A few years back on a perfect summer day, my friends and I decided to go out on my boat, the Floating Irishman. My dad, the captain, began to sail off out of the marina into the nice calm water; it seemed like a perfect day to go out. We went out about ten miles away from the marina and decided it was a terrific spot to throw out the anchor. Once we were securely into the ground below, we threw out some floats attached to the boat and started swimming. My dad had given us a few safety precautions; the most important was “Do not go past the blue float.” That was the furthest float away from the boat which went out about 25 feet back. Everyone was having a great time pushing each other off of the float and swimming around in the river; definitely a day to remember. It was beginning to get a little late out so we decided to eat some food that my mom had prepared for us. We ate and hung out on the boat for a little while until finally i decided to jump back in, and my friends joined me. …show more content…
I knew that we would have to act quickly; my dad screamed for Gabby to pull in the floats while I pulled up the anchor. I quickly ran to the bow of the boat, and began tugging at the anchor. It didn’t take long for me to realize that it was stuck in the thick clay floor of the river. My dad really began screaming at this point being that the safety of my friends was at risk, and if you know my dad you would understand how frightening that is. Finally, I got it out; after maneuvering the boat in order to release the tension on the anchor. We started treading back to retrieve my friends that were floating further away from the boat. Once we got them back on board, we thought that it might be a good idea to just head home. At the time, my dad seemed angry with us, but looking back on it now he finds himself laughing about the overall experience we had that
After a long drive we finally got to our shady camping spot. Before we did anything fun, my mom made us put our huge tent and then put away a ton of groceries right after we had been already waiting two hours.
It was a hot summer day on Lake Logan Martin, perfect for taking out the jet skis with my best friend Jake. We were showing off and trying to impress some hot girls on a pontoon when all the sudden, Jakes jet ski went flying upside down through the air like a drunk pelican. Before I knew it, all I could see was the bright orange and yellow colors of his jet ski zooming by my head, and Jake hit the water head first causing water to splash all over my face. I rushed over to where his jet ski landed and I was sure he was dead. I dove into the lake and grabbed him, he felt lifeless as I drug him to the surface. A patrol boat sped up to us and helped pull him on the boat. Thankfully he just suffered from a broken clavicle and a broken arm but it
It was the day after my sister's Quinceanera, and all my family was here. They were leaving back to their homes Monday morning, so keep in mind it is Sunday. All of our parents were talking outside and saw that us kids didn’t really have anything to do, so they decide to take us to a river that was 5 minutes away from my aunt's ranch. We packed up all our food and stuff and went right away.
While I was on the boat, my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told her that I didn't know yet, but I would tell her when I did. I tried looking for my older sister and my father, but they were gone. I profusely demanded my mother to tell me where they went and why they left us here. She replied by saying, "They went on ahead, to make sure the area we stayed at was safe and clean for our arrival." I was so proud of what I thought they were doing that I said, "I want to be like father." After I said that, tears ran down her face as she smiled. There truth was, that my sister died of tuberculosis and father died of smallpox and were both thrown into the sea.
My dad says to me take the jet ski back to the dock so we can give other people's a try so I said ok. As I headed back to the dock I was going way to fast and panicked when I got closer and closer to the wooden dock. Then it happened CRASH! I hit the dock going 20mph with my family on the back of the jet ski. My mom herd the loud crash and came running down. When came down she saw her three babies floating in the water with a jet ski in 3 pieces. I was a complete mess I was crying and screaming. Finally we climbed out of the water and we all rushed to the car to head to the emergency
Every Friday from around the middle of May to the end of the school year, my friends and I would have a “water fight”. The “water fight” was actually an excuse my friends and I made up to get away with coming home from school soaking wet. After school on friday my friends and I would walk a half mile into the woods to Black Bridge, an old train bridge that was no longer in use. None of us really knew why it was called Black Bridge or if it was even actually called Black Bridge but, it had built up the reputation of being the best bridge to jump off in the area. It was actually fairly safe; it was only a little over 20 feet tall and the river below was fairly deep and slow-moving. The only real danger was the risk of the cops catching you, giving you a slap on the wrist and telling your parents.
Like I’ve stated before I always had a hard time verbalizing what I thought, obviously most children do, but I just thought it took me longer than the average bear to do so. That day on the boat was spent mostly sleeping on the fish cooler because the waves soothed me, however, the waves weren’t accompanied by the pleasant ambiance of the ocean, it was mainly the background noises of sailors riffing off each other. To set the stage it was my Father and I and 2 other guys who were basically telling us what to do but as it stands, I was 12 so I really wasn't a priority on the deep sea fishing
In “Who’s Irish”, Gish Jen demonstrates a family that has Chinese root and American culture at the same time. The main character is a fierce grandmother who lives in with her daughter’s family, and then ironically forced to move out because of her improper behavior during she raises her granddaughter. The author uses some unpleasant language and contents to describe the situation, which are effectively demonstrate how difficult and how struggle for people who lives in the gap between two different cultures. I can’t say who is right or who is wrong, but feel sorry for the grandmother.
After Wendy's I went home and on the way home I fell asleep. The next day my friends came back to my house and had a cookout after the cookout Daniel,Miguel & me went to the Rec and then we went
After that my Dad took me out for sailing. It was really awesome One time the boat almost capsized, luckily it didn't. Then we ate some lunch, I had a yogurt cup and it was delicious. It was about afternoon time when we went out sailing again, this time though I was dragged behind the boat. Doing so I got a mouthful of water. When we got back it was time to fish, I got two medium sized fish, but Allie got big brawlie. It was 14'' long, we fished until ten-o'clock pm. Then we turned in for the night.
I wanted to take that boat out and go tubing for the first time in my life. I was so excited that I even offered to blow up the tube by myself with nothing but my lungs, not knowing we had an air pump. Finally, after what felt like hours of begging like the annoying twelve year old I was, my dad said it was time to go. My sisters and I got our life jackets and wet shirts on, while my baby brother and step mom got on the boat, and my dad sat in the driver’s seat. My sisters and I were on the back on the tube, trying to find the best way to position our arms so we didn’t fall off. My dad turned the key to the boat and suddenly, my excitement turned to sheer panic. What happens if I fall off? What if my sisters fall off? What if there was a lake monster or a really big fish in the water? From that moment on, I was determined to stay on, so I held on to the handles for dear
Today we will be capturing pictures of underwater life. The crew I was going with were 4 teenagers, two boys and two girls, I didn’t know any of them and I didn’t have any recollection of getting on this boat, but it seemed fine so I didn’t say anything. The boat starts to decelerate. The captain hands me a lot of gear ranging from goggles to an oxygen tank. I proceed to equip the essentials. When i’m finally done
getting my old self back. I know I am a happy and contented homebody but this time, I absolutely pulled myself away. I am sincerely sorry to my friends. My work was the only therapy and I am very grateful to my colleagues now turned good friends. It took me so long to retrieve myself and regain my control. Two long and lonely years.
During the summer I fly down to Arkansas to visit my dad and work at a place called Camp Yorktown bay, which is a christian camp with different ages each week. We provide several different activities there and one of them is boats. At boats you can do any sport possible behind a boat that the kids want to learn and we the staff will teach them how. Our oldest age group, which is the last week we do an overnight trip on the boats. My Friend Chandler was on his way to fill up the boat after the long day of work. It was getting dark out and pretty soon he had to drive with knowledge of where the shallow spots were on the lake because you could no longer see the markers pointing out the shallow water. The mistake that he made was mixing up where he thought he was so he had no idea he was coming upon a very shallow part, next thing we he knows the boat makes a terrifying noise and it stops moving. I remember him telling me that he got really scared, and he had realized that the boat had ran aground. It wasn't that big of a shallow spot so by backing up he got free. The boat had seemed fine so he kept driving, when he got back to camp he realized that he had to tell our boss what had happened.
We were carrying the coolers down to the boat for our fishing trip. Once we were onto the pontoon my dad backed the boat out of the dock and we turned down stream. Off to go fishing on Lake Delhi; I spotted a huge rock that had people jumping off into the water. Then and there I wanted to try it. I am not sure why but I like to do things that get your adrenaline going. My dad says i’m an adrenaline junky. We stopped for a second so we could see them jump off the top. When they were at the top they looked so tiny and after they jumped it seemed like they jumped out of a plane since it took them so long to get to the water.