In class we watched a video over a very opinionated male who explained the reason why America is not great. I have a lot of respect for this man and I think that he brought up some extremely valid points that I have never thought about. What I mainly want to touch on is the fact that he accused my generation of being apathetic. He basic says that we could care less and are lazy good for nothings. The best response I can think of is, look at who raised us. Now, I am not saying that it is entirely our parents fault or their parents fault for the reason why teenagers do not care about school, grades, or the world. I am just saying that it is unfair to put the entire blame on my generation saying that we are the reason why the America is not great. He makes it seem that as soon as my …show more content…
How is anything going to change if we keep passing the blame so that it never falls on us. Many people are concerned about the future of america due to the looks of our generation. An argument they use is that we plain do not care, well make us care. There are plenty of people yearning for information and to be a part of change but there are no opportunities. How are we expected to change America if we are kept in the dark on things or always talked down to. Like I have said before, to start change we have to work together. We have to create programs to get more people, especially teenagers, involved in important issues today. Maybe there are programs that get people involved, we just need to get the programs more known. It seems like such a daunting task to try to fix the world or get teenagers to care more about the future but it is possible. How is ranting and talking down to teenagers suppose to encourage us to take action? We need guidance from the older generations and then we can guide the generations to
If we sit back and see, who is going to carry the future of our nation and the world? Those who are pushing the people forward will no longer be around to do that. So who will? It is the youth that we see playing in the playground, in the car seats and stressing over the SATs and ACTs. Today’s youth will be the future leaders, dream makers and activist. The youth of today is the ones that will carry us in to the future.
It had been apparent to me that the affairs of Washington D.C. were more than just news headlines when I saw the glisten my mother’s eyes as the 44th President of the United States had been announced. I was only nine years old, but the significance of the election was far from being lost on me.
As children become older, they start learning more and more about today's society - and how wrong it is. They learn about feminism, gender identities, politics, to name some things. The problem is that for the most part, the generations before us are the cause for problems, and those generations of course include our parents and teachers. When confronted about it, adults do not know how to be mature and lash out. They try to enact their authority by saying we should respect our elders, when they do not respect us. Respect needs to be earned, so of course it can be lost as well, which is what may happen to those older than us. Especially those so called "baby-boomers" often do not know that is is much harder for us than it was for them. A good
At Durham Tech’s Student Awards banquet recently I was asked to speak on the topic of leadership. So when I found myself standing in front of a group of student leaders (mostly millennials) my first thought was to say, on behalf of my generation: Sorry. We baby-boomers are leaving you all with a plateful of hot mess. If you believe most climate scientists, downtown Durham is going to be oceanfront property any day now because of carbon emissions from all the fossil fuels we’ve burned. Our market-based system that over-rewards short-term profit over long term investment led to income inequality that makes social mobility virtually impossible, and has essentially strangled the American Dream in its sleep. In
As generations come and go, I’ve noticed that each generation has grown up with different morals, attitudes, and goals for their life. Which puts a gap on all these generations, each generation is very distinct in their own ways. With each new generation being shaped and molded by the previous one, by offering more and more to help them. Now when you look at my generation now and the new one slowly coming up as well, you can see that we have been turned into a selfish, lazy, and even rude generation.
We may have different religions, different languages, and different skin, but we are all humans. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “ In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Due to discrimination amongst certain groups of people, 1,572 people commit suicide every single year because of racism. For example, a way for my family and I could and should strengthen the nation is by putting posters all over schools and the city. We could tell people if they see people getting abuse in any form of racism, then tell somebody that will do something about it. Also, have a peaceful protest. Not a violent riot. Make sure everybody shares what they need to. And that is how my family and I could and should strengthen the nation.
We live in a society today that is vastly different to the one the previous generation grew up in; priorities have changed with people finding completely new ways to spend their time, people have an barrage of options presented to them with every decision and everyone seems to find someone else to blame for the current situation.
Another thing that is different about our generation from anyone else is our responsibility with money. We as young adults have a problem with spending as soon as we get. Most definitely me, I am terrible at this. Last semester, I had a job at
One of the things that has troubled me as of late is today’s generation of kids. The generation that we refer to as millennials. These people, for the most part, disturb me. It frightens me to know that this group that I’ve will be leading the country and the world in the decades to come. The overwhelming majority of the kids that I've come in contact with over these past few years are apathetic monsters. They don't care about school, they don't care about themselves, and they don't care about their future. To dissect the three aforementioned attributes...
One of the things that has troubled me as of late is my generation. The generation that is referred to is the group of people currently aged 15-21 - whether or not this is a "generation," so to speak, is irrelevant. These people, for the most part, disturb me. It frightens me to know that the people that I've grown up with are going to be leading the country and the world in the decades to come. The overwhelming majority of the kids that I've come in contact with over the past few years are apathetic monsters. They don't care about school, they don't care about themselves, and they don't care about their future. To dissect the three aforementioned attributes...
I have been a part of a lower-middle to middle-class family my entire life and there have been times where we couldn’t afford to get an x-ray or MRI. Most times I can recall, I was older, and knew my parents’ financial situation. I was one of those people who fought through injuries. If the games were important, or my injury wasn’t too painful, and things were tight financially, I would offer to wait a couple weeks until one or the other got their paycheck. We were and are a tight knit family. Being a former high school athlete and playing basketball my whole life, I have sustained multiple injuries, most of which have fortunately been fairly minor. Basketball players’ legs and ankles get the brute of the damage. Some held me back from doing some things I
So our generation is kind of a terrible place. People are dying left and right because of Facebook, there race, and finally, how they are treated in this world. So many people hate our generation and so many don’t hate it. In my thoughts of how this generation is. It is terrible and I wish I could make it better for everyone. All people show be happy and not feel like they have to suffer each day. We should be able to fix this ourselves and not be so mean to each other. I was bullied because of my personality and where I came from. It was terrible. I can’t believe this generation came to what it has came
Experts say that along with students, schools and technology, parents are also to blame. They cite surveys and the work of researchers like Jean M. Twenge, author of the book “ Generation to me .” to make the case that since the 1960s, parenting has shifted away from emphasizing obedience, honor and respect for authority to promoting children’s happiness while stoking their ambitions for material success.“We have a culture now where we have real trouble accepting that our kids make mistakes and fail, and when they do, we tend to blame someone else,” said Tricia Bertram Gallant( she is the author of
Perhaps a few of us can relate: as we get older, we become more steadfast in our ways, making change happen a more daunting task. If, as America gets older and consequently repels change, how can she have hope in her future? The answer lies in today’s youth, the next generation of game-changers. Each new generation brings renewed energy, insight, and voices, but unless our older, more experienced generations educate us younger people on today’s beliefs and values, they will not be giving us the opportunity to distinguish ourselves as tomorrow’s leaders. If we as a nation do not make it a priority to teach the younger generations the valuable lessons found in history, we will be setting them up for failure. In fact, Edmund Burke said this: “Those who
If you were to ask the majority of adults what they think of the average millennial, they would most likely be quick to tell you that they are lazy, or self-obsessed. They may even go as far as saying that millennials are the reason the world is going to fall apart. There have been many studies done over the years about the upcoming generation of adults, and many of them suggest that we millennials need to get our act together if we’re going to take up a more active role in society. Now, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be open to criticism, but I strongly believe that there is a lot that can be learned from millennials.