One quiet night in the Edmonton suburbs, I was sleeping peacefully until my cellphone woke me up.
The phone revealed that the incoming phone call was
From the CDC ; Centers For Disease Control.
Anyway, the doctor’s urgent tone of voice and short message caused me some level of distress, so I was silent while I listened to his brief message: “There is an unknown hemorrhagic agent causing terror and death in The Republic of the Congo, there is a possibility that this is an airborne biosafety level four agent. Come to Africa immediately.” Jeez, I thought aloud, an airborne level four agent, every doctor’s nightmare. I was in Africa by the arrival of dawn.
There are four levels of biocontainment: levels 0, 2, 3, and 4. For some reason, there is no level one. Biosafety level 0 is used for dressing scientists in the appropriate equipment for the pathogen/antigen they are
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The bed covers were a brown-reddish color and looked like they had been passed through a trash-compactor, the walls were covered in blood, vomit, bile, and various other substances that couldn’t be recognised on sight. But worst of all, was the scene in the middle of the one room hut; the large family consisting of a mother and her six kids huddled around a man who was lying by a fire, eyes glazed over and yellow. As we watched, the man suddenly pitched up and vomited a pool of blood with black specks in it, then lay down and closed his eyes. Oh, my God gasped the surgeon, who was by now retching himself. The family then proceeded to take the man outside, and, without emotion, dumped the body in a nearby river.
We moved on to the village hospital, where the epidemic had obviously spawned. Outside we dressed in our Chemurion biohazard suits, which are disposable field space suits with their own air supply. As we dressed, we heard the unwelcome groans of the agonized patients. Then we walked
“Each one of us can make a difference. Together we can make a change” (Barbara Mikulski). Making an impact takes only one person, a person who is courageous and tenacious. Atticus’ character proved that a person can make a difference because he was a wise and valiant figure who wasn’t afraid to fight for Tom, and taught Maycomb what respect and perspective are. One person has the ability to influence humanity, as shown in the book.
This past year, I have been apart of Naperville Central’s brand new Special Spaces club. When my friend approached me and asked me to join, I agreed even though I had no clue what I was involving myself in. In retrospective, I can honestly say that becoming a part of Special Spaces has been one of the most meaningful, fun, and fulfilling experiences I have had in high school.
People in all parts of the globe lent a hand and did both volunteering and increased work to aid those who were infected. Document 1 is a letter written from one friend to another, detailing what has occurred in this army base where this medical doctor is staying. The doctor explains the
My shoulders slumped as the voice on the phone offered me camera bags instead. I was sixteen and had just returned from an infectious diseases course at Emory University, where my final presentation was on Ebola. Within weeks, the first infected American arrived at Emory for treatment. Our country panicked, while thousands lay dying in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, their last visions strangers in spacesuits. I ached for the people, especially the children, who were dying alone, and I needed to help. Drawing on my new knowledge of Ebola’s pathology, I had an idea that I thought might work.
Living in the Southeast of Texas were white is right, black is wrong and anything in the middle lived in the gray area of life. My family is filled with living in the gray areas of life. Drugs and alcohol is that colorless friend that helps my family get thought life. At an early age alcohol was that friend that shown up and many the adults laugh and do silly dance during family gathering. It was that friend that lived less than 50 feet from my grandparents’ home. Its house was open too young and old and as a child I was sent over many times to welcome it over. As the years pass it became divide and was seen and given a name drugs and alcohol.
There is an unseen balance in the universe, one not measurable with charts and graphs or even with the highest tech machines man has to offer. This unseen balance guides my life like a tiny white flame, showing the way through the infinite maze that is life.
It's only been two day's since I chose to live at Sam's for a week. It's really not so bad. I have lot's of food. I have watched enough t.v. to last me a year though. Honistly I so bored. I'm here all alone. Though I thought this would be fun. Now though not so much. I have my reason's and at the time I thought they were good. Now that I am here though I see that I need more just over sized stuff, food, and space. Who needs this much space when your all alone?? I'm very grateful that I'll only be here for a week. I've had so much pizza I'm so burnt out. Though it's still a little fun here. I get in shopping carts and roll down the esle's in then. While I was looking around for food I found this really big birthday cake. I don't know who Sally
What does it mean to be human? Firstly, I am quite sure this answer is a personal one and individuals may answer in various unique ways. We all have our personal set of values, ethics and belief. Given that I am quite spiritual, I strongly believe that God gave us unique gifts and talents to be of service and value to this earth. Furthermore, Bob Marley was spiritual as well. Through the story of his life, I realized some of my gifts and was reminded of some of the purposes I was already aware. Moreover, to be human-in the simple terms- can be broken it a few tenants, which include: the progressive and continual process of learning, the need to seek beauty and belonging to a culture. The aforementioned tenants are not listed in order of value
Over the years my neighborhood, family, and environment has shaped me to become the person I am today. It’s been a rough ride here and there, but the view is great and I am ecstatic and ready for the adventures that will cross my path.
While growing up, I have always been interested in exploring the human body. I would always watch Dr.90210 because I wanted to become a plastic surgeon. Suddenly as time went by my plans of becoming a plastic surgeon had all started to shift and I wanted to become an orthodontist. Therefore, when starting college in the year of 2013 at Clark Atlanta University, I majored in biology. Studying biology would put me on the right path in becoming the orthodontist I wanted to be. So, after attending Clark Atlanta University for two years, I decided that I was going to transfer to Guilford College because they had a lot more resources for becoming an orthodontist. They have a pre-professional program there that has dentistry already there. They also
The lowest I was able to get the global hectors was 5.2 and the lowest amount of planets needed was 2.9. I did this by changing my answers to eating no animal products, no packaged foods and buying all produce locally. I also changed it to a green residence using all 100% renewable sources. For the transportation, I changed it to no motor vehicle travel at all. Furthermore, I changed the buying of clothes, sporting goods, home goods, electronics, and appliances to none. Finally, the last answer I changed was the amount of recycling to recycle all paper and plastic. It did not drop to one earth because, sources are still need to grow produce and build shelter. Additionally, recycling plastic and paper is helpful but garbage is still produced.
What happens if you lose what appears to be your “everything” and you do not know what to do next? If you feel that you are anxiously floating in the inbetween perhaps you are in The Liminal Space.
Buttons were pressed in a panic as the elevator first slowly closed the doors and then began to rise. The rise upwards was slow. The nerve-wracking sound of the chains and gears squeaking and creaking could’ve been enough to cause a child to panic. The opening of the doors was even slower than the ascent. We exited the box and again began to speed walk through the long halls of the hospital, turning and curving whilst being yelled at by the doctors and nurses lined up on the walls and sitting at desks to slow down.
Historically, professional journalism has been built around two fundamentals: visual and textual. While numbers have played a role in journalism as well, journalists have constantly downplayed their importance in making up the professional skillset, which leads to a difficulty in presenting numerical data responsibly and accurately (Maier 2002). A noteworthy is the subfield of computer-assisted reporting, which focuses on examining quantitative data through a journalistic lens. Over the past several years, this data-driven form of journalism has become more important within the profession as it has joined with the increasingly ever-present digitization of personal and public information. As more information continues to become increasingly zeroes and ones at the most basic level, journalism has increasingly been involved in gathering, analyzing, and computing that information as well as quantitative data.
Every culture has different beliefs on certain issues such as death, gender, and spiritual practices. Cultural beliefs influence the way patients understand health concepts and how they take care of themselves. Therefore, knowing a patients’ background and culture is a helpful key to solving certain problems. The Hispanic culture is an old and very unique culture that has strong beliefs concerning death, dying, gender, family, and spiritual practices.