I don’t even recognize the sound of my own name, at first. It just doesn’t process. I look around at the sea of girls around me, trying to spot the unfortunate one that has been chosen to be the sacrifice in this year’s game of murder. Just like I have for the past five years. But all eyes are on me this time. The only girl who’s heart is frantically racing as their feet subconsciously pull them forward is mine. I whisper quickly in the ear of the girl standing beside Nairn as I walk past. Lea, I think her name was. “Don’t let her volunteer.” Then I continue my march onto the stage. Reaching my spot beside Dressal, I look at my face onscreen. I look shiny. I should have wiped my face before I got up here. Now my sweaty face is being broadcast …show more content…
I jump. He must have moved closer while I was focused on the projection. "The fifth Hunger Games was held in an open valley. The peaceful setting was a stark contrast to the violent events that occured there, making the fifth Hunger Games a favorite for many of the viewers in the Capitol. The open fields and lack of landmarks made it hard for tributes to find their way around the arena, and many lost track of where they were. Many took advantage of the high grass that covered the arena, using it to hide in and ambush their opponents." The projector states. The painful memory of my brother, pinned down in the grass with a girl kneeling over him, pulling her blade slowly across his skin passes through my psyche and lingers painfully for a few moments before fading. I'm not sad. I'm fucking furious. "I can't say I'm upset about finally getting a chance to kill you." I say to Rowan. He sighs dramatically. "You can't still be pissed about that, redhead. He got what he deserved, and you know it." He says. I snap, shoving him roughly against a wall. "She... fucking tortured him. For hours. He was begging her to kill him." I hiss at him. He doesn't struggle, or fight back. He knows that I can't kill or hurt him
"Honestly, I don't plan to kill you," Charles murmured, stepping past Brandon with the anti-necrolyze rifle in his hands. "You took away my ability to take care of my family, so I guess it's just fair if I do the same to you. Now, you get to feel the helplessness I've experienced." And he walked away with a guffaw. "How satisfying!"
“Well? What do you want to do? Put him out? You really are a mean bastard.”
“You don’t want to kill me, Noah.” You warn, your voice low. “They’ll never forgive you if you kill me.”
“Isn’t fate a strange thing. I killed a man a long time ago who robbed me of my soul. Just like I’ve done to you.”
"Stay down, bitch." He obviously considered me his enemy, but that would never change even after I did what I knew he expected me to do. He let go of my hair and moved his hand to his waist. As soon as he let go, I slumped onto my right side.
I scowl and then relax. He wants me angry. He wants me to be unable to think clearly. It’s easier for him that way. I force my body to relax. “Are you going to keep moving that stupid mouth of yours or are you going to kill me?” I grumble, licking the blood off my lips. “I did kill your brother after
Fight for what is Right Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a part of a competition where you fight to the death? Not many people could imagine doing this, because it is insane if you really think about it. Fighting to the death is one of the most motivating incentives possible. In the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, it is a first person view of the experiences that a 16 year old girl named Katniss Everdeen undergoes.
“You stabbed me with a sword,” he accuses you after a moment. You huff and pull his hand away from his wound to look at it. He’s pretty remarkably weak, actually, his attempts at stopping you are pitiful. He winces when you poke at it.
Some may look me and think I have no chance in history of winning anything, but no one really knows what I am capable of. I am like dynamite, I come in a small package but the damage I can do is unbearable. I have many different skills that explain why you should sponsor me for The Hunger Games. These games require 24 randomized people to be thrown into an arena and forced to fight each other to death. There can only be one winner, and I promise you that will be me. Even though you may think I am too small to win, sponsoring me is the best choice you have because I have outstanding hand-eye coordination, I am very intelligent, and I am also able to get away quickly if needed.
Heroes have a journey they all share, going form when they are called to action until they return home. As the heroes depart onto their journey, they show the most courage and selflessness which is why their departure is the most crucial step in the hero journey. Katniss Everdeen and Moana both have a departure where they are showing extreme courage from the choices they make. Moana leaves her island and chance to become chief to save her and her loved ones world from Te Fiti. Katniss Everdeen saves her sister from being forced into The Hunger Games by volunteering to take her place. Both these heroes showed extreme courage and bravery during their departure.
Identity and reality are both often skewed and/or compromised to meet the needs and wants of a person or platform. More often than not do people and markets put on fronts to be perceived in a certain way to gain favor in the public eye. They adapt because they have to in order to stay afloat in the ever changing world of fleeting beauty and immediate gratification. The world of Panem in The Hunger Games is not much different, in fact, it’s more similar than not. In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Collins uses construction and manipulation of the authenticity of the characters to show that identity evolves to fit the demands of the prevailing reality.
In life there is always some sort of violence and there always seems to be a good and a bad side. The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross is a movie about 24 tributes fighting to the death for the Hunger Games crown. The prize is riches, fame and freedom from ever having to physically fight in the arena again. It is a game of violence, ferocity, and blood, and only one tribute can win. Even though stories often have a Battle between Good and Evil, it is Katniss’s internal conflict confronting her own good and evil that portrays humanity with a longing for destruction, violent inclination, and sense of separation.
Reality television has differed throughout the years. At one point it was meant to be a literal depiction of everyday life. Now, reality television has changed to be more dramatic and outrageous than an average person or family’s life. The Hunger Games, in a way, depicts the lives of those who live in the poorer districts where the necessities for life are not in such abundance as in the Capitol. Although children are not forced to kill each other in the districts, there is still the struggle for one’s livelihood. That reality is depicted in the games and it seems that The Capitol takes that theme and develops it into The Hunger Games that we know and love. The Hunger Games suggests that reality television is manipulated to the point where the viewers see what the creators (game makers) want them to see.
"Stop! Go away, get back on your side!" I bark the order at him like a drill sergent. He stops in his pursuit and looks me in the eye.