
Personal Narrative: Puff Pastry Dome

Satisfactory Essays

On Saturday night, at exactly 5:40 p.m., I am turning off my phone, my laptop and my iPad and putting all of them in the drawer that will not be opened until Sunday morning. My mother hears my plan and she thinks that is a fun activity to do, and she would like to join me. We will spend one night without the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, YouTube, as well as TVs and video games. And that’s more than 4 hours. We prepare to use this time to cook a good dinner together, and we decide to do the “creamy mushroom soup under a Puff Pastry Dome” because that is very delicious and we never tried before that takes so much time to made the “Puff Pastry Dome”. And to avoid checking the cookbook on my cell phone, we write down the recipe on a piece

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