Many individuals have unique locations where they retreat to unwind and find stimulation. For instance, the most inspirational place in which I find serenity & tranquility is the Island of Bora Bora in Tahiti. It is one of the most peaceful islands in the world. Bora Bora Island is an hour flight from the islands of Moorea and Tahiti located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia. Since my early childhood, my family and I frequented the island annually; therefore, this became a traditional destination for us where we would come and acquire equanimity from the various life obstacles we encountered. The craggy mountains, incandescent lagoon waters, impenetrable equatorial vegetation, numerous junkets and the hospitality
“When she asked how I was, I lied, I told her every thing was fine and Bobbi had stopped in the day before. I felt bad, but why did it matter when I was heading home anyway (S.A. Bodeen 17).” Robbi was a girl who had grown up on a humble island labeled Midway, but every year in june she would visit her aunt AJ, who lived in Honolulu. This year AJ had to cut her time with Robbi short as she had to attend a spontaneous business trip. AJ had planned on her peer Bobbi to check in on Robbi periodically as Robbi would be staying another week at her aunt's alone. The night AJ had left Robbie went on a walk down the street to a popular McDonald’s, on her way back she found herself nearly kidnapped as she sprinted back to her aunt's apartment
Maui, Hawaii, is a beautiful island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it’s an amazing vacation spot. Most families come to Maui for its island zipline, snorkeling with the sea turtles and riding horses through the island. A lot of people get married on Maui and stay there for there for their honeymoon.
There is no other place I feel more at ease than at Kiawah Island. I have been going to this summer getaway every since I was a baby, and my love for this little island off the coast of South Carolina will never fade. When we roll up the driveway of 90 Jackstay Court, I feel a surge of elation, as I know I will be spending the next week with my family, cousins, and grandparents. I run my hands across the granite countertops where I can already smell the intoxicating aromas of a home cooked meal. First thing in the morning, my cousin and I grab our sand battered bikes, and start pedalling on the boardwalk to the beach. I’m careful on the narrow wooden platform, with the painful reminder of when I fell off into the brush. We hop off our bikes
The thing that I miss most about summer is King's island. I had a pass so I could go when I wanted to and it was always a fun time. It is a good time to hang out with friends and go on rides. My favorite ride there is the beast because it isn’t too bumpy and it has a ton of sharp turns and caves. It also is slightly scary with all of the fake warning signs. The food at Kings Island is also decent so I wouldn’t have to go get lunch. If I get tired of the rides then I can go on the water rides and the wave pool. The water rides don’t usually have the longest of lines if you get there early but if not then they are worth it. My favorite overall is the Tropical Plunge. This ride has the drop shoot, You stand in a vertical tube and you wait for the countdown and the floor drops underneath your feet. You then shoot down the tube and you make it to the end. All of these factors make Kings Island a very fun place, and the thing that I miss the most from summer.
Harpers Island. A place I never imagined myself going back to. Not after all the shit that went down there. Too many bad memories for such a small island. Yet, here I was, on the ferry, heading back to that very island. If that wasn’t surprising enough, the only reason I was going back was because my father was getting married again and decided that Harper’s Island was the best place to do it (bullshit). Most of the guests attending were on the bride’s side of the family. All of them were hot-shit lawyers and judges and doctors and basically everything my father wasn’t. He lucked out though, his words. When I received the invite, to say I was hesitant would be the understatement of the millennia. I almost decided not to go. I was so close.
There I was sitting in the tender, which has just set off from the Veendam, hoping not to
I have heard from multiple persons that you can enter to medicine school liking one division but exercising another one, for now I want Family medicine, but I’m open to experience other branches. I have yet not had the opportunity to do shadowing and I know that that is one important step or part to explore the other branches of medicine. The Atlantis Program feels like a perfect place to help me get the feel of the future I’m fighting for not only for the physician part, but for the human part. From where I come from plenty of people say that physicians don’t feel human, that they feel like robots that mechanically see a patient, tell them what they got, prescribe something if its needed and dismissed them, they do not interact with them nor
The Summer air is warm. Beacons of light peer through the canopy of leaves. Short green grass dances in the breeze. Foaming waves crash on the sandy shore. I can’t wait for our annual trip to Peak's Island.
In this week’s narrative essay I will write about my experience as a child while visiting Sanibel Island, Florida. During the discovery process, I drew from my memory to create a list of topics relevant to the subject matter. My personal discovery process usually begins in the morning with coffee when I brainstorm the subject matter. I include my ideas in a word document, everything that comes to mind and naturally it’s out of logical order. Freewriting and some questioning are also utilized as I further consider both the subject matter and the audience who will eventually read my essay.
“I’m sorry Mommy, I promise I won’t do it again. Please forgive me.” this was all I could say. I had no excuse for my actions.
I think that my family realized that I had crossed the threshold between childhoods when I began to form my own opinions. This first took hold when I took part in poverty stimulation at my local shelter. I was giving a character and a story behind the card I was given; the story made me become emotionally attached to this name I had been assigned and the family in which I came from. The experience made me question the prejudice of the society I was living in. How many times had I avoided eye contact with the people on the side of the road begging for money? I began a long journey of soul searching and questioning the beliefs my parents had raised me on. My thoughts were continually brought back to a book by C.S Lewis, it was called Out of the Silent Planet; a character named Weston believed that individual human lives don’t matter, they must be sacrificed to save mankind.
“Shawn have you ever heard of Hawaii?”, my father asked while we sat down for dinner. At that moment I already knew what was about to happen. My parents had been “joking around” recently about moving but I could tell that the jokes were progressively getting more and more serious, and this scared me. “No” I replied trying to avoid the subject. “Well it’s an amazing place, and your dad just scored a job transfer there and me and him are pretty set on it now.” I was distraught, I didn’t even want to think about leaving all of my friends and family that lived in texas.
One morning Lily woke me up and squeezed me and I felt a little bit of a tingle. I saw a bright light shining in my face as bright as the luner eclipse, for a second, because we weren't in Chicago anymore. We were in Hawaii, and trust me I don't want to leave, but I wonder how we got these powers.
I awake the next morning from a wonderful sleep. I was exhausted from the game that Zaroff made me play. He did not win. I locked myself in his room so I know I would be safe for the night. I even put the dresser in front of the door in case he might have a key.
The place where I feel most comfortable is a place where I am calm. A place that is peaceful in its own ways. It is the place to go to get away from all my troubles. It is the one place where I could sit forever, and never get tired of just staring into the deepest blue I have ever seen. It is the place where I can sit and think the best. A place where nothing matters but what is in that little moment. The one place capable of sending my senses into an overload. This place is the ocean.