The maze's next divide branches out four different ways, each one seems identical: dark, creepy, and most likely holding a device or obstacle that will try to destroy me. My optic sensors pick up a strange rift in one of the corridors to my right. That could mean two things, A: I have a glitch in my optics caused by the lacerations I've gotten from this place which is causing malfunctions in my system, creating the strange illusion of an opening in the floor; or B: There's a hole in the ground. I'm leaning towards the latter. Cautiously, I wander into the corridor, sliding my feet forward to make sure I don't fall to my demise. The ground seemingly disappears under my toes and I stop, kneeling down to keep my balance. My eyes strain to see
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
I was so excited! I could not stay still in line. It was finally our turn to go we started in this small corn maze. People with scary costumes popped out of the corn and try to scare us. There costumes were so cool they had zombies with bloody all over them. After we got out of the little corn maze we wint into this house. WOW! It was really dark in there and fogy. It look super cool and scary with all the spider webs and spiders. We had to walk through the house to get to the tractor. So we walked, people were popping out from right to left. We finally got out of that dark and foggy house.
This little scene was written as a response to a fanfic meme where NN wished for a scene with the Master, River Song and spanking and FF River Song and something kinky. In effect this is a missing scene from Sliding Down the Razorblades of Life and follows directly after the second chapter, Mid-Term. However, you don’t have to read the fic, just keep in mind that the Master has just told River that if she slaps him one more time she will get a good spanking. Guess what her response to that is?
I woke up in a cold sweat. My brother at my side still shaking me yelling “Emily we are going to be late!” I gave him an evil eye and rolled out of bed. I got dressed and ready and got on the bus. My best friend was there reading, like always. “Hey Wendy, what are you reading this time?” I said as I sat down “The Starving Maze” She said proudly. Like most fangirls, she has a crush on a make believe character that is played by someone that lives in Europe, or California, or Canada. In the book she has a crush on ‘Went’ which is short for ‘Wenton’. Anyway, she wishes she could meet this person and marry him. Remember that he is fake, I hope. At school everyone was looking sad, with no joy at all, even though it was the last day of school. I was
“And there’s no way out?” I spoke after Newt explained that we were trapped in the glade, and inside those giant walls there was a maze; there was a creature called Griever—at least that’s what they called it, but no one had ever seen one and lived to tell about it because no one has ever survived a night in the maze.
Her father’s words echoed through her head as one might hear a reverberation throughout the Taj Mahal. Continuous. Chilling. Having no control to distill the wavelengths until they mellowed out on their own accord. She tried to anatomize the depth of his phrase, more than dutifully needed but Davina needed to know why. Why did she need to keep an open mind and more importantly, who the hell was about to come bursting through that door. But then again, did it really matter in the first place. When she thought about it, the brunette could have laughed at the idea. That an unattributed, faceless figure had her panties in a bunch. Surely Dominic wouldn’t think to waste her time with venial diversions,
“Hey you want to drive”, my step-dad yelled over the loud engine of blue grizzly 4x4 quad I yelled “yes!!”, so as I got one the quad I put on my helmet and fased the strap on the same color helmet.
The stone was cold and I could feel the pain swelling up inside. I took a step towards the edge, I thought to myself, “One more step and the worries would end…” if only it was that easy.
My grandpa and I were pretty close. We shared the same birthday, February 27th. From the stories I’ve heard, he kept telling my grandma how his granddaughter was born on his birthday. From the first time he held me, he had a connection to me. We called ourselves special friends. My 6th birthday was one of the greatest we ever shared. My whole family came over to celebrate and we had a tremendous time. It was time to cut the cake. When everyone finished singing he told me to blow out the candles. I asked him to blow them out with me but he explained that it was okay, he had enough birthdays by himself, so I could take over blowing out the candles. “No, this will always be our birthday.” I was six years old at that time but that’s the story my family tells me.
Tunnel view can blind anyone too naive to make an attempt to break out of its lies. Focusing on what was just in front of me made it easier and at times although I hate to admit it, it made it enjoyable. It's like I never processed what was going on outside that tunnel of laughter. The tunnel of me being with my friends, staying up late, and doing anything but put my mind at rest. While this might seem to be about me having regretful nights in which I undermined my parents it is not. To be honest that probably would have made it a whole lot easier than the truth. The real story is about my grandma being diagnosed with cancer and while everyone seemed to have lived a different life during it this is my perspective.
Whenever we talk about fairy tales, we speak of the Fairy Godmothers, the magic beans, and the talking cats. Rarely do we ever write papers about how one day we want to be the Big Bad Wolf, or the Wicked Witch of the West. There will never be a time in someone’s childhood when they prefer to be a villain rather than a hero, and that has much to do with our choices as we get older. We tend to throw aside anything we feel isn't the best. As Dick Gregory once had written, “I never learned hate at home, or shame. I had to go to school for that.” At young ages, we were exposed to different people by attending our first elementary schools. When I entered the third grade, I remember at such a young age, I allowed my heart to have first been deceived
When I got fired from my job over the summer I realized there wasn't a lot to do. I was bored. This led to me exploring the woods around my house.I found lots of things, old oil cans, empty budweisers, and coyote traps, but the biggest thing I found was a trailer.
January 13th, 1989, snow covered the ground, the sun was bright and warm in the afternoon sky, and the air was a tolerable temperature for that Friday the 13th of January. I was 8, my brother Dallas was 13 and our friend David was 12. Fresh off the school bus and full of energy that afternoon we were in no way ready to go home, so we headed to the nearby creek. The three of us started off slow and cautious on the thick ice. We walked through the tunnel that ran under the paved main road above, and a short distance to the other side. Then we turned around and headed back. We ventured farther on the east side of the tunnel because that was on the housing side of the road. Large trees, no houses, and secluded a bit from the feeling of safety welcomed you to the west of the tunnel.
“Let’s go guys, If you don’t hurry i’m leaving without you!” Mom said. So were walking down and we see the baby in the stroller. While we walk out the phone starts ringing. Mom told us “Stay by the baby.” She runs back inside and answers the phone. 5 minutes later our aunt pulls in the driveway. We all started walking. We go down the very long path. We see a very large dog. When we got up towards the dog we got to pet him.
So I was home and it was late at 8:00 pm me, my brother, and sister were watching the movie “ Maze Runner’’, so we started to watch the movie and we noticed that a door on the tv opened by itself and then we heard a noise that came in the laundry room, so then we paused the movie and my brother and sister were scared so I put the blankets on top of them and got behind the couch and then they took off the covers and I jumped up and said’’ Wanna pickle” and my brother fell off the couch and he hit his head, but my sister smacked my brother in the face with her chancla. So they got mad and so they sat farther than me and I played the movie. Later that day the movie ended and my brother and sister fell asleep, so I went to go grab a bunch