My mom is a fairly strict person when it comes to bedtimes, so it is by nature that I came to defy her. One summer night, I went to bed as usual, but with a mischievous glint in my eyes. Watching the crack under the door, I bade my time when, two hours after I “went to sleep,” the lights finally turned off outside. I gave it thirty more minutes before turning on the TV. Luckily for me, a The Suite Life of Zack and Cody marathon was on. Unluckily for me, my seven-year-old self was more inclined to animation, and soon, the laugh tracks became monotonous lullabies. It was three o’clock. I closed my eyes and thought that it was the end of my experiment. I started flipping through the channels until I landed on Cartoon Network, which, unbeknownst …show more content…
Just like when I didn’t let my age stop me from doing what I wanted with my sleep experiment, I don’t let any labels stop me now. I’m a diminutive girl who reads The Feynman Lectures for fun and an atheist who jokingly had a “cult” named after her at school. Whatever I’m classified as, it never deters me to do what I …show more content…
Last summer, I attempted my first polyphasic sleep schedule in which I sleep for four hours in a day staggered to maximize wakefulness. It worked until school came around. I would also try things like tape ping pong balls to my eyes while I bathed in red light to induce trances. There is no true purpose for doing any of these things, but they sound fun, so I keep an open mind for any interesting experiments. In choosing one of my proudest moments, I could’ve chosen an award I’ve gotten, but I’m more proud of who I am, which my all-nighter perfectly represents. I’m a non-conformist, somewhat bizarre, and immensely strong-willed to the end. So the next time I see my little sister stand up and cover her head with a blanket while mumbling gibberish or huddle in a corner with a handful of popsicle sticks, I know that every action this seven-year-old does is going to be completely
Coming into this season, the San Diego Chargers were looking to improve off of a disappointing 2015 season, where they finished a dismal 4-12. Despite only winning four games last season, the Chargers’ offense was up and down under then-offensive coordinator Frank Reich. Under Reich, the Chargers’ passing offense was ranked fourth in the NFL, averaging 286.9 passing yards, while the rushing offense was ranked 31st in the league, only averaging 84.9 yards per game. The reason why the rushing yards were so low was because at the time rookie running back Melvin Gordon was struggling and also dealing with an injury. Finally, the scoring offense was ranked 26th in the league, only putting up 20 points per game.
world at present and the world at birth. He asks how we can link what
Just so you know, this is the Big Apple and I rule this town. New York City is filled with tall buildings, great culture, and historical sites. No other city has so much beauty that it takes your breath away; yet, there is a real danger that lurks on the streets. I should know because I am Detective Michael Morgan a United States Super Spy in charge of capturing dastardly villains who are set on destroying our world. Armed with mind-altering powers, Alex Higgins is on the top of the FBI’s list of the ten most wanted men in America. This thug is one of the greatest danger to our world and must be captured and jailed in the vault of death. There is no place safe for him to hide from the law and rumor has it, he is in my town. You break the law here in New York City, you pay the ultimate price: freedom.
The Death of a Salesman follows one character in particular, Willy Loman. Willy has a wife named Linda and two sons, Biff and Happy. I think that Willy has something physiologically wrong with him. At points in the play, he gets extremely angry at his wife and sons for no reason at all. Even though Linda is super sweet to him and always takes care of him, he is rude to her. In addition to his physiological problems, Willy believes that committing suicide will benefit his family more than his physical presence. Also, he believes that more money will be available for the family after his death. Throughout the play, Willy’s profession is a salesman. Since his job does not pay well, he has to borrow money from his neighbor. Each time his
I was fairly young, about five years old, so every time I spent the night at my grandparents, my grandpa would tell me stories. Most of his stories were not child approve, like Venus Star and the Donkey Testicles. They did not make me get sleepy, however, I will share some methods that can get a person to sleep. According to Essentials of Understanding Psychology, exercise at least six hours before bedtime, but first make sure to have a reasonable bedtime for everyday, not just for “bussiness days.” Also, do not drink caffeine after lunch time, drink a warm glass milk, and do not take sleeping pill, this is what is recommended by Essentials of Understanding Psychology. Also, what I do is not try to sleep, instead make up impossible, imaginary scenarios in my
I first experienced this title last year via a demo of the first episode. I assumed I would like it based on that, but I didn't realize how the game would pull me in, nor that it had the potential to become my favorite game of the year.
I am extremely fascinated about sleep and the impact it has on the body since it is something that affects all living creatures.
As I wrote this essay a lot of memories began to move like a slideshow within my head. Each memory kind of reminded me why I am the person that I am today. Out of all of these years God has truly been preparing me for greater. God loves me for me and I overlooked God plenty of times and I overlooked his word. I learned that I was in some of the predicaments that I was because of myself not because of God. God only wanted to see me grow more in him but I always put him on the backside not trying to truly become a full Christian. I was afraid of the things that might happen because I was already dealing with some harsh times in my life. Time after time I got weaker giving up on God knowing that every single time I messed up
Many times when people speak about what shaped who they are and how they view the world, it goes back to a work that they loved as a child, or a piece of literature that taught them how to think, or a poem that challenged them to feel more deeply. The pieces of art and works of fiction that surround us, impact our thinking and the ways in which we live our lives. Personally, my parents were continually forcing books upon me to read and my father loved taking us as a family to various museums so that we could learn and appreciate other cultures and the importance of art in society. These experiences, though they felt like a drag or a downer on our vacation, eventually taught me how important it is to learn something
The environment i was raised in was a diverse environment.The people who had shaped me
Tomorrow, I will sit in somber silence as my neighbors set fire to their money in the form of loud noise and spectacular light shows. Very few know WHY they do it; it's just a day to party. I was born (so I am told) in 1965. I became aware of the concept of "freedom" sometime in the seventies. While in school I learned I lived in the “land of the free” and got my drivers license, my fishing license, hunting license, and was given all my shots, certainly against my will at the time. The eighties and nineties, I quit school (Thank you, Mr. Harrison for being a man of honor and telling the class that you did not believe what you were required to teach!)and went in a pursuit of the almighty dollar, starting a family, maintaining a home, sitting
One day in an advanced world where everyone has powers and half of the united states is gone because of nuclear war and radiation four friends go on a journey to discover what types of powers there are. The four friend’s names were Leon, Goku, Zero, and Chi-chi but her real name was Chiane and they all had mixed powers Vince had poison and water, Goku had Saiyan powers the reason we called it that was because there was an old show called dragon ball z and the main character and his son could go super saiyan and it kind of looked like that when he used his powers, Chi-chi had the power of flames but everybody just calls her a pyrokinetic, and me I have transformation powers, elemental powers, and I’m also a telekinetic.
The tv show Modern Family and I made an immediate connection a few years ago. I was hooked after the first episode after being able to directly relate it to my family. My moms side of the family through a divorce and second marriage many years ago built quite a complicated family tree very similar to the Pritchetts and Dunphys. Aside from my smaller family with my two sisters and I, acting as the braniac, the awkward younger sibling, and typical teenager my grandpa has remarried to a young woman from China who has a son my age, now my uncle. The combination of this and my grandmas remarriage, which added three additional girls to the family has created such a fun, dysfunctional, and diverse family. In fact, watching Modern Family and relating
I used to find myself saying that I’ll go to bed at ten, but by the time I get home from work it’s already past nine. Then, I’ll choose watching a episode on Netflix over starting my homework, then next thing I know its already almost midnight, and I still hadn’t touched my homework. I used to just keep pushing sleep further and further back, so I could sneak in a couple more episodes. Eventually the lack of sleep would catch up with me, and I would crash.
Utopia ‘ahhh’ … I was told it was the land of the free, the place where anything was possible no matter where you were from or who you were. I had once stupidly thought that it would’ve been possible for a man like me, a man with skin darker than most and a family without a spare penny, to do the impossible. To achieve a better life. To save my family from poverty. A man once told me that I cannot succeed in life until I want to succeed as much as I want to breathe.