Have you ever made something from nothing? Drawn air into your lungs, and made magic come out? I admit that there are many kinds of magic in this world, but few are as intimate as singing.
For a long time I hated singing, I worried about how my voice sounded to other people, and if I was being judged. My opinion only changed after a friend roped me into joining choir as a freshman in high school.
It went about as badly as could be expected. I was shy, quiet, and felt seriously self conscious. Then about halfway through the year we got this piece of music with a four part harmony. That song was the hardest I had ever been given, and forced me to reevaluate how much effort I was willing to put into a class that made me uncomfortable. I chose
To suggest the reasoning behind Whitman's valorization of motherhood one does not have to look further than his own biography. Some Whitman critics such as Sherry Ceniza call his mother, Louisa Van Velsor, his "strongest influence" and the reason that he had such strong admiration for women (). Similarly, Vivian Pollak has noted that for Whitman his own mother was the ideal women (). I further this idea to say that from his admiration for his own mother grew his admiration and idealization of women as mothers. Whitman grew up in a household with six siblings, two sisters and four brothers.
On the opposite side of the aisle are those individuals who are against kneeling during the singing of the national anthem such as, the social viewpoint of, Steve Siebold, contributor for the Huffington Post also a known author to have expertise in the field of critical thinking and mental strengths (Huffington Post, 2017). Steve Siebold wrote a piece illustrating that kneeling during the national anthem was not an appropriate type of protest called, “It’s Time For Colin Kaepernick To Stand For the National Anthem And Stop Being A Punk”. Steve Siebold’s provides an overall conclusion to the argument as he writes, “It’s out of control and it’s time to put an end to disgracing our national anthem and America.” (Siebold, 2016, para. 1). Steve
A.C. (4 years, 3 months) walks over to the music shelf, she picks up a red tambourine puts it threw her right
I grew up in Mishawaka, Indiana, surrounded by a large, loving family. My family gathers together each week to attend church and share a meal. I love to sing and grew up singing at my local church. Singing has allowed me many great opportunities to pursue something I love and impact people in new and different ways. Furthermore, singing highlights my ambition and exhibits my attention to detail, problem solving skills and the ability to continue to adapt to learning in new ways. Having never learned to read music or received any formal musical training, I am able to predict the flow of a song I have never heard and create harmony. Relying on the gift of a “good ear,” coupled with determination, I am able to learn a song quickly after hearing it only a few
On March 25, Laurin Talese released her highly anticipated debut album Gorgeous Chaos. The album is a wonderful canvas painted with Talese's stellar vocal ability. Laurin Talese's seasoned voice is a testament of her vocal training and background vocal experience. She sings with a great air of confidence and makes creative vocal choices in her approach to each song. The opening track of the album is entitled "Someone to Watch Over Me", a very smooth intro that allows us to be captivated by Talese's pure voice. The piano accompaniment that soon follows is executed with textbook precision.
First of all I was in my dark room with the only light being my t.v, I playing Xbox with my friend Skylar, we were playing Rainbow Six Siege a counter terrorism shooter. It was a late on a dark, stormy night, it was bomb objective and only I was left on the team to face five other enemies defusing the bomb and I slowly and stealthy with his silenced pistol picked off about two enemies outside the objective roaming and then pulled out his primary the 416-C Assault Rifle and went in blazing in the objective and his heart was racing he picked off another two enemies and that’s when he began guarding the defuser waiting to find the last enemy. “Can you search cams Skylar?” I asked Skylar.
Earlier in the semester, we had the opportunity to attend the Interfaith Winston-Salem tour. In just a few hours, we got a glimpse of the incredible amount of religious diversity present in Winston-Salem. Over the past ten years, Forsyth County has become increasingly diverse as businesses flock to the triad, bringing people from all over the country and the world into one community. This population boom has changed the religious landscape of Winston-Salem. As different religions continue to come together, it becomes increasingly necessary for people to understand their neighbors in order to create a cohesive society. Therefore, we propose that the academic study of religion should be offered in the Forsyth County public school
I almost got kicked from the vocal program. Well, not exactly, but in the moment I felt as if my world was falling apart. Before I knew it, I was in a technical varsity show choir and an on level show choir at the same time. At first I couldn’t handle it all but now it has become second nature with me and I’ve been able to make countless friends doing it.
At the age of four I was absolutely positive that in the future my career was to be the real world Kim Possible. Yet, the next year something in me clicked; my mind had been set on becoming a singer, and ever since that moment twelve years ago it has been my path. I had convinced myself that I would stand on a stage, and every time I opened my mouth the notes would just flow out; gliding gracefully through the air, dancing to the music among one another, descending upon the audience in powerful crescendos. However, as I aged, my confidence in this vision would begin to sway.
In the moment, my abilities never faltered. I kind of like that about myself. I may worry, but when it comes down to it, I’m pretty persevering. Despite this, I harbored mixed feelings about singing again.
In fact, it was the worst part of my entire year. It was by far the most challenging class I had ever taken. At one point it even brought me to tears. I was trying as hard as I could. I was working with my teacher in the mornings and in the afternoons. Yet, I was still failing tests and quizzes. I remember taking this one quiz three times before I finally got a grade that I deemed acceptable. It was the first time I had ever felt inadequate in the classroom. I felt like my brain did not work anymore. It was a difficult time for me. I had always excelled in honors courses, and I was doing well in my other AP classes. It was this one class that could not seem to figure out. I did not understand why my performance was so poor. Granted, the whole class struggled with this course. But, they too started to make small improvements. I had managed to maintain between a D and an F throughout the course of the semester. This was disappointing because I wanted to do well. I did have some small victories, but it was not the kind of performance that I was proud of. I was not used to giving something my all and getting nothing in
First of all I just want to say, no judging, oh and I know what you are thinking, it’s, just get to the point! Isn’t it, well too bad, because I might be talking about, let’s say, dogs eating tacos, and suddenly tell you a story about the one time my cousin made the best taco I had ever tasted, just like that, anyway, here we go. I was getting ready to start my normal day, in my normal job, as a normal 11 year old kid, in a not so normal school, then again, no school really has anything “normal” about it.
For six years I've been in my school's choir at Buchtel Community Learning Center. That choir has taught me a lot of things; how to blend voices together, how to read music, even how to correctly warm up your voice and the posture when singing. I take these lessons everywhere I go, especially to the music program I was in, STARS. STARS was a music program that was spread all over the country that helped young people showcase their talents and gave them opportunities to learn more about their craft. We had visitors come to show us how to write lyrics, harmonize, and shared their stories on how they came from nothing and did what they truly wanted to do, perform. There were about seven people that were in STARS stationed in Akron and we were
Since that moment, singing has been involved in almost everything I do. While onstage more that 7 times my past 3 and a half years, I have used my vocal abilities to aid in creating a wonderful atmosphere for the spring and fall musical. I have also soloed for numerous for Masses and service events, including my goddaughters christening. What I have learned from singing I did not learn during the performance, I learned something in the weeks or months of planning beforehand.
As I lift my head up and open my mouth, my voice escalates with every tune that comes out. The soothing words bounce off of my tongue and release the tension held within. Even if the sounds aren’t perfect or correct, every little bit helps me get through the day. When stressed, nothing helps me more than singing. My passion for singing comes from deep within my soul, mind and heart. When I sing, I sing with all of me, putting everything I can into it. I have always had a great passion for singing, ever since I was young. Although I am shy and still get nervous and shaky in front of others, in my own time, singing is my cigarette, my alcoholic drink, my escape from all the anger and the pain.