There is lots to know about me. I play tennis all year round at the Racquet Club of Lake Bluff. There are many talented tennis coaches that are from all over the world. My main tennis coaches are from France. I play the piano and teach lessons for many kids from ages 5-11. I have been playing piano since I was three. I also have a passion for crafts and baking for my family. In my free time I love to read books and watch T.V. shows. My favorite genre of books is realistic fiction because I love knowing that what I read could happen at any second. My favorite T.V. show is Grey’s Anatomy. It is so intriguing watching what happens in the hospital and seeing how surgical doctors live. I have a brother and two sisters. My brother Alex, is leaving for college on thursday to University of San Diego. My two sisters Gabrielle and Juliette are currently at the Lake Forest High School. I have a dog named Marty and he is six years old. He is a half lab, quarter beagle, quarter pug. I am very organized and I love reading new books. I am excited for the books that we will be reading this year. …show more content…
I behave well in class and stay on track. My personality is extremely outgoing, creative, and positive. I am comfortable presenting in front of anyone because I love sharing my ideas. I admire when teachers listen to their students and put time into what they are teaching us. I like working alone most of the time so I can get more work done and be motivated at all times. As a student I would like to figure out new ways to improve my writing. If I improve my writing, I will be better at writing all kinds of essays. My best learning style is when teachers give thorough explanations and then we learn by putting what is taught into our thinking. Learning new information and ways to improve as a student is one of the best things about seventh
I had to be a main part in the biggest stage of the game was very challenging, and hard to overcome, especially caddying for one of the greatest caddy of all time. I was shocked, I usually do not face much stress in my life, but this moment gave me a rush of fear that cannot be explained. I am not a nervous person, I could handle most pressure given to me. On the other hand when I was but in a situation working with pro golfers i felt edgy to the subject.
It was dead silent as the ball sat in the air and as if time had stopped. It was December of 2015, I was 13, my team and I was playing for 3rd place in the Colt Classic Tournament. It was a night game at Barrington Station High School. We were playing the Barrington Colts, which was weird considering they are playing for 3rd in their own tournament that they were hosting, before the game, I was talking to some of my teammates Aaron Pattis, Stephen Harris, Bradley Jenkins, Ayden Anderson and I were talking before the game, going into that game we speculated that we had this game in the bag easily as a result of how well our team was playing. Little did we know, we had another problem coming.
I was born on December, 27, 2003 in Dubuque, Iowa. When I was born, I had no brothers or sisters. I only had my mom and dad (My Mom’s name is Amy, and my dad’s name is Tim). My interests when I was younger was sports, because my uncles always played sports and for their baseball teams I was the bat boy. I went to Key West for my daycare and preschool. My first time ever walking was when I was about nine months old. My first word was ball because I was always at the baseball field watching my uncles.
My favorite outdoor activity is to ride my bike. When it’s warm that is. When it’s cold (like winter cold) I like to throw snowballs at my Mom. My special talent is being good at video games. The video game that I am the best at out of all the games I’ve played is Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. Medal of Honor: Rising Sun is a first-person shooter game which honestly i’m not that good at first-person shooter games but I am good at this one and i’m surprised I am. There’s a few other things you could know about me. I have a 22 year old brother named Ryan. My brother just recently got married, So now i have a sister-in-law named Emily. Also I have a one year old nephew named zayne. Also on an unrelated note i’ve just recently been on an airplane. We drove to Chicago to get me onto the airplane to go to my dad’s house in South Dakota. When i got back we spent the day in Chicago. We went to the navy pier. We also went to the lincoln park zoo. We went to get Chicago-style pizza at Giordano's (my favorite pizza of all
The one thing I buy regardless of cost is to visit the Masters golf tournament at Augusta, Georgia. The first reason is I enjoy the history. I hear about legends like Arnold Palmer, and Gary Player. I listen to Jack Nicolas’s best round. The second reason is the beautiful scenery. I like seeing the beautiful trees and flowers overlooking the golf course. I like seeing the gorgeous greens. Next, I would want to see the opening tee shot. It’s a tradition for many years. The starters are very famous and they won the Masters many times. Another reason is to see Tiger Woods. I enjoy seeing him because he’s very famous. He has won this tournament five times. His first Masters win was in 1997. Additionally, the tournament is in April. April is when
Being ranked number one on the Vacaville High School Varsity Tennis Team was one of the most mentally challenging events during high school. I love tennis, but it was very difficult balancing all of my Advanced Placement classes, trying to having some sort of a social life and playing tennis year-round all at the same time. The only reason being number one was mentally challenging was because I was losing most of of my matches. I thought about quitting the tennis team more times than I could count. It was my first year playing in the number one spot and I was not ready to play against such high-level tennis players. I knew that if I didn't show up we would lose because the rest of the team would have to play against a player that is one level
I often sleep or cook food for my family. As my brother and I grew older, my mom taught us each how to cook, so we take turns. The scrapbook contains memories from when I was 16 years old forward. My blog mostly contains visual art or posts pertaining to music. My biggest fear is spiders, desperately enough so that I taught Trouble to pounce on and kill spiders. I’m a hugely messy, unorganized person. I love playing video games, a love instilled by Josh. My favorite colors are light blue and gray, and I love floral patterns. Wearing dresses provide me with a sense of confidence. I savor easting cookie dough ice cream and drinking sweet tea. Reading outside of schoolwork isn’t among my hobbies; however, my favorite book is The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. My favorite movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I love to travel. I hope that one day, I can visit everywhere in the world at least once. Theme parks are one of my favorite places to travel since I absolutely love roller
My name is Abigail Almanza. I am currently 14, I have a family of six, two sisters, and one brother. They're all very annoying. I am not someone who gives up right away I always strive for so loving my own problems.I want to have good grades and be proud of myself. My favorite food is sushi. Once you get to know me and become comfortable with me you'll realize that I'm actually a fun person to be with, I say the dumbest things ever. I love taking pictures and I think skies are amazing
“Tweet Tweet,” screamed the birds as the sun smacked Tyler and me in the face with its Florida heat hotter than jalapenos.
I am Tristan Vigar. I am sixteen. I have a big family, which I love because I’m never bored. I live in a country house in Urbana, Indiana. I love playing and watching basketball. I recently do not have a job, but I plan to have at the beginning of next year. I enjoy going to school and learning. My favorite class would be science because its fun. My worst class would be math. I think I struggle in math because it’s hard to remember the formulas.
My favorite sport is Soccer. My eyes are greenish/blue. I love horror movies/shows. In summer me, my cousins, and my aunt and uncle always have a campout in tents in the backyard on the 4th of July. When I still went to tri-village my “Best friend” bit me in my arm and she left a mark. She got saturday school and that's partially why we moved to a different school. When my sister was only a few months old she had to get skull surgery because her skull wasn’t shaped right and she had to get part of her bone in the front of her head taken out and she almost died. My mom works at the US bank in Farmersville and my dad works at silfex in Eaton. I like wearing bright colors. I have been to Arizona before when I was little for my uncles wedding. My cousin was and still is in the army and my uncle was in the navy. My favorite animal is dogs. I like listening to music to make myself concentrate and focus better. I like to make people laugh and smile so no one is sad or upset. My second favorite thing to do is run track. I like being outgoing and different than other people. I like to watch disney. I have light brown/brown
Joining tennis was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I made new friendships that have latest throughout the years, I grew out of comfort zone, I learned how to play and how to manage my time wisely. My experience with tennis has been amazing along with some difficult obstacles along the way. But overall I have learned to become the best version of myself. Tennis is not an easy sport no matter what anyone says. You have to decide how to hit the ball, where to aim it to and also the amount of power you put into it. It also takes time getting used to holding a racket, especially for the back hand hit. I remember it being truly confusing to memorize.
It was a Monday morning on June 13, 2016 and I was not ready for what was to come of today. I was practicing for my tournaments all summer long and this day was the day for me to show that my work has paid off. Even though It was a qualifier into a high skilled tournament I need my game this summer to be one of my best years so I can send my resumes to coaches around the country. So now the round Is about to start and I was nervous. Playing against kids much older and much stronger than you is intimidating, but i knew that was not supposed to change what was going to happen today. This golf course is a tricky one with lots of trees and hills but that should change my mindset of trying to win this qualifier. And we were off, I striped my drive
I was born _name__ on _date__ in _place__. I am a son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and friend. I was desperately shy as a small child, but grew out of it. My teen years were happy times sports, friends, summers spent in __place_. It all helped shape me into who I am today. My interests are many. I have always enjoyed reading about history and follow the history channel faithfully. I love music. It's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I find it calming when life gets rocky.
“Oh no, please don’t tell me this is happening. Mom, can I just skip this tournament?” I pleaded, “There is absolutely no hope for me.” Being the dramatic person I am, I lamented the imminent end of my tennis career. I went into the tournament with an expectation of failure. I started the match by accidentally whacking the ball over the fence, tripping on my own feet rushing to end the point. The little confidence I had when going into the match dissipated within a few minutes. I continued the match pondering how to angle my racket to put spin on the ball. Every time I failed, I blamed it on the high skill level of my opponent. Unsurprisingly, I lost in an hour. When looking back on that match, I realized that it could have gone differently had I not brought myself down before. My lack of