
Personal Narrative: The Lasting Popular Culture

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It all began back in the lasting popular culture and the infamous one hit wonders that would shape what we know as the years of the 90’s. I finally was born January 3rd, 1990, and my grandparents had just successfully bought land in northern Loomis, CA and built their first house! When I go back in time during that era all I can think about is how we were more aware and focused on the environment. I remember from a very early age that I naturally took interest in gardening thank to my grandmother Mimi. I remember my Papa was always out working on the acres for many sun hours getting our horse stables prepared and moving a lot of the chicken’s pens to their proper places. My grandma Mimi was always smiling and happy to be out in her yard creating …show more content…

Taking it back to my parents they walked to school and rode bikes in their smaller town. My grandparents rode horses to school! It is eye opening and truly amazing how much can change in just a few generations! There was less pollution in our World I would say, and naturally because of their environments, my parents and grandparents grew up much more mindful and attentive about their natural environment. From cultivating our own food and nurturing our farm animals, we were connected to the very intricate relationship we have with the nature and world around us. We still have the 100ft well in our back yard that my papa and Dad dug out for the land’s water supply. The Chickens were sure to start the morning with the wake up song of the day. The horses would softly whiny back in the distance. Between their combined manure, and the grey water from the Poi fishpond in the front yard, we had a fully sustainable ecosystem flourishing. It provided us with more than enough food to sell to neighbors and feed the family. I was happy to witness Nature blooming and growing in all its pure glory. Growing up for me was another leap and change in my generation’s

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