
Personal Narrative Report

Decent Essays

On 8/25/17, I attended Mr. Barrera’s follow-up appointment with Dr. Dietzel to evaluate the status of his left shoulder postoperative. X-rays were taken prior to him being seen. Mr. Barrera presented ambulating with both shoulders in alignment. He reported pain only while participating in therapeutic exercises. He demonstrated lifting his right arm only to shoulder height, was able to extend elbows with minimal difficulty, but unable to reach arm behind back to the sacrum. After his exam, Dr. Dietzel stated Mr. Barrera was making good progress but still exhibited decrease range of motion, which was normal at his stage of recovery. He continued saying physical therapy could begin working on strengthening his scapular muscle but wanted …show more content…

Barrea at the office of Dr. Dietzel. Prior to the appointment I had called Mr. Barrea and introduced myself. He was aware of the file transfer. Mr. Barrea is able to demonstrate reaching above shoulder level activity. Passively he is able to reach above his head. Dr. Dietzel reports the strength is slowly improving. He wants Mr. Barrea to continue with his home exercise program and attending physical therapy 2 times per week. He is to concentrate on increasing his range of motion and strength. Mr. Barrea spoke with Dr. Dietzel about the favored work. Dr. Dietzel said that was fine as long as they follow the restrictions and the physical therapy continues. WORK STATUS On 9/22/17, Dr. Dietzel reluctantly wrote that Mr. Barrera could return to work with no use of the right upper extremity. No pushing, pulling, or lifting. Also, needs to be able to do physical therapy 2 times a week. Ms. Castle updates the employer. ASSESSMENT Mr. Barrera is progressing as expected, slowly regaining range of motion and strength to his right shoulder. Based on his current status, I see no barriers inhibiting his return to full duty within the time frame given by Dr. Dietzel. He remains positive and appears motivated to return to work and his previous level of activity. Mr. Barrea is not happy about returning to the favored work, he claims the distance for him to drive is too

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