It was around two in the morning and my throat started to close I was streaking in pain. I called my mom because she was at work and I told her to take me to the hospital. She rushed home right away. She ran around the house so fast trying to get everything I needed to go to the hospital that my head started to spin. When we got in the car we was at the hospital in a blink of an eye.When the doctor came in with the bad news my world stopped.He barked I needed surgery to have my tonsils out of I would die of heart failure soon. The day of surgery I was so terrified my heart was beating out of my chest,my stomach was is in a big while. I grew white when I heard the doctor open the door. I told my mom “I love you.”
I woke up startled and didn’t know where I was. I had an IV in my arm and my parents were staring at me. The doctor came in
Well my grandfather took me to my grandmother’s work. One look and my grandmother told her coworker we are going to the emergency room. Now mind you I am in more pain than ever and really needed my
What I learned this week in “Achieving Wellness and Eating and Exercising toward a Healthy Lifestyle”
I ignore the slight pained grunt of the patient as I handle his wrist. I concentrate wrapping a bandage gently but firm enough to coddle the strain. He says he has no idea how he strained his wrist, but I had a pretty good idea what it could be. Pleasuring yourself too often can lead to a good amount of pain. I am beginning to feel far too acquainted with this scenario. I get one of these calls at least once a week. Guys in this city seriously jerk off way too much but this guy takes it to another level. Since seeing him, the amount of patients with this problem has double and the increase is him all by himself. This is beginning to become an epidemic maybe we should release a PSA. This is just ridiculous. There is no way in hell I was wasting nen on a guy who sprains his wrist masturbating, especially just after using it to heal a boy’s broken leg.
I was blubbering about how I was going to wear dentures the rest of my life, and how I was going to look so ugly without my front teeth. My grandparents kept trying to reassure me, but I wasn’t hearing any of it. I was a bit of a drama queen at that moment, but can you blame me? I mean I had perfectly straight teeth before this happened. Yet, here I was holding my front tooth in my hand. The other front tooth was hanging on my lip making me look like Nanny McPhee in the beginning of the movie. We tried as quickly as we could to get up those stairs and into the car.
We left the hospital and when we got home my parents explained to me I was very sick and would have to have surgery to
In the morning, my mom tried waking me up to go to the hospital, but I was too tired to go. Finally,
As I was lying awake in bed with excruciating head pain again at 3 AM, waiting for my pain medication to take effect, I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said to me yesterday: “I think you’re an addict.” Calling me an addict just because I treat my pain with opioids is simply cruel.
I saw my mom. She looked at my hand and said that I will need stitches. My grandmother drove me to the hospital and waited in the waiting room. I was upset about getting stitches for the second time in my life because I knew it hurts and I wouldn't be able to do things. Five minutes later the nurse called me and took some tests. “Have you had your eleven year old shots yet?” “No, not yet” I said knowing that I'm going to get them soon.
It felt like we were waited for hours before the doctor opened the door and called my mom’s name. We all followed the doctor into the ultrasound room with anticipation. After a normal ultrasound the doctor turned to us and said “Would you like to know the
Managed care is simply a system that delivers health care to a specific population purchased though health insurance plans. It is an approach to financing and delivering health care that seeks to control costs and ensure or improve quality of care through a variety of methods, including provider network management, utilization management, and quality assurance. Patients agree to visit only certain doctors and hospitals, which a managing company monitors the cost of the treatment. Managed care has been introduced as a way to bring equality for health care utilization by ensuring those receiving the treatment actually need it, based on their symptoms and seriousness of injury. The managed care industry has made undeniable impacts in nearly every aspect of the health-care industry. Mental healthcare workers have endured drastic changes in their clinical practice. George H. Northrup a physician in mental health, talks about the uprising crisis in mental health care and how it has to do with money. In past years psychologists set fees based on their training and experience, and health insurance companies typically reimbursed patients a portion of that amount. But mental health benefits are now “managed” patients may be restricted to doctors in the insurance company’s network, and doctors who want to be in the network must accept drastically reduced fees. These changes have affected how healthcare administrators and clinical practitioners perceive the impact of managed care on
When we arrived at the hospital we went to the emergency room. The doctor said I needed stitches. I cried when I found out. My mom had to hold me when they put the stitches in my chin. When I got home I was in a lot of pain. My mom gave me a Tylenol then I went to bed.
My mom immediately took him to the emergency room, when we got to the emergency room we waited at least two hours to get in. When they finally called us in they heard him cough and right away they admitted him to stay over night. My mom called my grandma to come get me because it was 2 am. 10min later my grandma showed up, and I left with her. On the car ride home we hit every single red light possible.
That’s just the way life is. I got to the operating room and changed into the hospital gown. I always hated the hospital gowns. There were closed from the front but open from the back. It just didn’t make sense to me. Sitting on the hospital bed, I was so nervous. The nurse even noticed and gave me some medication to calm down my nerves. I always wanted to be a nurse when I grow up. I started to think if I can ever actually fulfill that dream, but I had faith in God and knew he wouldn’t let me down. The nurse told me she can see me as being a nurse because I love to help people. The medication didn’t seem to work so well especially when you’re almost going to have an open heart surgery. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening to me again. It felt like a dream, I dream that I wanted to just wake up from so badly. I started to imagine myself sitting home watching TV like a normal teenage girl with nothing to worry about but homework and drama. I knew I had no way out of this though. It’s now or never, I thought to myself. My father held my hand and said, “come on sweetie, you can do this”. I kissed my parents goodbye and couldn’t help but cry. I started to think to myself that this may be the last time that I’ll ever see there beautiful faces. I trusted my surgeon with my life because this isn’t the first time he has done this to me before. He told me that he always loved seeing my face v\because I was all smiles but this was such a fake smile I had on. My
They told us that we should head over to the emergency room. They had called ahead to get an MRI scan of my chest, but when I got there, they said that there was no need and hooked me up to an IV to get more fluids. Eventually when my mom got home from work she said that it wasn't good for me to sleep on the floor. She was already taking medicine with me in an effort to not get sick as well, so she let me sleep in her bed with her that night.