Although I don’t remember much myself, my parents always remind me of a time I spent a couple hundred dollars on a game. This is what supposedly happened. It took place at my house and involves my mother and I. First, it was a hot summer day and I was bored. So I went through all my games on my iPod and didn’t find any of them entertaining. I searched the app store for any game that seemed interesting. I found this game that caught my attention called Pet Hotel. It’s your average roving game. In the game you’re obligated to build rooms to unlock pets, but building rooms take time. I played the game for a bit normally. But soon, that would all change shortly. One boring day, I got tired of waiting for everything to take hours to finish
On Monday 6/29/2015 Sgt. Alexander and I was dispatched to the Hostess House located at 6741 Highway 70 in reference to 2 subject, Mr. Burnette and Mr. Jacobs that were renting room 251 and had outstanding warrants.
Since the beginning of reconstruction, women have been fighting for equal rights. Women’s political parties have been formed, some states have ratified voting rights for women, and women in the workforce has increased. Women have always been viewed has “domestic”, only made to serve the husband and work within the household. However, these views were all scrutinized and drawn into question on when Lizzie Borden, the youngest daughter of the Borden family, was accused for the death of her father and step-mother. Kathryn Allamong Jacob, writer of “She couldn’t have done it, even if she did”, argues that Lizzie Borden couldn’t have commit the murders due to the “Victorian conception of womanhood”
In my essay I am going to compare things from the book Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet to events in my life. In the book on page 9 paragraph one it talks about how after Marty’s mother passed away Marty kept busy at college to avoid his dad and the reality of the situation. Marty only came back home for laundry and in asking his father for money which his dad always gave him because he felt awful. In my life I have known a lot of people that deal with death in this same way. They work a lot and keep themselves busy to avoid the life situation that’s really happening. In my opinion, this is not the best way to deal with grief because eventually it’s going to catch up with you.
My purchase occurred on my ninth birthday. I received 60 dollars for my birthday, and my parents took me to the “Mecca” for kids--the toy store. By the time I arrived at the store, the birthday money was a raging inferno burning a hole through my pocket. When I had walked into the store, I saw a stack of red, blue, and green cube-shaped metal boxes full of Pokémon cards glinting in the artificial light of the store. Each box was a steep price of 20 dollars, and after “thinking” about which box to buy, I decided to buy all three boxes. My parents tried to convince me to look around the store, for we had only been there for five minutes. But I dismissed their comments and followed through
As I road into town, brushing the dust off my Stetson, I sighed in relief. The dusty trails of Texas can really take a tole on a man. I was tired, and made my way straight to the Golden Coral Inn. I hadn’t heard much of the happenings of this town and was curious, but being a man of few words, I decided to just sit back in the lounge and listen to what was to be said. It was interesting, as talk up this way normally is. I heard there was a range war goin’ on a little ways out of town, between an old timer and a stronger, more powerful ranch. The bigger ranch, the Circle J, was wantin’ the land that the little ranch had. The littler ranch, the T Bar, wasn’t sellin’ though. He was gettin’ his cows rustled and every other dirty trick in the book. I was about to head up to my room when I heard a name that stopped me dead in my tracks: Tom Wesley.
On November 5, 1605 a crisis was averted. Robert Catesby and his followers had hatched a plan to blow up the House of the Lords while Parliament was in session. In doing so, they would kill the king and his officials and establish a Catholic monarchy in the resulting chaos. This would be known in later years as the Gunpowder Plot (Sommerville, "The Gunpowder Plot."). One of the most well-known plotters, Guy Fawkes, fought for the Spanish Catholics in the 1590s. During this time, he learned how to “mine” or dig passages underground to destroy enemy sites with explosives. This skill later helped the plotters figure out how to ignite the gunpowder. However, before the plotters could set off their gunpowder, Baron Monteagle received a letter advising him against attending the Parliament meeting “for God and man have concurred to punish the wickedness of this time” (qtd. in Sommerville). Monteagle then passed the letter on to King James I. When James sent officials to search the area underneath the House of Lords, Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellar amongst
The road, or more appropriately, the path leading the town of Opal essentially consisted of dirt and jagged pebbles. Needless to say it wasn’t the most favored road amongst the neighbors, especially those with wagons as the wheels consisting of flimsier spokes would often break or create a hitch. I didn’t so much have an issue with taking the path, aside from the semi-agonizing distance, as I was wearing my work boots, but it was honestly still an eyesore. However, I enjoyed the views of both the left and right side of the path. They were both rolling hills coated with lush oceans of green, despite the recent frigid weather as they defied the norm associated with the winter season. It was truly transitioning into a beautiful day, allowing the
In the story To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Scout and Jem's father, Atticus Finch, is judged very often by all of the people in the town. They like to judge him about his father skills, his association with the Negroes, and his controversial job. Even Atticus' own sister disagrees with his lifestyle and teaching. While Atticus is judged and criticized by everyone else in town, I believe that he is doing a great, unique job as a father and teacher in his children's lives.
I am the General Manger of the recently-purchased and renovated Timber Cove Inn. After a 2.5 million upgrade, the raccoons have returned to nature, we have remodeled the rooms, and we have added hiking trails and an events lawn overlooking the spectacular Sonoma Coast.
My car totaled out in a ditch, sirens blaring causing a distinct ring in my ears that seemed to last for days and blue lights strobing like a dub step concert, I sat there on my bumper listening to the radio like never before. It was a quite night in March of 2016 when an event would change my outlook on humanity itself. Never will I respond to call with out the thought of this may go bad quick.
One day at our summer cabin in the woods me my mom,dad,brother, and sister were having a peaceful day except for that this time we were in danger having to live off the land. For we feared that some kind of creature had taken over our cabin. What was once a peaceful vacation spot was know a place of eeriness.
I never knew that I was a part of something bigger than a backup, but I turned out to be. Now the fate of every sliver of good magic Walt Disney ever dreamed up rests on me-me and the team, I should say. I suppose it all started, that everything changed at midnight.
On 04/06/17, at 5:46pm, I Deputy Warden N. Christian was dispatched to 1840 Roberts St on a dog at large, patrol only. I arrived in the area and proceeded to drive around, as I was turning north in an alley from Roberts St, I heard a dog barking from the east of Roberts St. I saw a brown/white pit bull loose near 1840 Roberts St. I took a picture of the dog loose. I advised Franklin County Animal Care and Control (FCACC) Dispatcher B. Grotsky to contact the dog owner that lives at that location. I had previously captured the dog on 10/06/16. The dog ran on the front poach of the above location. I exited my vehicle and knocked on the door. I received no answers. I utilized my snare pole to gain control of the dog. I placed the dog in
I woke up on a warm sunny Saturday morning and went down stairs and called my friend Joey Gliech and said “Today is the day!”
My heart palpitates as I walk into Disney World, it seems like something out of a dream. For a moment I desire only one thing, that my family was beside me in this journey, but I quickly relinquish the thought knowing that wasn’t possible. I then let out a sigh, blinking away the tears that seemed to have already formed in my eyes. “Keep your focus” I quickly and strictly muttered to myself as I wander around the theme park.