Soccer is not only a sport for me, but also my childhood. I remember that when I was a little boy, I followed my older brothers and their friends to play soccer every day. We did not have the soccer fields. We played soccer on the quite streets or on the fields, not soccer fields, wherever we had spaces to run and control the ball. Because of I came a person like soccer. I like to play and watch others play it. Soccer is running is my blood. I am really interested in the soccer.
Soccer is called football in most of the world. It is considered to be the world's most popular sport. In soccer there are two teams of eleven players. Soccer is played on a large grass field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to get the soccer ball into the opposing team's goal. The key to soccer is that players cannot touch the ball with their hands, they can only kick, knee, or head the ball to advance it or score a goal, with the exception of the goalie. Goalie can use all body to protect the goal. In soccer, it has red and yellow cards to punish players who have fouls, and it has many rules. I know quite a lot but still a lot of things in soccer I do not know yet.
As I said, soccer has a lot of things I do not know yet. I would like to know more about the rules. It has a ton of rules. I am
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It was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg while he was a student. Facebook helps the youth and any other user updated with what is happening around the world, help the teenagers stay connected and interact with each other even if they are many miles apart. Facebook also strengthens people’s relationship when we cannot live close to others but we can connect and update information to one another any time. Facebook became most popular social networking around worldwide and now have more one billion users. Facebook is like a friend with someone, they cannot pass a day without checking
Soccer, also known as football in many other countries, is a game focused on moving a black and white ball across a grass field and place it in the goal of the opposing team to score points in the course of two 45 minute halves. At the end of the game, the team with the most points reigns victorious. In some instances, there is a tie, the game moves into overtime and, if still tied, to penalty kicks (where the goalie must prevent a direct shot from the opposing team). Often times, the official will simply declare a draw. Therefore, with the objective to score the most points, it is imperative that teamwork, communication, emotional discipline and physical endurance is maintained by the teams. Also, in recent years, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), requires that each team take the pledge to end racism and promote ethical playing practices, both on and off the field. Thus, indicating why the
Soccer is my passion because it has given me so many opportunities in life and I have most of my best memories from playing soccer. Ever since I was young years old soccer has been my number one sport, I have played other sports like basketball, softball, volleyball and tennis but soccer has been the main one that has stuck with me. Soccer has benefited my life in so many ways it has helped me stay in shape, meet new people, go to places I have never been before, taught me how to be a great leader, improved my reaction skills and fastened my decision making skills in tough situations. This sport has relieved my stress lowered my anxiety levels and overall has made me a happier person. Soccer has helped me so much with my anxiety and I am thankful
I have heard from some people that soccer is a boring sport, but the truth is, it’s a very interesting sport with a lot of excitement in it. When playing soccer, ball control is critical, you need possession of the ball in order to keep it away from the other team players, and at times, it can be fun because if you have possession of the ball most of the game,
Since 1863 when the first ever professional soccer game was played in London, soccer has become the most played and watched sport throughout the world. The game is played by two teams with eleven players on each side. Each team has a goalkeeper, who is the only player on the field able to use their hands. A game lasts ninety minutes with the objective of kicking the ball into the other team's net, and the winner is whoever scores the most goals. Although that is what most people think of when they hear soccer, soccer has a completely different meaning to me. To me, soccer is a sport that is played between my 10 best friends and I. We all are passionately playing because when we play, we play with our hearts not our feet. Soccer is something
Growing up I had focused on competitive soccer. Soccer challenged me both physically and mentally and I learned to love these demands on the field. These challenges helped me foster a self-confidence in myself when it came to athletics. When I fractured my tibia playing against my rival high school, sending my knee cap into my thigh, I was faced with a new test. The sport that I loved was taken away from me for an extended period of time and it took away part of my identity. Who was I without soccer?
When I was eight years old, I played my first season of soccer. The real reason I played soccer was because my dad forced me to play. I loved to play all kinds of sports such as basketball, baseball and football but I was never interested in soccer. After my first practice I already realized soccer was not for me. I told my dad that I did not want to play anymore but he would not listen and made me keep going to practice. At my 3rd practice, the whole team was running laps and I tripped over a stick and fell down. My ankle was hurting pretty bad but I knew I was going to be fine. While I was lying on the ground, I thought to myself If I tell the coach and my dad that my ankle is hurt really bad than I won’t have to play anymore. I thought it was a genius idea at the time. I told them just that and it worked! I have no idea how my dad knew this but once I got home he knew that I was milking my injury. He told me something that night that I won’t ever forget. He told me “you didn’t just give up on yourself, you gave up on your team”. He called the coach the next day and told him that
My parents instilled in me from a young age that team sports provide the experience of winning and losing which builds character. It requires hard work and dedication, being able to get back up when you lose and creates confidence; all important attributes for being successful at life. Soccer was the first sport to really catch my eye. I started playing at the age of six and fell in love with it. Ever since I was little, I remember every weekend my family and I were at a sports game.
Soccer is more than just a sport. Soccer is an activity which helps bring peace and unity to the world. It is something that makes people from all different ethnic groups come together. It is the
Soccer contains all different types of sport elements that truly make it a unique sport to watch and play.
Football and soccer are predominately different, with some notable similarities. One difference is the positions on each team. Another difference is the skill sets used in each sport, along with the rules and regulations. However, there are a few similarities between the two popular sports. These include the places where the sport is played and the object of scoring goals. The games are played on a large field and many times professional teams will share the exact stadium. The object of each game is to score the most goals. Physical contact occurs in both sports; however, football is more rugged than soccer with more substantial injuries. Both football and soccer are admirable sports, but one’s preference depends on team positions, skill sets, and rules and regulations for each game.
Soccer is a popular sport played all over the world. Even though it has only been popular in the United States for the past 30 years, soccer has been a long time favorite most everywhere else. The sport dates back to the Egyptians, who played games involving the kicking of a ball. Now, the sport has grown to a global pastime, including men’s and women’s teams, and the World Cup (which is played every four years).
Soccer is not just my favorite sport it is my hobby too, I enjoy playing
Everyone has that certain thing that makes them who they are. That certain thing for me is soccer. It’s my hobby, my biggest interest, and my passion. Soccer isn’t just a sport for me, it’s my life. It has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have played the intriguing game of soccer since I was four years old, and I have loved it ever since.
In soccer you use your legs to shoot or pass. When you are out in the field there are only eleven players. You are not allow to use your hands only the goalie can. The ball is different from basketball , the ball is black and white and as pentagons on the ball. When you make a foul you get either a yellow card or a red card, it depends what kind of foul you committed.
Soccer (Football) is the most popular and fastest growing sport in the world. Over 240 million people play it regularly around the world. However, most people only get to view one side of soccer in their lifetime. They never get a glimpse of it in any other setting. For many people soccer is a very competitive organized sport. For others it is an everyday, fun activity. In some countries, soccer is their life, while in others it is just a sport. For those of you that don’t know, soccer is a sport where the objective is to score goals by kicking a ball into the other teams goal. It is a mix of offense and defense, with very fast paced action. You are allowed to use any body part except your hands and elbows. Soccers first appearance traces back to 3000 years ago in ancient China. But, the first modern version of soccer originates from Victorian England. Since then, soccer has spread around the world to the point where almost every country plays some form of it. I am going to address how it is different around the world and the reasons for this.