
Personal Narrative: The Leadership Of Mrs. Lori Pierce

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Throughout my years growing up, I have had numerous teachers and coaches, all of whom were excellent leaders and mentors in their own ways. However, out of all these people, the most effective leader I have come in contact with is Mrs. Lori Pierce. Most recently, she coached me in speech, but she also was my drama director and 6th grade teacher. Obviously, Mrs. Pierce has the resume of a remarkable leader because she not only fills multiple roles at Verdigre Public School, but also she serves on the Alpine Village Retirement Home Board of Directors and volunteers at the United Methodist Church and various community events. Her vast involvement, though, is not what makes her the most effective, impressive leader; indeed, it is the practicality, …show more content…

Pierce became the director of the department. In my past three years, our productions had consistently landed in the bottom two at competitions – the previous director showed no enthusiasm or commitment, and as a result, neither did the cast. Luckily, the department completely transformed under Mrs. Pierce’s leadership. The play was cast within the first two weeks of school, rehearsals started, and actually, we had twice the number of students involved as the year before. From the start, the expectations of involvement were made clear, and consequently, all those participating were committed and enthusiastic. Moreover, for the first time in years, the department received ample support from the administration and community due to Mrs. Pierce’s persistence and positive promotion. At our final competition, our production scored in the top half, and the cast received a record number of outstanding actor awards for our school. With versatile communication skills and a contagious sense of humor, Mrs. Pierce is the most effective leader I know personally. I am always impressed how she can navigate uncomfortable, tense social situations with students and co-workers alike with so much ease. By treating other with respect and demanding nothing less in return, she earns admiration and loyalty and compels others to achieve their absolute

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