By now I am sure you have heard. The Multi-State Lottery Association’s POWERBALL™ Jackpot has soared to an estimated 1.3 BILLION US Dollars. It is also estimated that a single Powerball Jackpot winner could walk away, taxes paid, with a cool $800 Million. WOW!
In recent years I can recall the long lines, and media coverage of several sizable jackpots. I have not ever been a regular “player” of any lottery, however on occasion I will buy a scratch off, or a quick pick. I am firmly aware that the odds are against me, but I am also aware that, “if you don't play, you can't win.”
So, in the spirit of good fun, I made up my mind that it is possible. I asked myself “why not me?” I drove past all the long Powerball lines at popular gas stations and found one where I could skip in, and skip out. Mission accomplished. Now, what would I do with such a monstrous Powerball Jackpot?
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So, while I will not be doing a ton of day dreaming, I did think of another way to have some fun.
When I went to purchase my ticket, the numbers were bouncing all over my head. The prospect of anything short of a quick-pick, simply didn't make any sense. Then, I realized that I could build a Powerball number generator. IF I am going to win, wouldn't be cool if my code picked the winning numbers? I think so.
As a web developer, I love a simple challenge, and with all the media attention, I decided to make a Powerball number generator. It only took a few minutes to write a snippet of code that would pick 5 unique and random numbers from 1-69, and then a 6th (Powerball Number). Then it occured to me, why not share it with
All you have to do to win the Jackpot is to check if your ticket matches the exact numbers drawn in your favorite lottery. “Jackpot” is the prize winning in Row/Level 1 of a particular draw.
"The Lottery," a short story written by Shirley Jackson, is a tale about a disturbing social practice. The setting takes place in a small village consisting of about three hundred denizens. On June twenty-seventh of every year, the members of this traditional community hold a village-wide lottery in which everyone is expected to participate. Throughout the story, the reader gets an odd feeling regarding the residents and their annual practice. Not until the end does he or she gets to know what the lottery is about. Thus, from the beginning of the story until almost the end, there is an overwhelming sense that something terrible is about to happen due to the Jackson's effective
The lottery is one of the oldest known game of chance, dating all the way back to 205 B.C. in the Han Dynasty. Being built upon pure luck, it has garnered attention all over the world in it's various forms of existence. After money began its association with the lottery in l443, it became even more popular worldwide. While existing in multiple forms, the most popular form of lottery is the randomly selected number method, where winnings are based on the correct numbers predicted. It is estimated that nearly half of the citizens living in the United States have participated in the lettery. An alarmingly high number ef the participants have admitted to lottery as their only chance ef being financially secure. what exactly are the edde of winnieg the Lottery? new is the probability te win increased? ?his mathematical inveetigatien hepes to shed light on these queries.
Two of the biggest holidays in the United States are Christmas and Easter. Both of which are derived from Christian beliefs. Even though 'The Lottery' is apparently a pagan ritual, violent and horrific, it is appropriate, only by the fact that the participants no longer remember, or seem to care, what the original intent of the ritual or the significance of its traditions.
town has a lottery every year round. The person that wins the lottery has a huge
After faced with new responsibilities, a person is subject to become overwhelmed and at times insecure. When being a lottery winner, privacy becomes nonexistent because they are now considered to be a local celebrity. Being obligated to uphold the duties of a celebrity places a large burden on the life of a lottery winner. A lottery winner will begin to over analysis events taking place and question the intentions of people around them. They begin to constantly ask themselves, “Are people around for the best interest of them or their winnings.” Much insecurity faced by a lottery can result in the lost of their true character. The lottery winner begins to abandoned their previous hobbies, job, and interests left to be known as the person who won the lottery. Their need to feel empowered is now effected resulting in their drive to regain their empowerment by any means
When I think of the lottery, I think of a game basically where they choose one number and something or something gets chosen.
The lottery offers a wonderful opportunity to possibly win millions of dollars. While this might seems amazing, it might not be as wonderful as imagined. In fact, maybe even the opposite might true as stated by numerous studies and research done since the 1970s.
In order to win the lottery, you have to be serious about it. I remember seeing Cynthia Stafford on a news channel explaining her visualization exercises that help her to win, and the news anchor was making jokes about it. I was thinking to myself this is why the Law of Attraction doesn't work for some people. You can't make jokes about the Law of Attraction, you have to take this concept very seriously in order for it to work. Joking around or being skeptical about it will dismiss everything. People are very believable when it comes to spiritual concepts such as angels and demons. So why is manifesting the lottery so far fetched? Just because it hasn't worked for you doesn't mean it won't happen. You have to believe in your heart and soul that you're going to win, and you will. When that happens, nothing can stop
Is our society capable of overcoming racism? In Harper Lee’s famous book, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, it shows how racism is often more powerful than reason and intelligence. Racism is a disliking, or unjust behavior deriving from unfounded opinions directed to against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Also known as, prejudice, discrimination, and antagonism. Specifically, color should not matter, however, racism was and still is malevolent and affects people’s lives today, including, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, Tom Robinson, who demonstrates the theme of the story, and melancholy plays the victim.
According to CBC News, the odds of winning Canada's Lotto Max jackpot was one in an almost 29 million chance. “You are three times more likely to be killed in a traffic accident driving 16 kilometres to buy your ticket than winning the jackpot” (CBC News, 2009). This is not ethically desirable, as the odds of winning are exceedingly low. Therefore, from the hedonistic utilitarian standpoint, over the long term, the only people gaining pleasure/happiness are those winning, which is a very small number of
If you live in the United States of America then you know exactly what the Powerball is. Essentially, it is an American lottery game offered around forty-four states in the United States of America. Every day millions of people are competing to buy lottery tickets from anywhere that they can find them. This includes gas stations, grocery stores, and even in malls. The sad thing about this lottery game is that most of the income from the lottery ticket goes straight back to the state where you bought your ticket from. When a Powerball ticket is bought, around fifty to sixty-five percent of the two dollars goes to the prize money. While less than a dime, goes to running the lottery and twelve to fourteen cents also goes to the store that sold the ticket.
In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”, the small village, at first, seems to be lovely, full of tradition, with the townspeople fulfilling their civic duties, but instead this story is bursting with contrast. The expectations that the reader has are increasingly altered. The title of this short story raises hope, for in our society the term “lottery” typically is associated with winning money or other perceived “good” things. Most people associate winning a lottery with luck, yet Jackson twists this notion around and the luck in this village is with each of the losers.
Lottery is one of the best things that has ever happened to human kind especially those that dream high and but their dreams don’t come to life because they don’t have what it takes to make it happen. Lotteries are in various categories such as sweep stakes, scratch off, the Jackpot and even the green card lottery. The lottery that is being focused in this argument is the jackpot one. When individuals or people in general buy the lottery ticket their hopes are high, and they anxiously await with anticipation hoping to win. If they don’t win, they never give up, for they know that there is always next time and they keep playing. Some people urge that playing lottery is a bad idea because people end up getting
And then there is the state lottery. The New Yorker magazine estimated that the chances of winning an average lottery is about 12 million to 1. Some things are