
Personal Narrative: The Run

Decent Essays

The Run There I was, my friend Mason and I roughly 50 yards from his house. It was a chilly eerie night, although we still decided to walk to get our favorite ice cream from Mo Cones. The ice cream had me shivering at every bite, although it tasted so tremendous, I didn't care at all. We were walking back to his house, then we heard a noise. Little did we know this was going to be the most eventful night of our lives. It was 9:38 Friday, July 18th, 2012 on a brisk summer night. The night was an oddly different night than usual from the start. It was 9:00 p.m. and already 60 degrees. Being 12 year old boys, the chilly night did not phase us from getting ice cream anyway. After imploring his parents for money they finally budged and said yes. We scurried away to find our shoes, collected the money and raced out the door. We started the 10 minutes walk at 9:05 p.m. running and jumping and throwing rocks at anything that moved. This ten minute walk flew by so quick that it simply felt like a minute. We got to Mo Cones at 9:10 and ordered our ice cream, at the time I thought that waiting for that ice cream was going to be the worst part of the night, i was horrendously wrong. After eating half of my ice cream we decided to walk home, I was happier than a camel on a Wednesday! …show more content…

All of the sudden we hear a high schooler roughly 5 feet 5 inches with red hair, scream at us, “If you take two more steps you’re going to get really hurt!” instantly Mason and I stopped and looked at each other. Mason looks at me and asks what we should do? I see a car coming and say “we will run and try and keep up with the truck so we will have light from their headlights and they won't be able to get us!”. We decided to use that idea and start running, trying to keep up with the truck. Unfortunately, the truck was speeding and going about 35 MPH in town. The truck zoomed by us, leaving us in the

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