
Personal Narrative: Sanity Check

Decent Essays

Be a mom, or keep working my corporate dream… the ultimate choice

It was all a dream… My career was finally looking up, I was working as a senior accountant with multiple multi-million accounts, full-cycle, I finally finished my Bachelor’s degree. I even purchased my first home and bought a new car! Then, it happened, I found out I was going to be a mom. I was excited, and terrified at the same time, I even took parenting classes! I had no idea how to do the formula thing and diapers? Yeah… ok.
So I had my son and I was getting close to time to start working again, then it happened. I didn’t want to leave my son and go back to work. During my pregnancy, I had visited some business ideas, I even wrote an entire back end for a janitorial …show more content…

I incorporate him into my process when I can, and explain to him in detail when I can’t. I have worked to make him as much of a part of this journey as I can, we are in this together.
Sanity Check…
When you come out of corporate America, you have to detox your thought process. Instead of being subordinate to the structure, you have to step up and head your own. This takes a little getting used do, but once you do, it’s like second nature. I took some professional development classes to help me get my clarity. Everyone stumbles in the beginning, but the world has a short memory. The best part, your business only goes as far as you take it, and there are so many ways to be successful once you find your groove.

This is why I decided to start my own business. I wanted to actually have time with my son while he was young, to make sure I continue the bond with him that I believe is necessary to help him become a well-rounded adult. My mom was a homemaker until I was 11 and she spent a great deal of time with us outside of school. My sibling and I are still very close to her to this day, and I believe her direct interaction and bonding with us during these years has quite a bit to do with

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