Q1: Successful students at Johns Hopkins make the biggest impact by collaborating with others, including peers, mentors, and professors. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience. (300 - 400 words) A brilliant golden light shone on my face as I woke up, bathing me in a warm glow. It had been eleven days since my team and I had flown into the Port-au-Prince airport and conquered the hilly landscape in a taxi, arriving in the port city of Jacmel to be directed by Angel Wings International, a local organization who worked to deliver healthcare in this part of Haiti. Meeting with the rest of the group, I received the run-down for the day: we were heading West toward a rural clinic located in Baie d’Orange. As I climbed into the musty auburn truck bed, I noticed a crew of dentists, doctors, and pharmacists accompanying us in several other vehicles, signifying the most important day yet in our three-week-long trip. The truck revved into action, racing through Jacmel’s dusty streets, past the swelling river fed by the gentle patter of rain, through the winding mountain passes where roads were a thing of dreams, and finally stopped at a tattered USAID tent that …show more content…
The tense barriers between myself and the patients descended, as did the ones between my teammates and I, working as a united team for the first time in weeks. Despite a grueling work day controlling the crowd, triaging patients, and processing pharmaceutical prescriptions, our toughest obstacle yet served to bring us together more than ever. My own misconceptions of competition trumping teamwork were brought down and the value in sharing a common struggle was further supported as my friends and I walked to our shack for the night, cheerfully talking as
This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome.
Teams working in a hospital or other healthcare setting may consist of several physicians, nurses, medical assistants, referral coordinators, pharmacists, therapists, and students among others. Such large teams can provide comprehensive care for complex and chronic illnesses, but when they fail to work well together, they
It is Sunday morning in Miami, but for me today is a new beginning where my independence start and I can use my time wisely. Therefore, I decided to travel to the beach, with the windows down having the wind run through my hair and having my favorite song "Independent Woman" play on the radio. The sound of the waves of the ocean it was incredible and peacefully, which reminds me of the feeling of comfort when I am sitting on Brandon. Another example why Brandon is important in my life, it is because, during high school, I spent plenty of time waiting for the bus to travel to work and home, and in today's day time is valuable. However, I lost time being incapable of buying me a car. Missing the bus plenty of times and having to count on my friend
I am a high school senior at Fair Park, looking forward to my first year at Jackson State University in the upcoming fall. My cumulative GPA is currently at a 3.6 average and anticipating to increase next semester. I would be considered the best person to receive a scholarship simply because I go the extra mile to assure my success. Although college is an extensive goal, it could be quite expensive. There is no better way to pay for college than by being awarded money for outstanding academic excellence.
Although we had the past fortnight to ourselves, a lack of bonding and enough shared experience left the team isolated, acting as ten splintered parts of a whole. Unfortunately, my rudimentary Creole was no match for the questions and concerns rolling off the tongues of a dozen Haitian mouths, and my desire to micromanage began to subside as I called for help. While my faith was shaky, my teammates sparked a mutual trust as they came to my rescue, calming patients down and facilitating the process of triaging. The tense barriers between myself and the patients descended while I comforted them, as did those involving my teammates, working as a united group for the first
Since starting the school year in August, my main goal is to become a more educated and well-rounded individual. After almost completing two full semesters here at Sam Houston State University I feel like I have taken steps to fulfill my goal. I know if I keep giving hundred percent towards my education I can achieve any goal I set before myself.
My College and Career goals include graduating college and getting a job. I wish to attend the University of Alabama. I plan to major in occupational therapy or speech therapy. After I graduate with my bachelor's degree I wish to get my master's degree. After I finish my schooling I want to receive a job that allows me to provide for my family. I wish to receive this job in my degree's field. After receiving this job I wish to improve to reach a leadership role.
Growing up, I always had a hard time socializing at school, because I was introverted. However, I remember till this day that I was able to feel warm and not alone when I was able to help the other students who had trouble. In Highschool, I continuously tutor and help my peers in math class, and I enjoy it because it creates an icebreaker in creating friendships. I truly began to find myself through a first generation, college prep program called Upward Bound at the University of Texas at Austin. In the core enrichment classes I never hesitated to correct and question the professor who instructed my math classes. Then I was i recommended to join the Upward BOund Math and Science at the University of Texas Arlington, which is much vigorous enrichment core classes.
I have found myself trying to figure out ways to get my students at Rose State College to engage in a goal seeking mindset in the past. I love the explanation of giving your team a sheet of paper and allowing for personal goals following their team goals. I feel that sometimes we as individuals lack communication, and remain distant when involving personal life within the work place. However, I soon found this to be a crucial point for not only myself, but for my students, and future team environments. This approach allows for growth, success, and much more of a positive outcome. Meanwhile, trying to get my college freshman to care about their future I decided to require a weekly journal involving their current life. They found this
A failure of team members to work well together leads to poor patient care since good team-working improves patient safety (Salas, Burke & Stagl, 2004, cited in Amalberti, Auroy, Berwick & Barach, 2005). Leonard, Graham & Bonacum
On the February 14th, I attended the student success at Hennepin Technical College. I got there around 0800 and met up with some of my fellow classmates there. Also, since we got there early, and there was nothing to do beside the small tables and activity. Therefore, we decided to do some activity and went to some small tables. I was lucky enough to win candy from one of the table, get a chance to get massaged on the back, massage on the foot, and played a bowling video game in Wii. I asked us to take a group picture together as a group for memories and we did (picture is attached on the second page) but then there was some students that was busy doing other activity. Therefore, we just took the picture without them.
I could make this essay a sob story but i am not going to do that i am going to give you no other option but to accept me into your school. My mom always told me to do what is right, and by attending this school i feel it would be the right choice for me to further my education beyond high school at Palm Beach State College. I am full of energy and eager to learn about my new career path towards my future life, and this could all be the beginning of it all right here at your school. I am willing to keep an open mind about anything the admissions office has to say and anything they are willing to offer. Once I get accepted in this college my life will start to unfold right before eyes.
As I lifted my heavy suitcase off the wheeled cart, my mind soon went to work reviewing everything I had brought. Considering the mad rush I had to get packed for my ten day stay in Bolivia, I knew there was no way I could have remembered to bring everything. I knew for sure that I had remembered my toothbrush, which is the thing I normally forget. I also mentally went through everything I had packed and to my delight realized I hadn't forgotten a thing! I was so proud of myself! I was part of a twenty-one member team from the United States that went to the largest city in Bolivia to provide humanitarian aid, which included eye exams and refractions. From the Santa Cruz airport, I rode in a small green
College is a difficult time for students because of the amount of work that needs to be managed. Being a nursing major can be slightly more stressful than other majors because of the challenging information that needs to be taught. Freshmen year was very difficult to stay on top of all the assignments that were due; however, making a plan for success can help this crisis. To be successful in nursing school, I plan to have a long-term goal to have a 3.5 gpa every year. As the success video explained, setting a goal can be a helpful structure for students to follow. Although this dedication seemed hard at first, I broke down my inadequate studying habits and I transformed them into great accomplishments. My inoperative studying habits include procrastination and time management. I used my strengths for organization and studying every day to overcome my flaws. END THIS SOMEHOW
Since I joined our group of excellent clinicians and caring colleagues about a year ago, I have been amazed by the collaborative spirit within our group; each member of the group works hard to support every other member within the group. Whether these strong bonds within the group are due to us sharing activities, extensive interactions during work, and feeling similar frustrations with the healthcare delivery system, or these bonds reflect implied expectation of mutual benefit based on trust, or these bonds nurture our sense of identity, self-esteem, belongingness, and self-worth, all are immaterial; what matters is that these bonds are strong and withstand occasional disagreements within the group. While we cherish our strong bonds, our group