There’s one decision that I’ve made that I’m still carrying out; meaning, I’m still not certain whether it was a good one or not. My decision was to come to Squaw Valley Academy. I did not want to go to my local high school as the education system wasn’t the best a couple years ago. It still isn’t but occasionally I wonder if I made the right choice. By going through with this decision I have changed a great deal. I have been at this school for almost two years now, and I’m definitely not the same person that arrived here. Going back home I realized how different I was from my old friends, and how much more mature I had become. In the bigger scheme of things, coming to this school has affected more people than myself. It’s affected my mother
I am one of the following students who had the chance to obtain the South Bay Promise Scholarship. I didn't know about the South Bay Promise, nor the First Year Experience. I am thankful for having such an amazing statistic’s teacher, Mr. Espinoza from Hawthorne High School. When he told the whole class about the opportunities here in El Camino College, I knew I had to apply because it would make different. If it wasn’t for him, a teacher so passionate on seeing his students not just graduate but to motivate them to go to an university or a college after, I would never be in the place that I am.
My personal faith grows daily by my choice to follow my love and savior, Jesus, every day I wake up. It was by no accident that God showed me Liberty University, and has now become a top option in my choices of colleges. I believe in the deep mission Liberty University has to develop Christ-centered believers because it is the same mission I strive to live out daily in my walk as a follower of Christ. My season of life will not always be the same as someone else's, but I pray that what I have walked through and what God taught me in those seasons can give perspective to others. I have grown up always knowing God but not until my sophomore year in high school did I truly start to live that out. I took two opportunities in the past two years
When I first heard about Berry College, I thought it was just another school in Georgia. My friend told me about it and I thought maybe I should look into it. I put it aside for some time until I saw a picture of this beautiful building. I was taken away by the architecture so I looked up the building and realized it was part of Berry College. I feel like in that moment, I felt in love with the surroundings of the school. I looked more into it and saw that it had everything I was looking for. The environment, the classes, and the activities, it was just perfect. So I have to say that I'm attracted to the feel of the campus and the never ending size. I know what I see it's only on the outside, but I can't wait to see what it has to offer inside.
During my two last years of high school, i've been in contact with a lot of colleges and universities. Many of which don’t get my attention. Throughout my whole high school years, there was only one college that i wanted to go to, Liberty University. I have heard so many wonderful things about Liberty and what i loved the most was that it was a christian school. Liberty had the number one thing that i am looking for in a college, that is a christian school, but many of my other things that i look for in a college where just not there. I used to live in Florida approximately 11 years ago and let me tell you, it's hard not to miss the sunshine state. Liberty is in Virginia, a state where it doesn't feel like home. When i received a brochure
When I started Unity High School I felt a little nervous because I didn't knew nobody in the school. In the begging of the first class I was quit and I didn´t talk to noone. I also didn't knew nobody in the class so I could tell them if they could help me on the problem that I need help. I was shy to talk to the teachers and and answer question or ask them for help when I needed help. During lunch time I just knew one person that came from my middle school. So I just hand out with him most the time. But, then weeks and months past I began to have more friends and I was not shy or nervous to ask for help in class. I wanted to join the soccer team of the school but I was to nervous to do it. But, now I know that I´m going to join the soccer team
In my last two years of highschool I duel enrolled St. Petersburg Community College, my local community college. In my senior year I decided to take online classes due to the very long drive to the nearest campus. I ended up taking Calculus with Analytic Geometry and two other classes online. My Calculus proffessor did not teach or provide any materiel to learn from other than the text book and homework questions. For the first quarter of the class I did well and completed all the assignments easily; however, the class got harder and the textbook no longer provided me with enough information to complete the assignments. I struggled through this part of the class and had a hard time mainting my grade which I wanted to keep as high as possible. After several trips to the campus for tutoring and spending hours trying to find other external resources I began to learn how to solve the problems and brought my grade back up and finally passed the class with an A.
I would be lying if I said Rock Valley College was my first choice when it came down to choosing a place to continue my studies. Then again, like many others students, I didn’t have a
The saying goes “if you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it is yours forever. If it doesn't, then it never was yours at all.” This past fall semester I had to set myself free from the one place I loved to be the most and that was Millersville University. Millersville has been a place that I can whole heartedly call home. From the view of Miller and S’ville at the pond to walking through the SMC to being welcomed by all who see you on campus. I even loved my classes for I had professors who put everything into their teaching and wanted the best for their students. I had to give it all away this past semester and it hurt me so bad.
During the week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays I volunteer at pine meadow elementary. I get to spend some of my time with kindergarteners that range from an age 5-6. I leave Sartell high school at 10:05 ish by walking and get to pine meadow elementary around 10:25 the time I begin. When I walk in the front doors I go straight to the office and sign in on the sheet and on my time card while grabbing a number card to clip to my clothing. Right before I begin to walk to my designated classroom, I blow my nose and sanitize my hands just to be safe. It only takes about five minutes to walk from the main office to my classroom. I go straight to the locker Mrs. Drais gave me with a special magnet on it that says volunteer; I open it up and put my
Well I'm hoping to transfer within the month but I want to make sure that the credit that I do have will be transferred over, and to understand what classes that I would still have to make up, also that the 504 that I have now will be accepted, like I stated previously the school I went to before; I don't know how to put it in a polite way they basically screwed me over and I lost all of my junior year credits even though I had multiple 504 plans and Doctor notes. I would like to set up a meeting to talk more about what I would have to do to be a student at Deer Valley.
Growing up with a father in the military, you move around a lot more than you would like to. I was born just east of St. Louis in a city called Shiloh in Illinois. When I was two years old my dad got the assignment to move to Hawaii. We spent seven great years in Hawaii, we had one of the greatest churches I have ever been to name New Hope. New Hope was a lot like Olivet's atmosphere, the people were always friendly and there always something to keep someone busy. I used to dance at church, I did hip-hop and interpretive dance, but you could never tell that from the way I look now.
When I think about an event that sticks out in my mind as one that was very important in my life, I think about changing schools in the seventh grade. About halfway through my middle school career, I became very unhappy at my school and with life in general. Upon discussing with my parents, we made the decision that I would switch schools and embark on a new journey in hopes to appease my unhappy soul. At first, I felt as if a new school would not help; little did I know what a profound change it would have on my life.
When I started attending the Secondary School for Journalism when I was 13. I didn’t think a school would be able to have so much an effect on my growth and maturation that SSJ has had on me. I had come to the Secondary School for Journalism because my sister was already attending as a Sophomore in high school therefore my parents thought it would be better if I went to SSJ so my sister could help me ease into the social stigma all contemporary students have when they start at a new school. However, throughout the years of my attending SSJ (from 6th to 12th grade) many changes have taken place for the better or the worse of the school, Principals coming and going, teachers that students adore leaving due to budget cuts or not wanting to accept
I could be humorous and witty at times, but insecurity was a dominant attribute. I usually clung onto an old friend of mine named Marco, who I discovered to be excessively social and inconsiderate. At school, meeting quirky, amusing people like Hunter became normal due to a choice I made. I soon
As individuals, we begin to discover ourselves at a young age through various experiences. The human mind is capable of a plethora of feelings in which definitions aren’t able to describe. With this, these different circumstances impact how one grows up along with the decisions one makes. The person is able to emend previous faults and adapt to such situations; as of result, the individual continues to hone their skill of becoming a better person. During middle school, I transferred out of a public school district that I’ve spent majority of the time to an IB based charter school. Although adapting to the new setting was stressful, it definitely changed my mindset and character as a person. This experience changed my feelings greatly