The Screenshot I Regret
You may already know about this issue, but I made a mistake a couple weeks ago. I was babysitting, and I was very bored. I may not like to admit this, but I can be an attention seeker at some times. I was messaging some friends on Instagram, when I thought I got a reply, but it was a totally different message from somebody else.
Jackson Kobe, a seventh grader, is one of the few people in this school I have never talked to, but the message was from him. I am not going to go into specific details, but the message was disturbing, and inappropriate. When I was reading it, I was thinking, “Man! This is so funny! I have to send it to my friends!” I screenshotted the message, and sent it to a lot of my friends, in seventh and
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I know what it feels like when you’ve done something wrong, and knew you were going to get in trouble. Everybody is talking about you, mostly in a bad way, everybody is looking at you and judging you. This is not the way school should be. If I were in his shoes, I’d feel absolutely horrible. If I go back and think, he shouldn’t have even sent it, but that doesn’t mean I should have forwarded it. I decided to show it to one of my favorite teachers, Mr. McNulty. This was because I trusted him to tell me what to do. He actually supported me a lot, and suggested that I show it to Mr. Burchfield, the principal. By the end of the day, I saw Jackson in the office with his parents, and he looked so sad, and it hurt me. They were getting ready to have a meeting, and I knew by the look in his eye, he was terrified.
This all taught me that most actions you make, don’t just affect you, they affect other people too. Also, when I’m in highschool, I want to have a good time! I don’t want a bunch of people talking to me to put another person down, I want a lot of people talking to me because they enjoy it! I already have a lot of friends that are freshmen, but I don’t want to ruin that next year because I hurt somebody else. I am going to try to live my life to the fullest, and I am going to remember this in high school so I don’t affect anybody else in a bad
I had finally had enough of Anna, so i told my mom and dad what had been going on, mom said “well im proud of you and jessica for being the bigger person about all of this mess, so i will talk to your principal tomorrow morning”. I was having a normal day no jessica problems in matter in fact i have not seen her all day until… They called me down to the office as if i was in trouble, but really is was my dad picking me up for the day, because my mom had died. I was too worried about Anna, that i didn't even realize that my
“ I don’t want to hear one more word from you, now go back to class.” the principal stated sternly as she assured me out the door. I went back to class and finished the rest of the school day. When I arrived home my mom sent me to my room until my dad came home to talk with me and discuss my punishment. After my dad’s lecture
Entering high school from your nearby middle school, there’s going to be a handful of people. There’s going to be the ones you are confident you’re going to talk, laugh, and continue to make memories with, the ones you doubt you’ll ever speak to, and ones you have yet to ever meet. Something I learned quickly, is that there’s so many people and your connections with them change constantly and they can change you.
That day when I was walking through Air Force tunnel I walked by the Class President. He’s a prior E-5 and a prepster so I knew of him but we had never met. He asked if I had a minute to talk and so we went to my room. He asked me why I looked so stressed out. I said that I was an awful plebe and felt really bad about what I did. He asked me why I felt bad about
It was record breaking temperatures on this July 4th day. Red, white, and blue filling up the stands. Fans and umbrellas protecting spectators from the heat of the sun. It was about game time and I was getting ready to take the field for the last home game. Butterflies in my stomach, but I had to tell myself “it’s just another game”. Even though in my heart I knew it was not just another game.
It was saturday, October 2016. Me and my friend J.T pulled up to Michael Wood’s house. His mom Alexis was throwing a party. Because Mr.wood just got a promotion at work. And it was their last week here before they moved to Detroit. Over 1,200 miles away from where I live in Miami Florida. J.T and I hang out for most of the party. Until I saw Michael. I wanted to congratulate him and his dad. But it would be too sad. Hey Michael what's up, oh how's it going bro. Nothing much I replied. I really wanted to ask him about his dad's promotion so I
I wrote this letter because I know it is hard to have a one on one conversation with each other with all the kids ease dropping. This letter is regards to Thomas behavior towards me Friday morning. I am still in shock by the disrespect he had towards me and the fact he thinks this is some funny game. It upsets me that he still got to ride his scoter to school, have a soda, and have electronics after his behavior. I feel that now that he knows there was no consequence from talking to me the way he did, things will escalade in his bad behavior. Therefore, if he does not start showing more respect towards me, or acts the way again towards me, I will not be able to pick him up on Thursdays for football, or be able to help out when you are out
As I stood on the outside of the arena watching teen girls traditional finish dancing, my stomach filled with butterflies. I walked into the arena as the announcer says “Next up teen girl's jingle,” with all the other dancers in my category. It was Sunday, the last day of Indian Summer Pow Wow, and my last contest for this pow wow, this year. Although I was nervous, I was also filled with happiness, confidence, and gratefulness. “Take it away boys” the announcer says. That’s when I knew that the drum group was going to start playing and this meant I had to start dancing.
I really enjoyed this experience and learned a lot about how I grew up. I was born two months premature and the doctors did not and still do not know what caused me to be premature. My older sister was also born two months premature as well and my mom had a lot harder of a time with my sister and had a lot more complications with my sister than she did with me but I guess I had complications as well, clearly being born two months early is a complication in itself. I was born at 4 pounds and 4 ounces. This pretty small if you ask me. Although I was born premature after I was born at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota I did pretty dang fine. My mom was in the hospital for ~~~~~~ days after I was born for the doctors to watch me and her and make
So there was this girl in middle school which her names was Betty Snider she wasn't rich nor poor and she was kind to everyone even if they were not so nice not to long ago she became friends with Brit Daniels. She was almost friends with everyone and she was also friends with Brad Smith he was a football player but not a Popular one but we was very close until he got a girlfriend and she didn't like us and would be defraud to him and we would try and tell him but he wouldn't listen and got mad because he thought we was trying to break them up. One day i came to school and and i opened my locker and this piece of paper came out and i opened and read it and it said “You shouldn't have done that and you will pay ” and i looked around to see if anyone was staring but i didn't notice noone and i asked Brit if she could notice the person's handwriting ,but she didn't so we both were clueless on who the person was and what did i do?
Going through high school makes a dominant impression on most teen’s lives. It’s a rite of passage that goes along with making mistakes and
I’m sure many have shared stories of their high school experiences and can relate when I say those four years have taught me many lessons. During this time, I’d come face to face with the fraudulent friendships, temporary romances, and other high school dramas that my parents once warned me about—those of which I simply brushed off as myths. It wasn’t the 90’s anymore— times have changed and people are different—or at least, that’s what I thought.
My two photos are of living room spaces, one more modern than the other. I personally love the 2nd image better as a living space because of the natural light. This element allows the space to seem much larger, if the first image would have more natural light it would really open the space up. The texture element is a great focal point for image 2 and adds a lot of character to the modern space. Color is a great element that can liven up a space, especially with using color for accent pieces and not on walls and floors. This also allows continuing to update the space as trends change without re-doing structural changes that can be more expensive. Image 1 is very neutral colors and seems dated in comparison to the 2nd image.
He tells me how sorry he was that I was locked in a closet while the other kids were playing outside. “We were going to leave in two days. However one of the main rocket’s part was stolen. Therefore our the rocket can not launch so our flight is canceled. I tried to get us onto the supply rocket, but the airport would not allow it. I guess we will have to wait about a month before we can go back to Earth again.” My first thought was I couldn’t survive one more month. My classmates would give me about a week of sympathy and start bullying me again. My only hope was to find the stolen part of the rocket in one week.
At the beginning of the school year, I met a boy. He was very kind to me and helped me with a few things. I began to form a crush on him and he knew that, but he never said anything to me because he had a girlfriend. One night I received a message from this boy. It was a very personal message. I did not know what to do at the time. I did not know what to say or