
Personal Narrative: Stay Alive

Decent Essays

Every morning I wake up at the same time, eight thirty with a hangover or a headache. It depends on the fiance. If he gets a fifth, drinking it is, if he comes home with an attitude, headache. I get up, take pain killers, start coffee for Phillip and I, shower, get my coffee, wake Phillip up and, well, get to morning business with him. Ten minutes later, Phillip and I get dressed and get in the car. "Kayla! You drive like a fucking idiot!" he screamed, closing his bloodshot eyes. I know he's high, I am only driving fifty miles per hour. My phone was ringing, i looked at it, but my eyes shifted, I refuse to pick up my phone while driving. It's the right thing, 'Stay Alive. Don't text and Drive', say so, say so. After a few seconds I look at …show more content…

I have much bigger things to attend to" He smirked, sighing, and looked at the cars we were passing. Nine thirty I arrive at work and park the car. Phillip looks at me and starts to get out of the Black Chrysler 300 he just bought. As he stepped out, his red hair, which you could mistake for a dark brown in the right lighting, looked great, his smile was so genuinely innocent. Although, don't let it fool you, he gets in your head when he needs too, sometimes I like it, others, well, it becomes a bit over whelming. He is and will always be my backbone though. I get out of the car and walk towards his side. "Why did you get out?" I asked, he and I both understand just because I go somewhere he doesn't have to follow. "Get back in the car madam, your boss said you didn't have to come into today, we're going to the mall and then dinner later." He smirked and soon, I gave in, his smile, held me down like gravity, restrained me like I was tied and sends chills like any basic sensational …show more content…

I get back in the car but this time I hop in the passengers seat, he can drive because I am so tired. This is the first day off I have received in years. Phillips dad is the boss of the company i work for and he loves working me till i am dead beat tired. Working here is a regret, I make 37,440.00 dollars a year, live in a studio apartment with my boyfriend and we refuse to spend more than 1,000 a month. We save and save just in case something comes along, a house, car, maybe even a

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