
Personal Narrative-Pour

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As my alarm sounded, I sat up and rolled over and I look at the date. I ran out of my room to my own bathroom faster than a bullet escaping the barrel of a fun being held by the Punisher. It was I have been waiting for. “VANS WARPED TOUR”! I got my tickets for my girlfriend and I. I got in the shower, got dressed, did my hair, and did my liner. I waited for an hour for my mom to get up. She finally woke up and we got my sisters ready and took off. It took an hour and a half to get to my girlfriend’s house. Once we got to her apartment, I ran out of the car and upstairs I went. I knocked on the door and when she answered she was super excited just like I was. We got back in the car and headed toward Cincinnati, Ohio which was right next

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