This summer we got a slide for our pool. We have a pool at our house and we wanted something to add to it because it was getting kind of boring. My sibling and I, had been begging my parent for months to get a slide for the pool, and they finally agreed! My family started looking for a slide on the internet on different websites. We finally decided on one website that would work the best. They had a big variety of different kinds of slides. There were a ton of them! There slides that were tall , slides that were short , slides that were straight, and slides that were curvy. We decided on a slide that was 7 feet tall and had a little curve on the edge. Once we ordered it, the website told us that it would arrive that week. We waited a week
He knew it was going to be a no excuses to lose to weather and it was going to be a good day for fans to watch football tonight. He had met with Kyle Cannon who was the quarterback for the team and a running back on the team named Dion Gordon;
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
I woke up and took one bite out of my pop tart but that one bite was all I could eat. My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding. My dad told me, “It is a true honor to even make it this far so go out there and have some fun.” Once I heard this statement, I knew I was ready to go. I arrived at school and boarded the bus. The car ride was an hour and fifteen minutes of hearing the squeaking of the wheel on the bus. My teammates were getting their heads ready for the big game.
If I were to be able to take, one book, one food item, and one famous person, dead or alive, with me on a deserted island; I would take Where The Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein, a GIANT bag of broccoli, and Ben Domian, an Air Force Reserve Survivalist. I would guess that this deserted Island would have trees with fruit in them or coconut trees. I would also assume that the person I had chosen to bring with me, they would have the same three options, except they would have to choose me to go with them since they were already chosen. That being said, they would be able to bring food as well to sustain themselves and a book for entertainment. If we were to combine our resources, we would be able to survive until help comes. Compiling our resources could also mean that when we finish our book we could switch and read each other's books.
It was August 28th 2013 , I knew the next day would be the biggest day of my life. All throughout the week, all I had on my mind was the big game. When I woke up on that Friday morning chills would run through my body a bolt of electricity. Knowing I’m one day away from one of the biggest games of my life. The winner has a spot in the playoffs. I was so excited and anxious that I went for a run around my neighborhood because I was filled with so much energy. When I got back from my run I had a creamy peanut butter and nutella sandwich. The best sandwich I’ve ever conceived to this day. Next thing I had to do was take my shower and get all my stuff prepared for the big game.
Experiencing this roller coaster ride with y It has been a light and dark situation but all in all a very good learning experience for the both of us in learning one’s self. At the end of the day what is truth is the love that we share together and bringing us out of the darkness and into the light it has been a very trying situation sometimes I wondered if we would ever come out of this darkness. But then the light comes on and we understand why we go through what we go through together. We feel a sigh of relief with understanding. As for giving me that disconnection because without it I wouldn’t be saying this on paper. So here I am preparing myself for what I do best with the help and love from Larry.
I think the main theme in the “Maze Runner” is trying to escape a problem, that problem is the maze. Three examples to back up why I think the theme is…
The pool was cold and I was breathing heavy. I felt like every muscle in my body was going to explode. I was swimming the last lap of the 500,and I couldn't feel my body. The black line at the bottom of the pool taunting me, since I have been staring at it for 19 laps. I only had one more lap to go, and I didn't know if I would make it. Through my tinted goggles I could see my teammates in black and orange suits jumping in the air cheering. My coach hands were moving,so fast and he was cheering so loud. I was finally approaching the yellow and blue flags. In my head I just kept telling myself ”You can do this, you can do this.”
“Let’s go guys, If you don’t hurry i’m leaving without you!” Mom said. So were walking down and we see the baby in the stroller. While we walk out the phone starts ringing. Mom told us “Stay by the baby.” She runs back inside and answers the phone. 5 minutes later our aunt pulls in the driveway. We all started walking. We go down the very long path. We see a very large dog. When we got up towards the dog we got to pet him.
For many years, students in public education were familiar with prayer in school. However, after this practice was challenged by parents in New York State, the Supreme Court ruled on June 26, 1962 that government-endorsed prayer in public schools is unconstitutional. Many Americans still disagree with this decision and believe in the importance of prayer in schools and that is the constitutional right of every American. Some of the arguments in favor of prayer in public schools are that it supports religious freedom in the United States, it acknowledges America’s heritage, and it offers benefits to all of society.
Riding a battery operated ride on jeep, while holding on to the leash of a dog, is a tremendous way to ramp yourself into a pool. It happened when I was 6 years old, and I thought I was going to be the next great stuntmen like Evel Knievel. On a hot summer 2007 July day where you could smell fresh cut grass and the sun was shining like a new Lonnie from the bank. I was at my grandparents above ground pool at their old house on Shell and Cambie road. It wasn't just those average size rubber above ground pools that you can buy from Walmart. It was a huge hand-built pool that was half the size of a hockey rink that my grandpa had built for the whole family to enjoy, and to get out of the hot summer sun. The pool was about 30ft deep and was connected to a big long deck, almost as long as the red carpet that was
13 years. It has been 13 years since I first plunged into the pool to begin my first lesson. I was small, skinny, and shy at the time, not willing to talk to people. I had tried other sports; baseball, soccer, basketball, but I found those to difficult. My dad first brought me to a pool, to splash around in the play area. But I soon found myself wanting to go the deeper parts where the whirlpool and the lazy river were. So I began group lessons on the basics on how to swim, most of the other participants were older than me so I did not make conversation with them. After I finished a couple of lessons and learned how to swim the most basic two strokes; freestyle and breaststroke, I joined a summer team, the Bradley Farm Wave. I was not very
People all over the world have preconceived notions about things: how people should dress, the occupation someone should have, the way a certain age group acts. For the most part these ideas don’t do any harm; however, sometimes, a person won’t try something new because of those notions. Except, if they try, they might just find something new that they love.
I was tired, sore, angry, and anxious. As thoughts ran through our heads we slowly lost hope in ourselves. This was our final time to shine, but could we live up to the expectation. I never thought that we were going to get the state cut.
During the swim season of my sophomore year, we had a meet in American against Moreau Catholic High School. I had finished my allotted two events, and was walking back to the locker room to change into my clothes and get ready to go home. As I was walking with my friend, we heard commotion of a missing person for the last event and varsity. I brushed it off as an upperclassmen problem and continued to change. As I was about to leave campus, the coach ran up to me and asked what my 100 meter freestyle time was. As I was about to answer, he said that it doesn’t matter and he wants me to run back and change because the event is starting in a minute. I changed and the buzzer rang as I was taking off my pants. I ran into the pool and started swimming anyway. Our relay team got first in that event.