Be a mom, or keep working my corporate dream… the ultimate choice
It was all a dream… My career was finally looking up, I was working as a senior accountant with multiple multi-million accounts, full-cycle, I finally finished my Bachelor’s degree. I even purchased my first home and bought a new car! Then, it happened, I found out I was going to be a mom. I was excited, and terrified at the same time, I even took parenting classes! I had no idea how to do the formula thing and diapers? Yeah… ok.
So I had my son and I was getting close to time to start working again, then it happened. I didn’t want to leave my son and go back to work. During my pregnancy, I had visited some business ideas, I even wrote an entire back end for a janitorial
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I incorporate him into my process when I can, and explain to him in detail when I can’t. I have worked to make him as much of a part of this journey as I can, we are in this together.
Sanity Check…
When you come out of corporate America, you have to detox your thought process. Instead of being subordinate to the structure, you have to step up and head your own. This takes a little getting used do, but once you do, it’s like second nature. I took some professional development classes to help me get my clarity. Everyone stumbles in the beginning, but the world has a short memory. The best part, your business only goes as far as you take it, and there are so many ways to be successful once you find your groove.
This is why I decided to start my own business. I wanted to actually have time with my son while he was young, to make sure I continue the bond with him that I believe is necessary to help him become a well-rounded adult. My mom was a homemaker until I was 11 and she spent a great deal of time with us outside of school. My sibling and I are still very close to her to this day, and I believe her direct interaction and bonding with us during these years has quite a bit to do with
When I became a mommy at the age of 23, I became aware of how much there was to learn. As a new parent I became overwhelmed by all the duties I had in order to take care of my daughter. She had to be fed, change, bathe, put to sleep, etc. It seemed unconceivable to me that I could cope with any other additional activity, such as going to college or working at the same time. There was a point in my life that I felt discouraged and felt I needed guidance and support to keep on going. I wanted her to experience what I experience during my childhood. However, by the time my 3rd daughter was born, I was aware of everything I had learned and I was actually an excellent mommy. I was able to analyze in detail what every parent must do raise their family in becoming productive citizens of our society and the reason why it was so important to become an excellent caregiver.
After reading your response I realized I was not completely clear on my point of view. I have noticed this before and am working on trying to be clearer when writing. I also am trying to find a balance when giving details with my explanations. It is a find balance that I am still learning, in the past I have gone off topic because of my detail or long explanations. This is something that I am constantly working on and is not easy. However, when I receive feedback like this one it helps me find the part of my journal that I need to fine tune. I appreciate the time you took to read and give a meaningful response and not just tell me you agree. Yes, I do like people agree with me because I am only human. But when I receive a response like your,
If I’m able to do all the work now and work hard I will have the money and job I want for the future. I do not want to have to focus so hard on my own career, that I take away from important time with my child. During my child’s critical years I feel like he/she should feel like I’m always there for them and that’s how a child should feel about their parents. Once a child is out of that critical period and they start to get older, it’s harder to make that connection. I just basically want to establish a good foundation for him or
One of the greatest life skills that you can attain is to always double check! I unfortunately had to learn this lesson the hard way. Even though obstacles come up, you can always learn from them. In this certain situation, my brother David and I thought that we did something when in reality we didn't.
Being biracial is such a unique experience and has a lot to do with the person I am today. Growing up, I did not completely realize how it would shape me as a person. Now that I am older and looking back on past experiences, I know exactly how it has impacted me. There were many times where I felt uncomfortable and confused, because I was different. That has all changed now that I recognize that the differences are what make people beautiful.
I do not believe in much aside from a few simple morals such as knowing right from wrong. There are no moments in my childhood worth mentioning and those that are I prefer to keep to myself. However what I can and choose to share are common experiences faced by many and that I too have experienced such as bullying, the divorce of two parents, having to constantly move from place to place, and always starting school as the new kid. Yet through all of it such experiences had no effect on shaping who I am today aside from a newly found sense of independence. Growing up I never cared nor did I worry about what I believed in because it didn’t matter at least not until somewhat recently.
The game was already over and the only thing our team was shooting for now was personal stats. I knew this but personally I never wanted me or any of my teammates to lose hope. Although unlikely to comeback, anything is possible. We just kept playing, hoping to break something loose and steal the momentum from the other team. I have only touched the ball a handful of times, due to poor weather conditions, when Stanley finally calls my name from the pressbox. I was calm and ready to boost my stats and I felt as if I had nothing to lose. Already lost the game and we already missed our chance in the playoffs, so why not shoot for personal goals? This mindset was wrong, but it was the mindset many had at this point.
In March of 1994 I started a home based business of child care. Through the process of seeking daycare for my four month old son I realized I couldn’t leave him with a complete stranger and decided to stay home with him, however, I also needed an income. Eighteen months later my daughter was born and I had a full house of infants and toddlers. In the beginning this was intended to be a short term job while I raised my young children and prepared them for school. Little did I know this was the beginning of a new career.
A potential alternative to my story would me being more of an open, expressive person. I would defiantly talk more about my feelings and how I would want others to treat me. Even though I was always an honest person, but always heavily guarded. Having a different paradigm I would have been able to let more people know how I felt about them and not worry so much about judgment or the disregard of my emotions.
I just keep going after all the action and all the things looked normal. When I want to take a right turn to school, I saw the red and blue light behind my car. Through a double check, my heart became cold. I know what happened, I got a big trouble. Then I did the second dangerous action, keep going. Actually, I just want to find a safe place to stop. But the police did not on my side, and then he began whistled. I do not know why I ignore the voice and just keep going. I will not do the stupid thing like that.
“Every time I turn around, Andrea is trying to kill her bother. Half the time, Isaac is either being a pervert or a show off. Six, it’s annoying,” I whined.
In my self-assessment, there is always room for improvement when it comes to management and leadership roles. Though I have never considered myself as a leader. I always imagined when taking on a leadership role the objective is to bring others together for a common good even those of like and unlike minds. As a leader, I want to create an environment that is positive, be willing to take on responsibilities and be able to manage problems.
Something that I value about myself is my strong work ethic. I strongly believe and think it is essential that people know that grades and test scores do not always define the student properly. This applies to me, because I work really hard in all of my classes, and my test grades do not reflect how much I knowledge and the effort I put forth as a student. Two huge times this was showcased was during my AP Biology class and all of my standardized tests.
Life has tried to put me down (and keep me there) so many times but I just keep getting back up and moving forward. Sometimes, it was a downfall brought about by my own bad decision-making about how to play the hand I was dealt. Other times, I was simply dealt a bad hand. After all I have been through, it is obvious to me that God has a plan for me. At forty years old, I still have no clue exactly what the precise plan is. I may never know the full details of it, but I am just going to keep moving forward in a positive direction and maybe I will discover the full itinerary of what I was born to do. When I have shared bits and pieces of my story with people through the years, I have been told I am inspiring. I have thought a few times about putting my
The demands placed upon me being a mother have not relinquished. I feel that it would be unfair to my young daughter to change the level of attention that I had given her before starting my post-graduate career. It is crucial for me not to give up my evening routines with my daughter. This time is very precious to me. I have had support to help carry the load of parenthood. My husband has been particularly helpful with chores and running errands so I can have the times that are important to me with my daughter such as dinnertime, bath time, and bedtime. I was not married nor did I have a child when I completed my undergraduate degree and graduate degree. Prior to my post-graduate courses, I had never left my daughter overnight with a caregiver. I was finding myself engaging in procrastination for school work in order to spend time with my two-year old daughter. Now, I have mustered up the strength to leave her one work night a week with my parents so that I can have time to complete work tasks and school work.