During the swim season of my sophomore year, we had a meet in American against Moreau Catholic High School. I had finished my allotted two events, and was walking back to the locker room to change into my clothes and get ready to go home. As I was walking with my friend, we heard commotion of a missing person for the last event and varsity. I brushed it off as an upperclassmen problem and continued to change. As I was about to leave campus, the coach ran up to me and asked what my 100 meter freestyle time was. As I was about to answer, he said that it doesn’t matter and he wants me to run back and change because the event is starting in a minute. I changed and the buzzer rang as I was taking off my pants. I ran into the pool and started swimming anyway. Our relay team got first in that event. …show more content…
One time, I did get put in by the coach as a defensive lineman against Dublin High. It was a very hot day, and we had scored not a single point that whole game so far. On the last down before half-time, the quarterback flops his throw and it lands right into my hands. I realize what had just happened and start to run as fast as I could down the field. Surprisingly, no one had caught up to me until I made a touchdown. Or I believed so, turns out I had ran the wrong way and the coach immediately took me out of the game. The next Monday during practice, he said that he will never put me back in a game if it ever happens again. Later that practice, I caught a kickoff and, you guessed it: I ran the wrong way
“The Language of Advertising” written by Charles A. O’Neill is an excerpt arguing as well as supporting popular criticisms against the advertising language by William Lutz, and other known criticisms of advertising. The concept of advertising is not something that has only been popular over the recent decades, but has been used as far back as the World Wars. The use of propaganda attracted thousands of eyes to the War, and without knowing it, created what we call today as typical advertising. After WWII many people with good reason, were concerned over the topic of scientific success, due to the recent usage of the Nuclear Bomb by the United States. Many giant American corporations started creating new materials, fabrics, vaccines and machines (the most important being plastic), thus creating a new wave of marketing. Now this process never stopped and has not stopped all throughout the past decades, our own, and the ones to come. But as newer, bigger and better products or services are created nobody really understands the power of how they marketed or advertised. Well “how does advertising work? Why is it so powerful? Why does it raise such concern? What case can be made for and against the advertising business?” (O’Neill 369). For you to understand the concept of advertising, Charles O’Neill makes it clear that you must first understand that it’s not about truth, virtue, or positive social values, but money. The most popular “tool” that advertisement creators use is that
On my first day of rocket football practice in fifth grade I was nervous. This was the first year at my new school I would be playing football; Because of this I felt I had to prove myself to the players and the coaches. Unexpectedly, my coach yelled promptly at 6pm for us to fall into a line. Out of fear of running laps we all compelled to orders. Being the new guy, I was shoved to the fresh start of the line, after chatting with the two coaches beside him. Suddenly he began to speak in a less tempered voice. In such a way that made it seem he just realized he was yelling at kids to begin with. Calmly, he told us about how we were not allowed to practice without our helmet, shoulder
There is a quote by Henry Ford, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a process, working together is a success”. As a newcomer athlete on the Aquahawgs Swim Club, I was very cautious and weary of my behavior on the first day. Show up, do the practice, keep quiet, and go home. This mindset got me through the first 3 months and were by far the worst months of my entire athletic career. I was isolated, forced to create my own motivation and be my own critic. I hated the sport. For some reason that I still wonder about, I stayed, but enthusiasm was not present. I truly believed that I was a liability to the team because of my lack of performance in meets. That was truly my dark time. My saving light came in the form of 4, awkward,
Fast forward to the next year, I showed up at tryouts. I was confident, but still nervous considering what happened the year before. As I jumped in the pool I was ready for whatever the coach threw at me. Not once did I get lapped. The coach posted the list, I anxiously looked over it and saw my name. Relieved and overjoyed, I had finally made it. Later that year I even won the coaches award at the banquet. Forget about making the team, I was now an
I am known to be extremely clumsy. With that, it’s expected that I often end up in awkward situations. In the past I have called numerous teachers “Mom,” fallen down while walking up stairs, almost fallen off a cliff; and it can be assured there were many more instances where my embarrassing clumsiness had led me into awkward, sometimes life threatening, situations. One moment that stands out in particular takes place in every marine animal welfare activists’ “favorite” place, Sea World.
When offered the opportunity to shake someone’s foundation a bit by testing social norms I was initially hesitant. I thought to myself what could I possibly do that would meet the requirements for the assignment and not utterly embarrass me in the process. As luck would have it I was stuck in yet another endless meeting at work. I found my mind wandering to my “to do list” as often happens in these situations. I remembered this assignment and thought to myself…why not. I then opted to never break contact with people I worked with for an entire day. What better place to start then in a meeting where my victims were essentially trapped.
This summer we got a slide for our pool. We have a pool at our house and we wanted something to add to it because it was getting kind of boring. My sibling and I, had been begging my parent for months to get a slide for the pool, and they finally agreed!
I am the most competitive person you will ever meet. I hate to lose. In everything I do, from swim meets, to track meets, to academic competitions, my goal and my intent is to win. I want to win! Though I don’t necessarily have the great ability to perform like a winner. I’ve had to accept, that maybe, just maybe, I can’t excel at everything. One night, after a particularly devastating swim meet, I sat down and had to think about why I had lost. Maybe my goggles were on too tight! Yes! That had to be it. Or maybe my competitor cheated and just didn’t get caught! All these thoughts were racing through my head, yet the most obvious one never seemed to cross it. Maybe, after all, I just wasn’t as good as he was. No, that wasn’t possible! He and I looked exactly alike! We acted the same! We had nearly the same techniques!
Impatiently standing on the itchy grass, I wait for my mom to finish layering sunscreen on me. Just before then, I had attempted to slip on my orange arm floaties. Of cource they got stuck about halfway up my arm so I had to dip them in the water before sucessfully pulling them all the way up to just below my shoulder. At five years old, I hadn’t exactly learned how to swim in any way other than the doggy paddle. Danielle, my little sister, who also wore the same orange floaties, was already at the stairs. I quickly escaped my mom and ran over to join her, only slowing down at the last minute so as not to hurt my feet on the small bit of rocky sand before the stairs. Black pieces of something were bolted to the dark wooden stairs. The water
My swim coach is a passionate, tough man, so the day I needed to inform him I would miss swim finals for my Standard Aptitude Test, I braced myself for his response.
The human race has always looked to a higher power, or explained the events of the world through some outside force outside of their own. There have been many organizations thank can thank their existence to these higher powers. Religion was formed from superstitious practices, and offered an explanation for that which was unknown. One of the largest and most accepted of theses religions is Christianity. The Christian faith follows the teachings of the bible, which holds the Old Testament in the first section, and the New Testament in the second section. The Old Testament is essentially the same as the Jewish Torah, but it’s the New Testament that really defines the Christian religion since it teaches what they believe the last messiah,
“Give me a second!” I hollered back. I took my sweet time smoothing the sunscreen to my caramel skin. I hopped down the stairs, taking three steps at a time, as I did when I was rushing. Peering out the open front door, I could see everyone was already on their way to the pool. I hurried to catch up, moving as quick as a firemen answering a call.
The skies were clear and the waters were calm when we dove into the warm waters of the Gulf. We should’ve stopped at the surf shop; it would’ve avoided this whole mess. The strong currents are tossing my body around like a rag doll. I’m trying to keep my eyes on Taylor’s bright red hair, because at this point, losing Taylor means I have zero chances of survival, and no friend to work with. The waves finally seem to have calmed down enough for me to swim to the surface to get some much-needed air. I’m looking for a certain redhead, but I can’t find her. I’m starting to panic.
5:00 am, the alarm wakes me. Struggling into my suit, still damp from yesterday's practice, eyes half-closed, I made my way to the pool deck. Staring and listening to the blue water, I gathered myself to jump. Splash! The cold and chlorinated water awakens my senses. For the next two hours, my teammates and I battle tirelessly against the water. The dreams that most people have when they sleep, I have when I swim.
I got there, it was a three hour drive there so I was ready to get in the water. I got into my swimsuit, I got out of the RV and walked over to the water and jumped in. The water is so cold it's crazy. I started swimming around until I saw the devil's ear(it's a 30 foot cave). I looked inside the cavern and was like I gonna touch the bottom.