Today is the day of the reaping. It’s so unfair how they make people fight to death I was thinking as I was walking home from the Mayor’s house. I come home to Mother and Prim getting dressed up for the reaping. My mother laid out a one of her beautiful blue dresses and a pair of shoes for me to wear. After I’m done getting dressed my mother does my up into a simple braid. We leave the house and separate to our own categories. When Effie Trinket walks up on stage we know it’s time for her to put her pale hand in the bowl and pick a name. The girls go first so she picks out a name and reads out loud, “Primrose Everdeen”. I was so shocked that my little sister with one entry had been chosen to play in the hunger games. I was overwhelmed and I
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
I was wandering in the mall recently , aimlessly as some of us do, basically waisting time. In my travels I came across a kiosk that sold various cellphones, chargers, and other accessories. The young man behind the counter asked if I needed any help, I answered as most of us do with a "no, I'm just looking."
On June 4, I died. Well, metaphorically speaking. Let me rephrase that— I was reborn.
I think that is an excellent thought, Lindsey. When I first read this that is what I thought as well. Whenever Ada begins to let Susan love her, and whenever Susan starts to show more affection Ada lashes out. I think that Ada lashes out because she feels like she is not deserving of love, and she is not deserving of nice things. This just tears me up inside when a person does not feel like they are worth being loved. The amount of damage that Ada has suffered is almost irreversible now and I think Susan is starting to realize that this will not be an easy fix. I am honestly surprised at how normal Jamie is because even though he was not the one who was abused, he witnessed the abuse. I am glad that he has not lost his trust in people. This
You know that moment when you’re trying to reach the toilet paper but can't quite, then fall and kill yourself on a pumpkin? Yeah I know that feeling… it’s not good. It all started one very normalish day at 1065 Fitzgerald Ave.
My mom and I loved the movie. It was neat to see a Western movie 'cause you really don't see those much any more.
Although I have not thought about how I would stage a play I will give myself a chance to thinking thoroughly about how I would want an audience to receive a piece of work written by the four playwrights we have read this semester. Drawing on Wilson’s famous speech, I have an idea about what I would want. The Ground on Which I Stand is one that acknowledges the amazing playwrights we were able to read this semester. I appreciate what they have given to the world through the stage and in print. There have been plays that I resonated with me and some that were harder to grasp. Many of these playwrights talk about connections and family which is a way that I have connected with the characters. I wouldn't use many of the playwrights as influences
After much consideration my husband and I have decided that Michael will not longer be attending The Reason For Hope effective immediately. I welcome the chance to sit down and talk with you should you choose to discuss the situation. It was not easy to arrive at this decision but it has been a long time coming. We have been increasingly more uncomfortable with your program in recent months for the reasons below.
Growing up with a father in the military, you move around a lot more than you would like to. I was born just east of St. Louis in a city called Shiloh in Illinois. When I was two years old my dad got the assignment to move to Hawaii. We spent seven great years in Hawaii, we had one of the greatest churches I have ever been to name New Hope. New Hope was a lot like Olivet's atmosphere, the people were always friendly and there always something to keep someone busy. I used to dance at church, I did hip-hop and interpretive dance, but you could never tell that from the way I look now.
Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?
I send my mom a quick text to let her know where I am going, and we are off in five cars lined up like a Mardi Gras parade. I have a bad feeling about this. I have never been to Micah’s grandmother’s house, and I am totally alone in the last car. If I lose them at a turn or a light, I might never find my way, but I have no other choice but to drive myself because of my early curfew. My friend, Ben, is in the car in front of me, and I am staying close behind him, so I don’t get lost.
I hereby tender my request for my listener account to be deleted, immutably. Not deactivated, not put on hold, not suspended. I am well aware of my options, and trust me when I say that it is only after careful consideration and painstaking deliberation, that I arrive at this conclusion. Long, dreary nights spent agonising over which one is the right one ; which is the best possible outcome, under these set of circumstances? At this juncture in my life, what do I have to do, what do I need to do, what should I do? So many options, so many variables, so much room for error … a careless oversight, a lapse in judgement, a fatal miscalculation … that is all it would take to spell disaster. I would never forgive myself.
How was today.. Honestly, who knows because i sure as hell don’t know and it really, really bothers me. I just felt numb today, like you know when you go to the dentist and he’ll numb your mouth to pull out a tooth or something, that’s how i felt but it was all over. Like i couldn’t care, like i couldn’t be bothered to care today. I mean i guess it was an okay day at first but i still felt numb and i really want to know why. I’ve also been really tired lately and sleeping in really late which also bothers me but that’s a problem for another day. For right now i want to figure out why i felt like that and if it’ll ever come back and bit me in the ass one day. By the end of the day i was just so exhausted and drained that i couldn’t give a damn
The sun is shining through the little holes in the roof of our house when I wake up. Well, I suppose you can't wake up if you didn't sleep. Sleeping was not an option, even considering how exhausted I was from working in the fields yesterday. The nightmares of my brothers reaping day would have been to overwhelming because today is the reaping for the 80th hunger games. This is my fourth reaping so I know what to expect. As I quietly drag myself off my "bed" (hay-stuffed mattress on the floor with a hand made blanket and hay-stuffed pillow) and begin to get dressed when I hear a knock at the front door. The perfectly timed, yet simple: knock, knock, pause, knock lets me know that my best friend is at the door. I hurry to zipper a dress that I received as a "gift" for my first reaping since we couldn't afford a new one. It's a lavender dress that is too short for my still growing "tree legs," as my peers like to call them. The dress cuts low and would show my cleavage if I had more than a size a-cup. After looking quickly in the mirror at my face and hair, I answer the door.
They always say this time is the last time, but is it really? Is there not any other chance of it happening again? Here how it went, as it was my freshman year I had a party at my house and invited a few friends. Well most of my friends invited their own friends which made it get bigger. My cousin brought one of her guy friends who seemed to be very cool in my opinion and we got along pretty well. We didn’t talk that much as he went to go see his girlfriend which I didn’t know he had. So I said my goodbye as he left and went back to having fun with my friends and still having the thought that I had on him about how he was attractive. Throughout the month I totally forgot I had met him but he had followed me on twitter after a couple weeks. I said something on twitter and he just so happened to reply back to it. As the hours went on we were dragging on a conversation on twitter and I got to the point where I was tired of it and said to text me instead. So he hit me up in my dm’s for my number and we started talking as friends. He did break up with his girlfriend already not to forget. We talked every day and started building