To most, they displayed the image of modern-day, homeless musicians who couldn’t pay their bills. They were just people who tried to make money off their music, but only created a failed career. The picture seemed set in stone. A ratty clarinet, a silver guitar, and a stand up bass sitting on a park bench, playing to make a bucketful of cash. Granted, the image simply conveys failure; in reality, it conveys success. A gentle hearted woman, Taya, stood on the street corner of downtown New Orleans, blasting notes and gracefully moving her worn fingers along the old clarinet. Her skin was a smooth chocolate. Her hair a dazzling ebony. She emptied her soul and her story through the roar of her instrument. The song told the story of a young woman who had nothing but dreams in her mind. Years of heartache and lost changed nothing in her spirit or her mind about coming to the city of jazz. Hence, wherever Taya could, she continued to play her music, but no one seemed to hear it. On the north side of the country, a heated discussion echoed throughout the hall of Coney Island Hospital. A man with slicked, coffee-colored hair with a glossy guitar in his hand screamed at a naive nurse. His words were desperate and sharp; hers were …show more content…
Inexplicably, Miles seemed to have been around since the city came to be. Albeit he looked like the average older man: balding gray hair and round glasses, Miles had the aura of mystery blanketing him. The skyline of New York spelled out his name in bright blue light; however, not a soul had seen him outside his tower except for business and a few rare occurrences since the building planted its spot in Manhattan. Therefore, many people spread legends of the man in the sky and his scarce outings. The tales varied from dates to murder to peaceful walks in Central Park, yet not a single person knew where he went. Well, three people knew, but we’ll return to that
Perhaps one of the strongest demonstrations of the power of music in “Sonny’s Blues” is the street revival. Everyone has seen these types of revivals before. Every song has been heard by the crowd, but when the music starts everyone stops, watches, and listens. “As the singing filled the air the watching, listening faces underwent a change, the eyes focusing on something within; the music seemed to soothe a poison out of them; and time seemed, nearly, to fall away from the sullen, belligerent, battered faces” (57). The music from the street revival helps lifts the hopelessness from the crowd and provides a sense of relief. Music is able to bring people from all walks of life together. It gives them a sense of calm and ease, an assurance that something is there to help. Music listens.
jas boothe shows me a around a nine bedroom three story house in Alexandria Virginia.
Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt is about a young girl named Clara who was taken from her mother at a young age due to slavery. Clara dreamed about returning to her mother and escaping slavery. Clara lived with her “aunt”, who had gotten a sewing job for her at the so called “ big house”. She sewed quilts and other things for her mistress, Clara would sew in a room right beside the kitchen and would always hear people talking about a underground railroad. They would talk about how many black slaves tried to escape slavery .
Through his playing, the cellist resolves to inspire his listeners and remind them to never give up. And it clearly works: “Music fills the empty air. And for an evanescent moment, anger and violence are no longer heard.” (Page#). Music is hope. The cellist brings many people back to the realization that music, beauty, and liveliness were once abundant in their city; this same music will someday return to bring joy and happiness so long as the people dream and hope for things to be better. The music gives these people the confidence that one day, they will be able to be human again: to feel beauty and life rather than death and fear. As music is played inside concealed streets, the respect shown to those that passed away becomes a life force in a city in need of support. Despite the risk of death, the cellist continues to play to respect the dead, as a symbolic message that their deaths will not be in vain. For the cellist, a vision of hope grows in his mind that he must continue to inspire hope by all
Miranda C. Watkins usually I send a private email to those who are leaving the Homeless Program... in my 19 years of working here, truly I find joy in getting to know and work with you. We built a trust that I pray will last for years to come and hopefully out paths will one day cross again...
As a kid I had always lived in well diversified areas. I didn't care who you were or what you looked like, I was raised to treat everyone the same. I wasn't personally exposed to the idea of inequality until I was in middle school. I had always imagined that everyone just had jobs and lived their daily lives. I didn't quite grasp the extent of the idea that people can die, be homeless, be criminals, or racists. I also didn't grasp how great the people of our society can be. That was until my parents told me about the first times they had in America coming from Mexico. I don't remember what I said or did to provoke these stories, but they were surely eye opening.
Today in the U.S. there is a large percentage of people that are homeless. There are so many questions when one sees a homeless person, for example why doesn’t he or she get a job and get out of the streets? People that make comments like the one just made probably doesn’t really know anyone that is homeless so they do no understand what they go through. In the book “ Tell Me Who I Am,’’ Elliot Liebow tries to explain what the cost and gains are for women living in a homeless shelter.
As a child, I grew up many places, my dad’s old job moved us around a lot. I was born in Hayward, Ca. and moved to Red Bluff as a baby and stayed until I was like 5 or 6. Then I moved to Taylor, Arizona and lived there until I was 8. I moved to The Dalles, Oregon and turned 9 shortly after, we lived at the very top of Oregon, right next to the Washington border. I could see Washington driving down certain streets, but by the time I was 10 I had been somewhat homeless. I lived in a car with my 3 other siblings and parents for a month or so. It wasn’t like it was horrible, we never slept in the car. We stopped at motels and we drove highway 101, because we were struggling and the beach solves everything.
Today, if we see a multitude of skin on the road settled, that there is nothing strange. In fact, according to The State of Homelessness in America 2013, 610,042 people were experiencing homelessness; as the result, we can see a significant number through that report. Due to that reason, many charities have been established to be able to help the homelessness. According to me, one of the charities that I appreciate is Thomas House which is an Orange County non-profit organization for homeless because it provide a safe, supportive environment and the resources necessary for homeless families with children while empowering them to become independent and self-sufficient.
The officer brought his cigarette to his lips and blew a cloud of smoke into the sky. Samantha then searches the surrounding area, but all she finds is pile after pile of trash. Samantha decided to turn her attention to the witnesses hoping that they could help her bring this case to a quick end. She walks over to Todd Stevens who is leaning against a stone wall and just staring at the exact place that the body was lying a minute ago. Samantha asks the homeless man the question once more, and she waits for him to give his answer. “As the Sun was beginning to appear over the horizon I climbed out of my cardboard hovel and walked over to that trash can.” “Right about the time I found half a loaf of bread I heard footsteps so I jumped into the
:In 2018, being a foreign corespondent has become a ruthless job due to war and poor economic stability across the world, yet it’s still a rewarding career that pays good money and lets you and other people see the world with their own set of eyes, so the real question is how will I do this ruthless but rewarding job well, I will do it by taking footage on the ground or taking photos of the battle or what I am seeing with my eyes on the field. But also I will most defiantly make sure that I am unbiased on the field and treat the audience and the footage with unbiased accuracy and determination no cherry picking out little things that I don't like to show the audience. and so that the people that I am on their side
In my life, I have always felt that I was different from other people, that I was meant for a Greater purpose. During the summer of my freshman year, I got a indication of that. Something unexpected happened and it hit me like a freight truck. The mere thought of it made my knees weak,my heart race and my mind scramble. Growing up, I always had fears but the presence of this phenomenon would Make the other fears look like fantasies. For the first and only time, I faced homelessness.
My friends often describe me as a cynic and a pessimist. For the most part, they're right. Sentiment loses value when it permeates one's attitudes and behavior just as the value of a commodity decreases as it becomes ubiquitous, so as a rule I reserve expressing sentiment for rare occasions that I deem worthy. Fortunately, even the harshest cynics are surprised sometimes.
In 2014 over half a million people were homeless. The homeless population is growing rapidly in America. One of the many ways we can help the homeless would be by serving them. Hope Faith Ministries put into perspective that my needs are nothing compared to those that do not have anywhere to live.
Although the raise of China as a super economy was done by creating a market economy with socialist characteristics aimed at making profit and its maximization, the country has maintained state ownership of the means of production and remained a closed economy. In order to accept foreign investors to operate in China, the government imposes that they must hold majority ownership. Easing inbound investment into China’s economy would bring a multitude of benefits to China including the international recognition as an open market which would broaden international business opportunities; increase the chances to small business to receive foreign capital and expand businesses, creating more jobs; and third, the inbound of capital into the