
Personal Narrative: The Salem Witch Trials

Decent Essays

Remember how last time we talked I told you that I was considering becoming a witch. Well, I decided to give it a go because I was sacked from my previous job. I’m a white witch, all that evilness is just to much for me. I guess what I do is a bit like a doctor. I get to help people out with illnesses if they can’t afford a doctor. Being a witch is quite intresting interesting and isn’t that hard to learn. I make charms, spells or healing, things like that.
At the moment, the church hate’s all witches, even the good ones like me. They are blaming us for everything. Witches are blamed for any strange things that go on around the village and we are blamed for people’s disabilities or epileptic seizures. So if you have been accused, well you’re …show more content…

The bad news is that I have been accused of witchcraft. Basically, that means someone who knows I’m a witch has gone and told the Church and now I’m heading for the trials. The good news is that the people who run and do the tortures and death trials are away at a meeting quite a few villages away and will be gone for three weeks. This means my trial won’t come for a while and I still have a while to live. I don’t know whether I’m feeling happy about that or whether I just want to get to over and done with. But overall this will probably be the last letter I ever send you unless the soldiers never come back from their trip. Which is highly unlikely but one can only …show more content…

In some of my rituals I have to go to the extreme of using blood because it will invoke the evil spirits for help. I may be a White witch but I still use the evil spirits to guide me. I just don’t use my magic to harm people. Witches often use herbs and animal parts in their potions to cure some diseases and heal wounds. I also use candles or special symbols in my rituals. Some of the herbs and plants I use in potions, spells, brews or ointments (medical purposes) are mandrake, datua, monkshood, cannabis, belladonna, henbane and

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