead the driver to the right of us tried coming into our lane right next to us and put our left two tires
The reason i slammed doors this morning, and other times, is because the people in the good vibes car slam doors at night and run and hide trying to be scary with the
On October 31, 2017, my mom expected me to be home by 12:00am. I was driving at night and noticed that I was only forty-five minutes away. I thought about taking a shortcut through the woods. The roads appeared to be working after being reconstructed. The only thing that caught my attention was a sign. I looked at the sign and noticed that I had to be careful of how I drive. I normally drive 60 mph on highways. Sometimes, I go faster than that. I took exit 240 to get home. Ten minutes later, another sign appeared. On this sign, it mentions construction ahead. Since the road was fine, I thought it would not matter. I drove straight down the road without being nervous. I suddenly had a phone call from my mother. She asked, “Where are you?” I told her that I was only ten minutes away.
The enormous metal doors slam to the ground with a tyrannosaurus-like screech, as the automated “Garage door closed” echoes from the alarm system. The carpeted floors harbor no sign of tire tracks or oil stains, but rather the indentations from the last movement of furniture. From the rack of shoes lining the right wall to the enormous bookshelf and desk that encompass the left corner: piles of footwear, including the ragged sandals that my grandmother left as a “souvenir” from India, to the assemblage of eccentric notes and intricate drawings from last night's homework, no room in our house shows greater diversity. The garage, interestingly enough, is not the home of my family’s
I got my dog almost one year ago. We got him on november second 2014. Me and my sister had begged our parents to get us a dog but they kept saying no. THe day that we ended up getting him my parents just said that we were going camping. They said we were going camping in a cabin a few miles from Bend Oregon.
The man outside the car. Beard unshaved, teeth yellow, shirt bright red, hair unbrushed, but all went unnoticed with the shiny piece of metal he was waving at us. Time froze, just at the sight of the gun made my parents freeze, I was a clueless two-year-old. The only worry in the world is when the next time I’ll get a happy meal. But I am not the child in the backseat anymore, I am the mature, teenage girl in the driver seat. I get it, the guy was scared, his actions were him showing fear. But we have nothing to fear but fear itself.