My hands shake as I take the wheel, desperately trying to force the key into the ignition. I scratch the metal once, twice, before it finally catches, and the engine comes alive. It coughs out a gravelly sputter, and I click my seat belt into place. I peel out of the driveway, my empty stomach jostled by the bumpy curb, and speed onto the otherwise calm street. I have never been one for the rules, so at a pace far above the legal limit, I head for the haven I know will give the sustenance I need. My stomach lets out another rumbling growl, and my mind flies back to the dinner I know I should have eaten. I remember my mother having set the table, my spot right next to hers, and my father’s across from mine. It was how we ate every night, and how I would have eaten if it wasn’t for the fact that my final grade in history relied on a test about the Roman Empire. The food was laid out in the center of the table, a succulent platter of pork with steaming corn sitting next …show more content…
I slide into the uncomfortable white and red seat and open the bag like a kid on Christmas morning. For a moment I savor the smell of the grease and meat, before reaching in the bag and grasping the burger. I lift the food to my mouth, relishing the springy bun and firmness of the titanic sandwich, before digging in. Just as I had imagined, the grease drips down my chin and threatens to fall on my faded Nirvana shirt, but now is no time for napkins. I finish chewing and swallow in record time, barely breathing as I eat. Another bite makes its way into my mouth, and while I chew, I set down my sandwich and pull my favorite part of the meal out of the bag. The fries. The red and yellow box smiles at me as I set it down on the table. Tenderly, I pick up a limp fry and take a bite, my eyes closing as the potato and oil hit my tongue. The salt sticks to my fingers, the crystals shining in the light. I am finally
Rome was a grand empire that lasted many years. Eventually the empire did have to fall, but the reason that such a great empire fell is unclear. The fall of the Roman Empire was mainly caused by its size, the economy, the spread of christianity, and the many enemies of Rome.
The biggest failure I experienced was back during my Sophomore year. The hardest class in the high school was AP World History in which the requirements were hours of homework a night. Many people tried to convince me not to take the course due to the fact that it is considered the hardest class in the high school. My mom tried her hardest to try and persuade me to take a different class but I felt that it was a requirement for me to take it to prove to the colleges that I was up for the task and that I was prepared to do the work necessary to succeed in college. The course required reading a whole chapter in the text book in three days and take a quiz to prove that we read and understood the topics. This is where I struggled the most because memorizing the chapters and the major topics was very difficult unlike others who could recited the
Im dressed as a Roman soldier so I'm guessing that I'm in the Roman Empire. I guess i got here when a big meeting was let out, because everyone was leaving. I was a Roman soldier so I wanted to know what was going on. So i asked one of the soldiers, okay truthfully i asked like twenty soldiers before i finally got an answer, but all the soldiers are apparently not very fond of talking. So i finally got an answer from a nice solder named Sam, he told me that they were told to leave because they were needed elsewhere. I was still confused so i asked more questions. He finally told me that he overheard the Emperor and the General arguing. Apparently the General and the Princess have been secretly dating and the Emperor found out and was not very
Rome was the largest and most powerful empire of its time. Its reign from 27 CE to 200 CE was by far the greatest civilization at that point. However, at some point every empire falls. The primary reason for this was the people of Rome. Due to the citizen’s unhappiness, Rome slowly crumbled starting with its leaders, then its army, and finally its economy.
Rome, a grand empire, was known for its bloodshed and wealth, had a powerful period of conquering and culture. But why can an empire so huge and grand, fall to the ashes? Rome was a small settlement around 750 BC, then developed as the wealthy people grew weaker in Greece. Rome gradually expanded, as they conquered lands and made their small settlement into an empire. Even if a grand empire like Rome thrived on, they overcame problems that would lead to their fall. Through the use of primary and secondary source documents, this paper will explore the causes of the Roman Empire's ultimate downfall due to a combination of military problems, unstable government, and natural disasters and disease.
The Roman Empire falling due to disasters and diseases was a theory which was a top three reason for the fall of Rome. Natural disasters and diseases were responsible for many lost lives in Ancient Rome. In Document F, the text stated, “In the second year of the reign of Valens (366 C.E.)... the Roman world was shaken by a violent and destructive earthquake…” This quote represented an example of one of the natural disasters that hit Rome which was a destructive earthquake. This massive earthquake was responsible for the isolation of citizens weakening the Roman Empire. Another example of a deadly natural disaster was also located in Document F. It stated, “[F]ifty thousand persons had lost their lives in the flood [in the city of Alexandria
1) Q: You are starting to notice that Preslee's crying is rhythmic and moderately loud when she is hungry, wet, or cold. If she is startled, there is a sudden intake of breath and a loud wail, followed by more deep breaths and loud wails. A: You try to respond to the different types of crying by changing, feeding, or soothing little Preslee.
Human beings have many fears ranging from the unique to the common fears of many man. There is steadily increase in people having fear of sharks as written in Sharks and People: Exploring Our Relationship with the Most Feared Fish in the Sea by Thomas P. Peschak, “The technical term for the fear of sharks is selachophobia or galeophobia. Studies by psychologists show that we are not born with fear of sharks or any other living creature, but that these fears are acquired during early childhood through the display of emotions of people in our immediate surroundings. In addition to these terrifying real-life events, the publication of the book Jaws by Peter Benchley in 1974 and the release of the Spielberg film in 1975 fanned the flames
What do you think about Ulysses? Is he a hero or a zero? I think Ulysses is a hero because he risked his life to fight and he wanted to get home to his wife the whole time he was away. One rationale why Ulysses is a hero is that he fought bravely in the Trojan War, helping to win the war for the Greeks. He also persisted in his journey to get home to rule his people in Ithaca, despite many roadblocks and dangers.
The Roman family life was a very simple and complex system at the same time. Every aspect of life for the typical Roman family was male dominated, they were in on every decision. The everyday family life was based on social status and diplomatic classifications. Everything from jobs to entertainment that could be participated in was based on gender or social standing within the community. The Romans were very absorbed with different types of entertainment and recreation. Everything about the Roman life revolved around the family, it was the basic unit of their daily lives.
The later Roman Republic and early Roman Empire controlled most of modern day Europe through Northern Africa to Asia Minor. This time of complete dominance over much of the known world propelled Rome into a new era of wealth and prosperity that allowed Romans to look past military expansion. The Roman state now turned towards betterment of society and the “craving for a good education.” Education was seen not only as a tool for the furthering of personal careers, but as a way to improve Rome. Education passed along virtue and the skills necessary to run the Republic and early Empire. This knowledge began in the home, transferring from father to son through the role of fathers as paterfamilias or head of household. Fathers were in charge of ensuring the best possible education for their sons in hope that they would further the ideals and goals of a glorious Rome. Education, through the different steps of the informal Roman education structure and through the influence of the father, furthered the ideal of Roman virtue and ensured generations of virtuous leaders.
The Romans were on one of the greatest people of all. They had power, wealth, and even a half of the world. They built one of the strongest and vast empire that world has ever seen. They came from nothing to something awesome. It started of as a city and ended up being one of the greatest empire of all. This essay is going to focus on the Roman Empire from the rise to the fall and the government, architecture, mythology, Family Structure, and Food of the Romans.
In addition, Romans had amazing food and dining utensils that they used for their dinner parties and elaborate meals. During Ancient Rome, “Romans waited until the main meal of the day, the cena, (Tingay and Marks 38) to truly eat. The cena came in three courses, the appetizers, the main course, and the secundae mensae. When the food was served, it came with plenty of wine. This was because Romans had two hundred varieties or more from all over the empire. In the cena, “Food was served on dishes. Most were made of glass or pottery, but if the family was very rich there would also be ornate platters of gold and silver (Tingay and Marks 39). The Romans had spoons and knives but they preferred eating with their hands and fingers. As the slaves brought the food out on various dishes they would also pour the wine from the amphorae into a jug for easy pouring during meals. At many of the meals the host would normally have three couches, the summus, medius, and imus. (Top, middle, bottom). “The diners were seated according to their social status” (Tingay and Marks 39). When the guest arrived at the host’s house for the dinner party there would be couches surrounding the tables and musicians, jugglers, acrobats, dancers, and conjurers performing. The hosts hired entertainers to the meal to make it more enjoyable and entertaining. The first course was mainly consisting of salads, seafood, eggs, and mulsum. (Wine sweetened with honey). Next, “the main
The era dominated by Roman empire is one the most well-known and influential periods of history, home to famous names from Julius Caesar to Jesus Christ. At its height, Rome’s territory stretched from the Atlantic coastline to the Middle East, reigning over 60 million people, one-fifth of the population of the ancient world. However, the Roman empire’s treatment of their conquered people’s and their own citizens ultimately led to the permanent downfall of Rome.
Ancient Rome, the period between the 8th and 1st centuries B.C. in which Rome grew from a little colony to an emerging empire. "Roman imperialism introduced extremes of wealth and poverty that honed social and economic conflict within the Roman state ." The enormous army and their countless loots, as well as their captured slaves, produced many changes along the countryside such as small farms becoming large plantations, and peasants left without lands decided to journey to Rome and other cities. "Immense wealth inflamed the ambitions of Roman nobles who struggled for personal domination rather than collective rule ." This dominant emergence of power and rule thus led to the conquering and control of other societies. The