
Personal Narrative: Successful Students At St Johns Hopkins

Decent Essays

Q1: Successful students at Johns Hopkins make the biggest impact by collaborating with others, including peers, mentors, and professors. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience. (300 - 400 words) A brilliant golden light shone on my face as I woke up, bathing me in a warm glow. It had been eleven days since my team and I had flown into the Port-au-Prince airport and conquered the hilly landscape in a taxi, arriving in the port city of Jacmel to be directed by Angel Wings International, a local organization who worked to deliver healthcare in this part of Haiti. Meeting with the rest of the group, I received the run-down for the day: we were heading West toward a rural clinic located in Baie d’Orange. As I climbed into the musty auburn truck bed, I noticed a crew of dentists, doctors, and pharmacists accompanying us in several other vehicles, signifying the most important day yet in our three-week-long trip. The truck revved into action, racing through Jacmel’s dusty streets, past the swelling river fed by the gentle patter of rain, through the winding mountain passes where roads were a thing of dreams, and finally stopped at a tattered USAID tent that …show more content…

The tense barriers between myself and the patients descended, as did the ones between my teammates and I, working as a united team for the first time in weeks. Despite a grueling work day controlling the crowd, triaging patients, and processing pharmaceutical prescriptions, our toughest obstacle yet served to bring us together more than ever. My own misconceptions of competition trumping teamwork were brought down and the value in sharing a common struggle was further supported as my friends and I walked to our shack for the night, cheerfully talking as

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