I remembered going up to my nana's house every Saturday in the summer of 2014. My little sister Ava and I spent most of our summers playing with each other and going on wild adventures. Ava was my best friend and I always enjoyed the exciting times we shared together. Some of my most memorable childhood memories are with her. Our favorite movie was The Little Mermaid and every chance we got, we pretended as if we were Ariel & her sister Alana. Every Saturday afternoon, we would go up to my Nana's and swim in her pool. But it wasn't just any pool to us. We would pretend that the pool was a majestic kingdom. We came up with the idea to take our goggles, tie them around our ankles and pretend that we had magical mermaid tails. We would spend all day pretending that we were elegant mermaid princesses. Ava was always Ariel and I always had to be Alana. We would fight about who would be married to the handsome Prince Eric. Ava always got her way and she would always end up with Prince Eric. I wasn't gonna let her get her way this time. She wasn't gonna budge, so instead of giving into her devious ways, I decided to get out of the pool. I told her I was done and wasn't goning play with her ever again. I started for the ladder and before I could take a step down I heard Ava yell "The only reason why you are done playing with me is because you want to go inside and eat because you’re a fat mermaid and that's why Prince Eric won't marry you!" When I was little I
C. Construct 5-6 questions as a survey of the target audience to assess the effectiveness of the campaign. Interview at least two people and include their responses to these questions.
Everyday we would do something new, for example, go karting, board games, card games, but specifically the one that sticks out in my mind is geocaching. We would always go out to new places and look for geocaches. It was exhilarating when I actually found one and got to take what was in the container and put something new back in.
It was the day after my sister's Quinceanera, and all my family was here. They were leaving back to their homes Monday morning, so keep in mind it is Sunday. All of our parents were talking outside and saw that us kids didn’t really have anything to do, so they decide to take us to a river that was 5 minutes away from my aunt's ranch. We packed up all our food and stuff and went right away.
Up in the wide open spaces of nature my brother, mother, father and I would hike, bike, ski, sled, and tube. Depending on the season there would be a new adventure to pursue. During the summer months, my favorite activity was tubing down the San Juan river that cuts and carves through the town. One certain summer my cousins came to visit. With them came their children, Meredith and Aaron. I was the baby of the kids by only being six at the time but I still loved hanging out with my vastly older cousins and
My mom and I loved cheesy Hallmark movies and having coffee parties until the wee hours of the morning because “just one more episode!” turned into another 5 episodes. It’s where my Saturdays were never free because we had 8am football games and 1pm baseball games. However, I would rather be caught dead then miss a game because being a personal cheerleader for my brothers was the best thing since sliced bread. It’s where we had spontaneous family card night with endless amounts of junk food, laughing, and the forbidden table talk. It’s where we had family pool days with picnics in the backyard where my brothers and I would rub our popsicles all over our bodies so that our dad would have get the hose and chase us with it to clean us off before we went
When I was younger, my family would spend a week on Long Beach Island together. Every morning, I woke up to Nana cooking scrambled eggs and bacon, Pop watching morning news, my parents flipping through their books, and Uncle
One early morning me and my family went to mexico.WE were on the road for two days.Once we were at my grandma's house me and my brother went to look at my aunt and uncle's horses.In mexico it was a lot of fun reiding horses and watching my unkles rope.One other fun thing to do was driving motorcicle and playing with the dog’s.
One day I was with my friends Charlize and Serena, we were at their birthday party, and we were already having SO much fun. Then Charlize had an idea she said, “How about we play duck duck sponge.” then, I nodded my head yes. We went to ask the other kids if they wanted to play they all said sure. So we headed of to the backyard, then me and Charlize went back in to get the supplies.
My Aunt loved taking us places, she would take us to the mall to get coloring books and toys, and we would also go to the market to get food and to get my brother Bakugans which were popular at the time. She also got us strawberry ice cream, and took us to the park. The park got renovated while we were there so we got to see its transformation from a sad little playground to a giant wooden playscape that contained a ship, two seesaws, four metal swing sets, and a bike path.
I vividly remember how it all started. It was a Sunday night. All of our friends reunited at Alejandra’s house. The television was on, some of us were sitting in the couch and others by the entrance playing cards. Meantime others were sitting at the dinner table eating Chicken Wings and French fries. Wily the oldest of our group
I was a cute kid. A really, really cute kid, up until 1st grade. Then that’s when I started to become the chubby cute kid. I loved junk food and would sneak into the kitchen late at night and find the unhealthiest food my mom had hiding in the kitchen then I would eat it all in one sitting, whether it was a box of chocolate granola bars, a bag of Lay 's Potato Chips, or some delicious leftovers, I would proudly devour them.
From days on the beach to campfires, my cousins, my friends, and I enjoy many activities. My cousins, Allison, Jada, and Lauren, helped to make this vacation mean something to me. We would play multiple games on the beach. Some of them were King of the Raft and Categories, but one of my favorite that we made up was
Every day we would meet up after school and ride our bikes and do some crazy activities like ding-dong ditch some houses and blow up some fireworks on any average day. Aside from all that we were still young innocent kids we loved playing ball and just having fun with all the kids around the neighborhood. It was like a small family of a couple of friends. Being the shy one from all the group Jacob thought me how to be loud and express myself how I wanted to. I always looked up to Jacob and his sense of excitement.
Barbarism and silence in suffering are major themes in Philomela that draws on the point of the absence of gods. From the very beginning, the reader realises that the absence of the gods foreshadows disaster and tragedy. Ovid writes how the ‘’wedding wasn’t attended by Juno as bridal matron, the Graces, or jovial Hymen’’ (line 429, p 230). The torches that escorted the guests were ‘’snatches from a funeral’’ (l 430, p 231) and a ‘’sinister screech-owl’’ (l 431, p 231) sat on the roof of their bedroom. Ovid explicitly states that ‘’these were the omens that marked the union of Procne and Tereus’’ (l 433, p 231). It is clear to see how the absence of the gods from the beginning of the tale prompts the reader to wonder of the tragedy
My most memorable childhood event was when I was 15 years old. It was the Fourth of July. A big family vacation a barbeque, over night stay and out of town trip to six flags, and I had a blast the night before me, my mom, sisters and brother packed our bags to stay the night over my cousin house in Goodlettsville ,Tennessee. She had the biggest house ever I thought it was a mansion; six bedrooms two an half bath, a swimming pool, a game/movie room with a nice big kitchen. It was something that I was not use, knowing that we stayed in a three bedroom based on an income apartment on the East side of Nashville.