The Get Away
I was eight years old and on the run from the cops. I saw a cop car and my chubby cheeks suddenly paled. I turned and ran, my hair snapping in the wind. I did not realize that my situation could get worse. How did it come to this one may ask? Well, let me start at the beginning.
I was in Walmart grocery shopping with my mother. We needed milk, cereal, shampoo, and a few other things. The shopping trip took a while so my mother said I could get a candy bar to eat in the car. Excited, I ran to pick one. There were so many choices: Reese’s cups, Hershey bars, Milky Ways. I finally decided on a Snickers bar. My mother paid for the groceries and together we started to head to the door. It was not until I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder and heard a deep voice say, “excuse me ma’am,” that I realized my mother forgot to pay for my candy bar. Everyone’s eyes turned to me, the eight-year-old, the thief, the criminal. The worker stared at me with cold, unforgiving eyes, and I panicked.
I sprinted to the back of the store. My mother followed me, but after
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I could not give it to her in person, obviously, or she would have turned me in. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. When the coast was clear, I started running. I did not stop until I had reached my mother’s car. By some miracle it happened to be unlocked and I looked for a pen and some paper. I quickly scribbled a note to my mother: “I’m going to Texas and changing my name. I’ll see if Tio Mario and Tia Esther will let me live with them. If not I’ll live on my own. Don’t try to follow me.” After second thought, I scratched out the part about my tia and tio. My mother had already sold me out once; there was no doubt in my mind that she would have done it again. I left the note on her seat and started walking home. I needed to grab some supplies before I started heading to
Netherlands’s companies and industries should understand and study the political-legal environment since it is a critical concern of a successful global organization. As stated, Netherlands is a developing country so its government is one of those that exercise control of the businesses and trading by implementing laws and regulations (e.g. tax breaks and tariffs privileges). This could affect the products to be exported in other country/ies. To have a better and fair competition, government established antitrust laws and regulations. One of the factors that could affect the country’s industry, company and trading products are the political risks. These risks could affect the company’s capacity to do productively and profitably. This will lead
I never thought I would be labeled an outsider, a misfit even. As I trudged my way through the halls of my small town high school, I would endure the gazing pairs of eyes, that belonged to my peers, followed by whispering and often times some laughter. I always used zone out during those repetitive speeches and commercials about the effects of gossiping and rumors; never did I imagine that one day I would be on the receiving end of of the everyday potshot. Growing up I was always the center of attention, the one everyone yearned to be friends with, never was I the antisocial child in the corner with nowhere to turn… not until high school. They say high school changes you. They say high school accounts for some of the greatest years of
A random man in the parking lot suggests we let the car cool down for a while. We listen to him as he is an adult. We go across the street to have lunch and it’s all laughs (looking back on it, I’m surprised we weren’t kicked out ). After a hilarious lunch, we start back to the car. I jokingly say “Jayleen, the car’s not there anymore. But, after getting to the parking lot, we see that the car is actually not there. We quickly find out that the car was towed and it costs about 200 dollars to get it back. We try to see what we can do and Jay quickly suggests we travel across the city to the home of a family friend. Of course, Jayleen being Jayleen, doesn’t know the exact address and we wind up in a very uncomfortable part of Chicago. Still, it turns out that no one is home. We didn’t know what else to do so we decide to call our parents--in spite of Jayleen’s parents not knowing she took the car to Chicago and my parents not knowing I was in Chicago. My parent’s transfer two hundred dollars into my bank account and Jayleen’s uncle was able to drive us to the towing company's location. We finally arrive to the towing company’s location after hitchhiking in the city for
5,4,3,2,1, “GUYS FIND THE KEY NOW” BOOM this was the end of our time at KC Escape as the “bomb” goes off and we do not win but we get a positive score in the game we call KC Escape it was very fun until we got really close at the end. There were other things leading up to this, like picking up everyone to go to Alex Brewers birthday party. My brother and I were about the 4th and 5th person in there of about 11-12 kids going to be there at the end. There was about 11 of us in the room and it was really intense at the beginning. It was really fun the whole time for me.
Every so often, one may encounter a business entity that is just doing things right for everyone: its owners and management staff, its employees and the community in which it finds itself. Sometimes, it may even be an outstanding example to the industry to which it belongs and its native country. Such is the case with Badgemaster--the leading Nottinghamshire company that makes name badges.
It was a right of passage where I grew up. Beer cans littered the backroads and glistened in the moonlight. For miles around country music filled the honeysuckle perfumed air, boots hung out the passenger windows, and mud flung off the tires when we hit the highway burning rubber as far as the tires would let us. Those nights we spent on gravel roads making memories with long time friends are irreplaceable but it all changed in a split second on a beautiful, warm, and sunny morning. When my phone rang and his Moms voice came over the line and all I heard was "He's gone." Before the screaming started. It took me a while before I realized it was me screaming and I sat on the floor and waited for him to call. I thought if I waited long enough
When you parents tell you not to do something do you just do it anyways. Well I do and this time I think I learnt my lesson. It all started on a normal Saturday and we were gonna go on a hike, but none of us wanted to go somewhere so we just did it at home. We got our bags and water ready and busted for the trail. I thought it was gonna be a normal day and we would all have fun, but I got proved wrong. The trail itself is about three miles and a couple of extra steps,but with the surprise we only walked a mile of it.
For the fifth time that night, I walked over to my mom’s bed to see if she was breathing. I felt the relief wash over me when I saw that she was breathing. She had started to slur her words after dinner around six thirty. Judging by my past experiences this meant she popped a handful of her usual pills around quarter to six. There was nothing out of the ordinary for me in the situation. This was every day life for me, the years leading up to my first year of high school. I was fourteen, and I had been taking care of her from what felt like the time I could walk. Little did I know that would be the last night I had to wake up in twenty-minute increments to check on her. When morning came my bags are being packed, confused I asked what was going on? My aunt walked in to the living room and simply said, “you will be living with me.” Just a short phrase changes my life forever on a day I’ll never forget. It was in the
Half my friends laughing, the other half following quickly behind to see what’s going on. In between hanging up the phone with my mom and making it to the bathroom with no one behind me anymore, I realized, wow I’m a spoiled brat who got handed everything and reality came and bit my butt hard. I didn’t really need that sweater. Or the necklace I had bought earlier or even those to die for shoes I was drooling over. With this new sense of maturity, I went and returned all those things I didn’t need. When I got home I walk right into my mom’s room handed her the $250 I had just got back, from all the things I “needed” so badly, and told her,” You know mom, what you said was kind of mean but thanks.” She refused to accept my mom so when she wasn’t looking I put it in her purse later that
I can’t believe this guy, first he brings me in and the next year or so he gives me away. Well I guess that is what humans do these days. At least Danny was nice to me when he brought me in. I can remember the first thing he whispered to me “ I’m never letting go of you.”I guess that's how life is people like you one then the next they throw you away. I wish one of these my owners would keep me forever. I’m never going to like an owner like Danny Agui.
Brian heard the screaming from around the corner as he ran, from his sick classmates. He grabbed Mia’s hand as he ran, pulling her into the library where they barricaded the door, and hopped that whatever was outside would soon go away. As they sat Brian thought about his sister Alica, his best friend Tyler, and the rest of the theater club. Hoping that they were ok, but also knowing that they could become one of them at any moment. When Brian looked at Mia he could see the fear, and the tears building up her eyes. He held her hand tighter, and tried to give her a reassuring look, even though the possibilities of them ever getting out were slim to none.
Minerva tipped the glass to her nose and sniffed before taking a resigned sip. “Better than Horace’s, but I’ll pass.” She set it down on a tray floating past. “Are your children enjoying their holidays?”
When I was younger, I can remember my anticipation waiting in line with my family on a warm Sunday afternoon. There were lots of kids around us waiting to walk through the red gates and they seemed to be just as excited as my brothers and I were. When it was our turn at the gate I would stand on my tippy toes and peek my head over the counter to look into the small booth where the smiling lady stood. My face was hit with cool air from the air conditioning as I looked around. The nice lady always smiled and handed me sticker. On the sticker it read, “Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo” and had a lion and some zebras, along with other animals on it. I’d smile and press it onto my shirt. Then, I grab mommy or daddy’s hand and gleefully walk through the gates into the crowd of people.When I was little the Fort Wayne Zoo was a mystical place where I could travel all over the world in a single place, but as I grew up, I have realized that zoos are nothing but an animal jail where creatures are locked up so they never see their true roots or get to feel real natural instincts.
When I went to bed that night, February 13th, 2006, my life was perfectly normal. When I woke up at 10:00 PM that same evening, my life was anything but normal.
I was going for a run even though I was super out of shape. I saw Frank Porter running. At the orchard when he told me he wanted me to help him run I didn’t think that he actually wanted to. He saw me and stopped me. Then he asked if I wanted to run with him so I agreed. Then he asked about when I was at the orchard and asked me if I was alone; he asked where Sloane was. We were really close to his house and he wanted to race; I beat him. We went inside because he was going to give me a water but then we heard his parents fighting so I left. I was at work and this girl came running in and she looked very upset.; it turns out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend. The worst part was they all worked together at the