
Personal Narrative: Osteogensis Imperfecta

Decent Essays

I like most people have to overcome challenges in my life, my challenge is my bone condition, Osteogensis Imperfecta (OI). I didn't develop OI overnight, this bone condition is a mutation in the making for type one collagen that I inherited. I have inherited this genetic condition from my dad. His inheritance is unknown. Osteogensis Imperfecta causes my bones to be more fragile and break, and I will be affected by this challenge my whole lifetime. OI causes collagen and other tissues to be a low 'supply' for my body. In this time in history there is no cure. I have not overcame my challenege becuase it is not possible at this time. I can't avoid my challenge, it is a genectic condition that I cant get rid of. I have tried to avoid making my challenge worse, by being more careful than the average person in hopes of not getting hurt. I also hope that in the near future that there will be a cure, that I will be able to overcome my challenge. For now, I may not be able to overcome it but I dont have to live my life around it, I just can't do sports or hardcore physical activities. …show more content…

I can't "rough-house" like nost kids do with there friends, or run around and play games. I tend to stay away from very athelitic people because I can't interact with them. I can, however, interact with people in non atheletic ways, like acidemics and clubs. I may not be able to participate in ways that most kids my age can, I can participate in other

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