It was a cool summer evening, my friends joined me in a paintball game that evening. Out of the five of us four were decent shots. Kenny could hit a target three feet away. “Kenny at this rate you’ll just be dragging us down.” James told him in an abrasive manner. “Not to be rude, but James is right Kenny.” I said to him trying to be nice. He is usually a puerile person, but our comment put a dour look on his face. Kenny continued to play with us, but couldn’t carry his own weight. After the game the owners of the arena told us there was going to be a tournament in a week.
After hearing this we played another game trying to improve from our last game. Unfortunately when Kenny was on the move an enemy shot his mask leaving his line of
The big news of the night was that Thomas Chabot is dealing with a lower-body injury and didn’t play.
While the hit didn’t generate a penalty, the team still worried it could earn their star a lost
The game started and then 5 minutes into the game he lands awkwardly and his ankle bent the wrong way and his ankle broke.
The Blackhawks’ leading scorer, Kane, was immediately rushed out of the game first period, after becoming a victim to Alex Petrovic’s cross-check. This push, happening with 2:11 left on the clock, caused Kane to lose his balance and awkwardly collide with the boards in the offensive zone. His upper body was first to receive the brunt. As a result, Petrovic’s shove cost his own team a two minute penalty and somewhat of a blooming advantage for eliminating Kane. The game after Kane’s removal was commensurate; the two points that both teams desperately needed could have gone to either team and did.
It was a dark thursday night in April. The sky was clear enough to see the moon shining brightly along with many small circular diamonds. I’m in a dark blue Avalanche, being driven to a baseball diamond. I play for the MIlwaukee Brewers on a little league level. It’s my last game of the season, and I can’t wait for the umpire to say the words “Play Ball” (which states that the game has begun).
An active lifestyle was enthusiastically encouraged by my parents for their three boys to support not only physical activity and growth, but a competitive spirit, and a sense of belonging with peers from my school and the community. Through hard work and practice I played at the top level for every sport that I tried out for. What I lacked in size I made up for with heart, hustle, and passion. Consequently, my personal compensation was the pride I earned through hours of practice to develop the skills needed to perform at the highest level.
“Play ball.” Says the umpire as the Senior Rams take the field and the Hempstead Mustangs were getting ready to bat. This was it. This was our final chance to make all of our hard work pay off, and achieve the one main goal we all had in mind, state.
It was a hot summer day in Hammond, Louisiana and I was pouring down sweat like I had just jumped in a pool. The game was just about to begin, me and my team was eagle eyeing the bomb squad. It was so quiet that you could hear your own sweat hitting the bench. The umpire broke up everyone’s concentration by saying, “play ball”! The defense had ran out on the field and I started rolling ground balls from 2nd to short-stop to third base. They had all made good throws back to me and then I threw the ball into the dug-out because the game had begun.
It was cloudy in the late morning, which meant even the weather didn’t look promising, Even more optimistically looking it seemed like the clouds were about to rupture into trillions of droplets each one a part of me about to shatter from humiliation. And obviously rain and humidity were the best conditions for field hockey. The building looked more downcast than I’d ever seen it, and when my dad parked the car it became more evident that this was not going to go as faultlessly as I hoped it would.
Noah woke up to him and his team being dragged by something he looked up and saw something then blacked out.
The treatments took him out of the game for a couple
Some part of me, though, has always wanted to keep it all close to my heart,
My job included cleaning paintball equipment before the company opened. Handing out paintball equipment to customers as they paid for them. Making sure every customer acquired their desired gear. After every customer had what they needed and they were ready to go play some paintball. I would gather up a group of fifteen to thirty people and direct them to the paintball course that we would be playing on. I would interact with each individual making sure all of their gear was working properly, and also ask if they were having an enjoyable experience. I would start the matches, call people out when they got hit, and also end the paintball matches when either the time was up or everyone from one team got eliminated. Then when the party was all
Today it was any ordinary day for me but I remembered that I had a hockey game today. I knew that this game was to determine if my team made it to the championship game or if the other team did, the other team was a bunch of goons their idea was to hit us and hit us hard along the boards. I knew how they played and I thought we could just beat them with speed but, no the opposite happened my team played slow that night and played to their level of play. My friend on the team said, “They’re playing so well tonight.” I thought that too because our team was down by one goal the entire game till the third period. I notice that on the other team they had two guys that would hit you no matter where you were. They would hit you here and there and
It was my friend's birthday and we pulled into the parking lot of the field there was a huge sign that said “Paintball explosion”