
Personal Narrative: Prejudice And Racism

Decent Essays

I am white. I have been white ever since I found out that there is a distinguished difference between the way I look and the way the girl sitting next to me does.. Prior to being taught that racism is a strong issue and that there is a dissimilarity between people that is so controversial, I would have never thought anything more (or less) of the opposite skin color. All around the world, for as long as any history textbook can date back to, race is one of the most debated issues that has never come to a consensus to make everyone happy. Maybe there is a reason for that. Maybe race will always be an occurring issue that everyone needs to handle. There are people different from you, as well as the same, and that will never change but rather than fighting it… Everyone should take the time to learn about and embrace it. …show more content…

I had light pale skin and hers was a bit darker. But the girl with blonde hair, or the fancy dress on didn’t look like I did either. Eight years ago this was and my knowledge on race relations has clearly gone up, but the oblivious little girl I once was is still in the back of my mind. So unaware of the world’s problems and the fact that my friends were being taught to avoid people I was intrigued to know because they were different. Why can’t everyone be accepted? What makes the color of skin such a big threat? Nine year old me was not only able to look past everything and see someone for themselves but was able be curious to know more about the person that was not like me. Thinking back, the phrase “young and naïve” may come to mind when this is truly not the case at all. I was raised by a mother to realize that people are all the same with the hopes of making it in this world regardless of anything else. I was in 3rd grade when I realized not everyone is so lucky to be accepted the way I was

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