3. Synthesis
In order to generate educational and occupational options for myself, I have looked at many resources ranging from volunteering in person to researching online. I have volunteered at a retirement home with a kinesiologist to determine if I would like that type work, and more importantly, the work environment. I have also volunteered at a physiotherapy clinic and Toronto rehabilitation institute to get a clinical and hospital experience as well. This has allowed me to get a hands on experience at various difference jobs in the field of healthcare. I have also looked at online resources such as research articles, government website, NOC, and DOT. Along with these resources, I have also gotten the opportunity to work at various jobs
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From completing the occupational research paper for Arts 111, I had the opportunity to interview a professional in the occupation of my choice, and this has given me further insight on what to expect after many years of working at the …show more content…
Obstacles such as internal barriers, external barriers, and compromises. To counteract them, I will receive support to help me achieve my goal. Lastly, I will need to take shorter-term action steps to achieve my long term goal of becoming a full time physiotherapist. The internal barriers that I face include readiness, and fear of change. When it comes to readiness, I always feel like I can be trying harder and be more prepared. In terms of studying to become a physiotherapist, I will always be questioning myself on whether I am fully ready to take on this responsibility for the rest of my life. This ties into my other internal barrier, the fear of change. I have always been scared of change ever since I was a child. The external barriers include influence of others, and geographic factors. If friends and family favour one program over another, I will subconsciously enroll in the one that they prefer over the one that I truly prefer. If I get accepted into a university that requires me to move to a different city or country, I will hesitant to take the offer. In the end I will compromise and take the offer. If there was a choice to take an offer that is in my preferred geographical location (in Ontario), I will be more likely to take that offer. To achieve my goal of becoming a physiotherapist,
Before visiting the Hospital for Special Care Adaptive Sports Program in New Britain, I did not realize all the hard work that goes into working in the adaptive sports program. At first I thought the adaptive sports program was for people who had difficulties playing sport and nothing more. However, after visiting the site, I was completely wrong. The tour guide informed us that the facility purpose is to modify equipment in order for people with certain physical limitation to enjoy the sport comfortably. He informed us that the players do not participate because they have to, but because they love the sport in and of itself. From hearing everything the tour guide was telling the class, I feel the inner pride in him. I realized that he truly loves his job because of the fulfilment he helps the clients achieve, for example gaining friends they can call family and building their confidence.
Jim Penn is a Physical Therapy Assistant at Medina Regional Hospital in Hondo Texas. My interview with him was extremely helpful in getting information on Assistant Physical Therapists. Prior to this interview I was interested in becoming either a Physical Therapist or an Assistant Physical therapist, however I did not have a lot of knowledge regarding the Assistant position. Jim Penn helped explain the career field and gave a lot of insight to what I should expect regarding schooling and the day to day in the field. I will hopefully be spending a few days this summer shadowing him and the Pediatric Physical Therapist on Staff at Medina Regional.
Everyone has something they’re talented at, and many people have to try multiple things before they find their talent(s) that they have. As a child, my parents like many others had me participate in multiple activities. For example, I took dance classes, played a great amount of sports, and was a participant in many plays. In my freshman year, I tried running track and field. During the course of it, I developed shin splints and I proceeded to go to the athletic trainer. The athletic trainer here, Todd Korabek, has a system that works for the whole program. New injuries will see an aide, and that aide will then write up a card for them which lists their name, sport, injury, and body part. The aide doesn’t write the injury because only the athletic trainer can diagnose. After the athletic trainer treats all old injuries, he evaluates the new injuries, which happened to be me at that moment. Watching the aides assist Mr. Korabek really inspired me and his profession intrigued me.
An occupational therapy degree will significantly help accomplish my immediate and long-term professional goals. It will provide a qualified education and a fulfilling lifelong career that will enable me to support myself and my future family. It will also allow me to work in a satisfying career that improves the quality of life of others by pushing them to reach their best potential. As I develop the necessary skills through this degree, I will be more equipped to give hope and love to those who struggle in various ways. I want to help put a smile on someone’s face as they finally overcome pain and difficulty while gaining, or regaining, the ability to perform day-to-day tasks. An occupational therapy degree will put me on a direct course to reaching these
I am not like other people where I’ve had difficulties with my family but I have had one major struggle that has impacted my life. It did not affect me for just one summer it will be affecting me for the rest of my life. The exceptional hardship I have had was when I broke my leg in five places and had to overcome the difficulties of getting better. It was such a difficult experience because it affected my love of playing basketball. However, that experience led me on my path in pursuing a career in Sports Medicine. Breaking my leg was awful but it helped me think about what I wanted to study when I go into college.
Since then, Occupational therapy has become such an obvious choice for my career. There is no other job that is quite as client centered and works to one individual’s unique goals. I don’t have a story about someone in my life that went to a therapist and
I hope the new year is treating you well! This year I am a sophomore at the University of Evansville. I am pursuing a degree in exercise science and hope to one day become a physical therapist. My dream job would be to work in an outpatient physical therapy office. The time I have spent at the University of Evansville has been something I will look back on fondly for the rest of my life. I am involved in numerous campus organizations, such as the exercise science club, physical therapy club, national society of leadership and success, and hall council. My favorite organization is Hall Council, because it has introduced me to some great people that I am proud to be able to call my friends. I also have the privilege to be the vice president for
Becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy has been my educational and life goal from the time I was freshman year of high school. When I was 15 years of age, my life changed forever. After three months of physical therapy for a weak hip, my physical therapist told me that I was not where I should be, and that something was wrong. A specialist subsequently diagnosed me with hip dysplasia as well as a labral tear. Fixing those two issues would entail a multi-hour surgery with 18 months of recovering. At that time in my life I was a four sport athlete and involved in countless other activities at school. I was the kid who would say how high when someone would say jump. Therefore 18 months of rehabilitation would put in a dent in my normal flow of
To understand how I will embody the American Physical Therapy Association's vision as a future physical therapist, it's important to begin from my past, where it all came from. My adoration of the human body began during the first few years of high school. It was around this time that I had been working and working; finally I had saved up enough money to buy my first car back in the summer of 2009. Everyone loved his or her first car, and I was no exception. Like a typical first car, it had malfunctions here and there which I would research and repair on my own, learning along the way. Well, it was around that time that I was taking my first anatomy class, and I thought to myself, "Wow, how similar an automobile and the human body are. Two robust, powerful machines that can be repaired with some research and experience, together with a bit of learning along the way." Little did I know how much more intricate, detailed, and marvellous the human anatomy was; I wanted to fix everyone.
Looking back to the kickoff of my freshman year made me feel frangible. At this point, I had been a little more than halfway through my freshman and everything had transmuted once again. This time in a good way. I had just gotten out of my nerves cast about a month ago. It had been a fortnight since getting out of my cast for my broken ankle and but now I had just been able to commence utilizing my ambulating boot. The visual perception of my leg after being in a cast for 4 and half months Frightening. An aberrantly minuscule leg, can it even work where my poetic conceptions. My peregrination commenced at that moment. Two months until the commencement of club soccer season. For about a month my job in the school was to study and steadily start ambulating around the school.
I chose a physical therapist (PT) because it always interested me from the time I was little because my dad had to go through and I went with him sometimes. I've always wanted to help people get better and better themselves and this is how I can do it. I recently just graduated from physical therapy, and I thought it was so cool to ask questions about a potential career that I could have one day. I got a hands on experience and had to do all different kinds of stretches and exercises. I actually really liked it because it was helping me make my muscles better and stronger.
I was privileged to spend numerous hours walking alongside and observing a physical therapist at the Winona Health Center. The shadowing time spent with her was very rewarding and it validated that my decision to pursue a career in physical therapy was the right path for me to take. Professionalism is encompassed by a wide range of core values. During my time with Leah Winecke, she was able to articulate and demonstrate these values in various ways. She bestowed compassion on her patients by communicating effectively with them, both verbally and non-verbally, while also taking into consideration the individual differences was refreshing to observe. She showed excellence by taking the time to consistently update and educate her patients
In the past, I have explored becoming a physical therapist, via shadowing, or pursuing a career in medical research. I decided not to pursue physical therapy because I became more interested in parts of medicine that are not the focus of physical therapy (specifically diseases of the cardiopulmonary system). Additionally, I also became interested in surgery and this is not a component of physical therapy. The reason I decided against a career strictly focused on medical research is because part of my passion for medicine is for interacting directly with patients. I am committed to working with patients and their families and diagnosing and treating individual patients and that is not something I would be able to do during medical
"If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something” (Steve Jobs). I remained undecided with which career I wanted to pursue for a period of time and thinking about this quote I knew I didn’t want to wake up every morning and dread the day ahead of me. I knew I wanted to remain in the activity of color guard but also wanted to help people with their personal goals. I had always had self-image issues growing up, and when I decided to change my life style and get in shape I knew I wanted to help people gain their self-confidence. I discovered that exercise science is a field that allows me to stay in the color guard world and help people, there are several fields that would allow me to do both, personal training, physical
Ever had aching muscles? Ever wish you could just sit back and relax as someone rubs those atrocious twitchings out of this life? Well you are in luck, massage therapists are the leading men and women of the modern day that contribute to reinvigoration of virility. Discovering and selecting a school that satisfied all my expectations was a tough but exciting task. I chose Texas Center for Massage Therapy as my school of choice because of the in depth course work they have to offer through their 32-week program. Massage therapy stood out to me a few years ago when I met a friend who was studying massage. I’ve always had an interest in the medical field beginning when I was a young child. The daily routine of a student wanting to pursue massage therapy would thrive to their