It was finally the day that the American Soccer(Football) team would face the French Soccer(Football) team. It was rainy and cold with a chance of thunder. It was going to be a rough day because there were so many people in the stadium. I was wearing my U.S.A jumpsuit and my U.S.A bandana. I even had a bald eagle hat that at the moment was keeping my ears from freezing off in this french weather. The game was going to start in an hour and I was all about cheering with all I've got for the A.S team. The game started and the person next to me was wearing a French flag as a dress and so were her daughters. Her son and husband were wearing french flag pants with a French shirt that said, “Merci et bonne nuit!” I had no clue what that meant, but
My boyfriend and his family, who were all born in Peru, invited me to the USA vs Peru soccer game. Peru and the USA’s records were tied, both having two wins and two losses. The result of the game would break the tie and put one team on top. His family has a very strong sense of Peruvian pride and so they were very happy and excited to be going to the game. It was a normal hot day in September when we arrived at the stadium. We wanted to get into the stadium as soon as possible and find our seats so that we could settle in and watch the players warm up. My boyfriend and his family were all wearing Peruvian jerseys and I was wearing a t-shirt that said Peru. The game began and everything was going normally. There were supporters of Peru and of the USA sitting around us. About 10 minutes into the second half of the game, three lady’s supporting the Peruvian team arrived to the
Christian like's to play soccer but he isn't that good . He want's to make to the soccer team, but the soccer coach doesn't think that he is good enough to make it, The other soccer players and his parents don't believe in him either.
Culture is a personal thing. An average person has many cultural identities not just one but many others. These Identities could be Beliefs, Rules, what you like to do or what you feel like you belong in. My cultural identity would be sports because I have been doing sports for a long time. Also sports are a way to release some stress.
As the hot sun beat down on all of our determined faces, we ran onto the heat-absorbing turf. Sweat was dripping down our entire bodies, and nerves sank into our bodies just to reside there for the whole day.
Growing up I had focused on competitive soccer. Soccer challenged me both physically and mentally and I learned to love these demands on the field. These challenges helped me foster a self-confidence in myself when it came to athletics. When I fractured my tibia playing against my rival high school, sending my knee cap into my thigh, I was faced with a new test. The sport that I loved was taken away from me for an extended period of time and it took away part of my identity. Who was I without soccer?
Football is the greatest past time entertainment in America, in my opinion. I have always enjoyed watching this great sport, but to actually be in the games takes me to an ultimate level of enjoyment. It may seem strange to most people, but being out in the middle of the field reminds me of being in a great war on the battlefield; where each army is placed in a strategic location to defend its common point. I have always enjoyed playing the sport, during my seventh grade, my ninth grade, and even now my senior year the sport has taken on a whole new meaning for me.
Do you ever wonder how to play a sport called American football. Well if so, then you've come to the right person. On a football team you must give it all and then some, you can never give up/quit. On a team you don't say that they are your team you call them your brothers. You give them your best they’ll give you their absolute best. This is where the quote “ I got your number I got your back” comes in.
The time had come and I thought I had it but I was wrong. It was the last game of the year and it was one of the coldest ones yet. The coach called my name and told me to go out and play wide receiver. I ran out to my position and as I am running my heart sank as if I was on a roller coasters going down a steep drop. They told me the play and they were throwing to me and as I got set up my heart started racing. Then I hear “Down… Set… Hut!!!” I start running my route feeling the cool air hitting my face. I turn and see the ball coming way above my head. I put my hands up above my head and I feel the ball hit my hands and go flying. I felt so disappointed thinking if only I was bigger.
The sound of the players was very serious. Everyone talking to each other like we were some wild animals on the filed. The game got really tense as our two forward pass to each other going down to the opposing side. I started sprinting down to help my teammates. One of our forward had the ball and she seen me and pass the ball to me and I grasp the ball heading to the goal while the opposing team were defensing me. As I kicked the ball into the top corner of the net everyone was standing and shouting for joy. They wouldn't never expect that I will ever score on this brilliant team they
We left Garberville, CA at 5 a.m. We knew it would be a long haul ahead of us. I slept on the floorboard of the back seat of Holly’s truck for the first couple of hours. Holly was a funny outgoing and straight to the point person. Along with us were my Mom and Dad, Dylan(Holly’s husband) and there two kids Ashley and Clayton. Dylan was a tall red head that is always the life of the party. Ashley was a short dirty blonde girl that loves her horses. And Clayton, clayton was just like his dad a big built red hair with blue eyes and super outgoing. Finally were my parents. My Mom and Dad we both very active outgoing people who got along great with Dylan and Holly and their kids so we knew it was going to be a fun week in Winnemucca. We
Soccer is a team sport. This may seem redundant or obvious, but I find it is often forgotten. A team is more than just the group you play some sport together. A team is your support system for life. They help you through your troubles and cheer you on when you need the motivation. Without my team, I would not have come as far as I have. I’ve learned that no matter who you are or where you are in life, you always need a team, just not the usual sense of a team. I struggled my first semester of college, both on the field and in the classroom. Looking back, I realize why – I had no one on my team, my life team. I was trying to do everything myself and failing miserably. By the second semester I swallowed any self perpetuated pride and
Soccer is an awesome sport that most people love to play! But soccer involves lots of skills you need to know. Especially the scissor, the scissor helps you get around the other team and their defenders. Some people have a lot of trouble doing the scissor and need to learn it so their comfortable doing this skill. Before learning how to do a scissor some equipment will be needed. Soccer cleats to help yourself grip to the ground, possibly shin guards, socks to cover your shin guards, and a blown up soccer ball, make sure it’s your size!
sports or how to play it and how they think wer are sensitive, overemotional, and useless plastic barbies that sit still, and look pretty all day. We all decided to play some sport. What sport? American football, not soccer.
On Wednesday, September 2nd I went to the Men's Soccer Game against UCF, sponsored by the Athletics Department. I choose to go to this event because I missed the previous soccer game against Georgetown. I love sporting event and wanted to support my school's team and be an active Dirty Bird member. It was my first game at FGCU and even though there was a lightning delay I really enjoyed the game. My friends and I arrived early to the game and sat in the Dirty Bird section behind UCF's goal. The event was a whiteout so the few UCF fans were hidden in a white blob. They started the game by announcing all the players and singing the National Anthem, and I remember being impressed by how well the girl sung the anthem. During the game, since all
The coach was waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. A few minutes past and the whole team was on the field ready to play. We warmed up a bit and did a few drills. I were confident that we were gonna beat Union. We finished warming up and went to coach to get ready. The referee blew the whistle and called the captains. We picked tails on the side of a coin to see who gets ball first. The coin landed on heads and Union got ball first. I went back to the bench and sat down to relax. I talked with my friends for a while. Then, the ref blew the whistle.